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Business and

Workplace Etiquette

Treat People as if they were what they

ought to be and you help them to become
what they are capable of being.”
Generational Graciousness

It seems that today the rule is to break all the rules!

Unfortunately, when it comes to how we treat one another,
some people don't even know the rules. Or maybe one
generation knows them and another generation doesn't.
This can lead to challenges, upsets, miscommunication and
lack of fluidity in interpersonal communications.
Basics of etiquettes

 The only way this challenge can be

overcome is to return to a few basics
that aren't so much about strict etiquette
rules, but more about good old-fashion
kindness. This will keep the courtesy
going and make working around
multigenerational mixes more productive
and profitable.
 The First Basic: Respect: We all want respect, no matter
what age we are. Not only for what we can contribute but
also for the simple fact that we have survived for any
length of time. The more mature worker may feel that the
years they have put in have earned them respect, while
the younger worker feels their skills and newly acquired
education earn them respect. Both are right. The
challenge is not to think that one is better than the other
in terms of who deserves more respect. The key is to
know that each person, no matter how long they've
worked or how adept their skill set, deserves respect,
because we are all experiencing the human condition.
Show Respect
 1. Call people by their formal name when meeting them
for the first time unless you are introduced to them by
only their first name. Otherwise address everyone
formally until they ask you to use their first name. Do this
with everyone you meet, it's a sign of respect and it's
 2. Introduce everyone, no matter who they are. If you
want to break down barriers, between different ages
groups, genders and nationalities, you need to make
people feel valued. The best way to do this is to introduce
people to each other whenever the opportunity presents
itself. Always over-introduce and you will show your
etiquette savvy and important allies too.
A few Respect Ideas
 . Be the first to extend your hand for a handshake, and look the
person in the eye. This small act of courtesy goes a long way in
making sure all generations work well together. In today's more
casual society some people have forgotten this very important
gesture. Everyone needs to learn to give a good handshake that
conveys the message, "Welcome! I'm open to engage in
conversation with you!" If you have a wimpy handshake, work on
improving it since this gesture will backfire if instead of showing
your confidence and charm you show your lack of it.

 Say "Please" and "Thank you"! This little courtesy is vital to show
respect, make people understand you are aware of what they can
and have done, and also to help you in all communications with
others. When a person forgets something as simple as a "please"
or "thank you" it shows lack of concern for others which is
disrespectful and degrading
Say Thanks
The Second Basic - Kindness

 Anyone who thinks that kindness isn't a

necessity in today's work environment
isn't thinking. Kindness is one of the
most important skills in dealing with
people of all ages. Every living thing
responds to kindness. Use this skill and
good things will happen.
Help others
A few kindness ideas...
 1. Ask others if you can get them something
while you're up or while you're out. This will
show your willingness to help others and also
that you are thinking of more than yourself.
 2. Pick up after yourself so others don't have to.
This is a kindness no one will notice unless you
don't do it and then it will not only be noticed,
but talked about and resented.
 3. Keep gossip or hurtful information to yourself.
This is one of the most beneficial things for
everyone. Gossip is not kind. Would you like
someone to gossip about you?
The Third Basic - Integrity

 When we make a promise or give our

word we need to follow through on our
word. If we are unable to keep the
promise or fulfill the commitment, we
must be prepared to make things right.
Trust is a fragile thing...very easily
broken and very difficult to regain.
People who have integrity are people we
can trust.
Business Etiquette Essentials
 Experts suggest applying these basic guidelines to managing all
business relationships:

 Start with consideration and respect. No matter whom you come in

contact with, that person deserves respectful treatment. Even if you
dislike someone or his or her own behavior, you’ll come out on top if
you consider that person’s needs and maintain a respectful manner.

 Never interrupt. In casual work environments, people can easily forget

basic courtesy, and interruption becomes a real problem. Remember
that it’s always rude to interrupt, especially when someone is making an
important point or addressing a group. Walking unannounced or
uninvited into someone’s office is another form of interruption, and it
makes a bad impression. “You may not need to make an appointment
to see your boss or a colleague,” but you should always make sure the
person is not busy when you want to talk.”
Business Etiquette Essentials
 Leave gender out of the equation. Coworkers are peers, regardless of gender. It
isn’t necessary to compliment a man’s attire or hold a door open for a woman. In
fact, some professionals see such behavior as insulting or demeaning. “People
confuse common courtesy with chivalry,” says Gregg. “If someone is struggling
with a load of books, it’s only polite to offer to help. But if a guy holds a door open
and says ‘After you, ladies,’ he may be viewed as a pig. The office is not the right
place for chivalry.” Of course, dirty jokes, off-color remarks, and discussion of
certain private matters are no-no’s, period.

 Language counts. Your point won’t come across any better if you use rude,
derogatory, or obscene language, no matter whom you’re addressing. Talk like a
professional and you’ll be seen as one.

 Be careful which “crowd” you associate with. It may be more fun to hang out with
the group that talks loudly, cracks jokes, and makes fun of coworkers, but doing
so could leave a bad impression with the boss. “It’s nice to fit in “especially when
you have to spend so much time with the same people. But work isn’t a place
where you hang out with friends and laugh it up. It’s a place to get work done
 What is Professionalism?
 If you talk to a lot of different people, you'll find that the word
professionalism has many definitions—or, rather,
interpretations. But whether your job is mowing lawns, driving a
truck, managing a store, or running a large company, there are
common on-the-job traits that define any working person as a
true professional. In other words, the job doesn't make you a
professional, but your attitude does.
 Even though everyone recognizes a true professional in action,
there are many misconceptions about what constitutes
professionalism. If you don't take the right approach to this
important issue, then rest assured: your customers, colleagues,
and managers won't see you as a professional, no matter what
you think about yourself.
 Let's look at some popular interpretations of professionalism,
and some traits that all true professionals exhibit, regardless of
their occupation
 What's the greatest misconception about professionalism? It's
probably the notion that professionalism is all about money.

 "There are lots of people who think 'I'm getting paid, so that
makes me a professional.' But that just isn't the case," says
Wendell Lamb, a certified public accountant who now runs a
thriving mortgage company. "They think they're professionals
because they're getting a paycheck. But they continue to act
like real amateurs in the workplace."
 Steve Gregg, a retired human resources director, agrees. "It
takes a lot more than compensation to make someone a
professional, no matter what kind of job they have. It doesn't
matter if you make a million dollars a year and have a corner
office. Professionalism is about a lot more than money." Gregg
says there are many highly trained, highly paid workers who are
considered anything but professional, for lots of different
Is possessing Credentials
 Like money, many people believe that credentials—such
as diplomas, degrees, and specialized certifications—
contribute to professionalism. But while credentials can
help, they don't mean a lot if a worker doesn't know how
to act.

 "Think about a furnace repairman who comes to your

home," says Gregg. "He may have patches all over his
truck, showing that he's certified and authorized in this
and that, and he may really know furnaces better than
anyone else. But if he treats you rudely or leaves a big
mess in your house, you probably won't think of him as a
professional. You probably won't want him to come
 Lamb offers a similar example from his own
experience. "We rely heavily on our computer
systems," he says, "so we sent our IT manager
to school to get all sorts of
networking, routers, security, you name it. He
kept the computer systems running great, but
everyone around here hated the guy because
he was arrogant and rude. He worked well with
technical stuff, but he had no idea how to
interact with people." Lamb eventually had to let
the person go, because his behavior was
consistently unprofessional
 Money, training, and status aside, many long-time workers and
managers will tell you that professionalism is a matter of attitude and
behavior. It means not just knowing how to do your job, but
demonstrating a willingness to learn, cooperating and getting along with
others, showing respect, and living up to your commitments. It also
means avoiding many kinds of behaviors that cause trouble in the

 "It doesn't matter whether you're a ditch digger or the president of a

university," says Gregg. "If you behave the way people expect a
professional to behave, you'll be accepted and treated like one.“

 The benefits of acting professionally, he advises, can be substantial.

 Your managers will take you more seriously if you behave the way they
expect you to on the job," he says. "Otherwise, you're less likely to be
considered for promotions or important assignments. It's the people who
exhibit amateurish behavior who spend their career at the bottom of the
totem pole
Is this Professionalism ?
Learn It
 Of course, like other life skills, professionalism
is something you learn; you don't just "become"
a professional overnight. The keys, according to
Gregg, are practice and self-awareness.
 "Pay attention to your own behavior at work," he
advises, "as well as the way others behave.
Whom do you see as real professionals? How
does your behavior differ from theirs?" Take
notice of your colleagues who are most
respected and whose work or opinions are most
valued by others, then emulate those people
Answer the following questions
 Do you truly have all the skills required to be successful at your job? If not,
are you in the process of learning them? A key trait among professionals
is knowing what to do and when to do it. Just as important, they know
what not to do. Avoiding incorrect or inappropriate actions is crucial to
your success.

 Do you communicate well with others? This means more than just
conveying your own thoughts and ideas. It means being able to listen
thoughtfully and respecting the thoughts and ideas of other people.

 Do your managers see you in the right light? "This is tough for anyone,"
says Gregg, "but you need to look at yourself through your boss' eyes."
Does your boss approve of your attire, the hours you keep, the way you
conduct yourself in general? Does the boss seem comfortable coming to
you with special projects or to discuss problems or ideas? If not, you may
need to make some changes. "If you think your manager has a problem
with your level of professionalism," says Gregg, "by all means, talk it out.
Ask for advice. Let your boss know you want to improve, and ask for
mentoring if you think it's needed
Answer these questions
 What's your integrity level? The workplace can be cut-throat, but if you are seen as
conniving or a cheater, your image will suffer. And "never, ever tell a lie, especially
to the boss," says Lamb. "I don't want my employees to lie to me, even if they think
they're telling me something I want to hear."

 Do you practice the golden rule? "A true professional treats others with respect,
and expects the same from them," says Gregg. "This doesn't mean you have to let
people step on you, but it does mean showing concern for their feelings, respecting
their opinions, and being honest with them. If you think someone else is mistreating
you, deal with it and tell them you won't tolerate disrespect."

 Do you live up to your commitments? In any job, you agree to do certain tasks.
Some tasks you must do routinely, without being asked, and management may ask
you to take on other responsibilities. A real test of your professionalism comes in
your ability to meet all these commitments while upholding the standards of quality
and timeliness set by your employer. But it doesn't mean breaking your neck in the
process. "We're all human," says Lamb. "Managers value workers who know when
to ask for help, or who can admit when they're overloaded. If asking for help means
that the work will get done, and that your commitments are being met, then that's a
good thing. Good managers understand that the load has to be shared sometimes,
and respect employees who are smart enough to ask for help."
Telephone Etiquettes
 Speak clearly. It’s annoying when someone mumbles on the other end
of the line. Always assume that the other party can’t hear you well. Also,
avoid tucking the phone’s handset under your chin as you talk.
 Ask permission before using a speakerphone. Whether you place or
receive a call, use the handset first. It’s rude to dial a number and
snatch up the handset when you hear the other person answer the
phone, and it creates a loud click in his or her earpiece. Don’t switch to
the speakerphone without asking for permission. (“Do you mind if I use
the speakerphone?”) Many people simply don’t like conversing over a
 Always introduce yourself. Even if you think the other person will
recognize your voice, and even if you know the other person uses caller
ID, always introduce yourself when making a call. (A simple “Hello,
Betty. This is Fred” will do nicely.) It’s also a good idea to identify
yourself when you answer the phone, and people have many
personalized ways of doing this. Don’t let the other person wonder—
even for a second—who is on the other end of the line.
Telephone Etiquette
More on Telephone Etiquette
 Call back quickly. If you can’t answer the phone and the caller leaves a message,
make a point of calling back as quickly as possible. (Some companies have a
policy of returning calls the same business day.) Failing to return a call is often
seen as a sign of disrespect, and you want colleagues and customers to know
that you care about them. If you can’t return a call quickly, be sure to apologize
when you do call back. Never use “I’m really busy” as an excuse for not taking or
returning a call. Hey, everybody’s busy, so it’s no excuse.
 Avoid juggling calls. If you’re on the line with someone, avoid putting him or her
on hold to take another call, unless the second call is truly important. People don’t
like being put on hold.
 Use the hold button politely. If you absolutely must put someone on hold, ask
politely before doing so. (“May I put you on hold for a moment while I look up the
information you need?”) If you think you’ll need to put the caller on hold for more
than a few seconds, offer to end the conversation and call back later.
 Learn how to use your phone’s features before making a call. Have you ever
been disconnected while someone tried to pick up another line or set up a
conference call? You can avoid time and embarrassment by learning how to use
such features before actually using the phone. If your employer provides high-
tech, multi-feature phones, read the manual.
More on Telephone Etiquette
 Keep voice mail messages brief. Some people feel compelled to spell out every
last detail when leaving a voice mail message, and this usually isn’t necessary. It
takes time for the other person to listen to all that information. Besides, if you’re
going to talk later anyway, why bother? Keep voice messages as short as
possible. State your name and the reason for your call (in the fewest words
possible), and leave a number where you can be reached. It’s also a good idea to
mention the best time to call back.
 Remember: When you leave a message, you’re being recorded. Many voice mail
systems allow users to save messages or forward them to other people. Don’t
assume the listener is going to automatically delete your message; if he doesn’t it
can come back to haunt you. Never be rude or abusive in a voice mail message,
and never use obscenities or make threats. And don’t make any promises you
can’t keep!
 Don’t use voice mail as a way to avoid talking to people. Some people have made
an art of using voice mail to “screen” their calls. They almost never answer their
phones, and force others to communicate with them by leaving voice mail
messages. This wastes time, and it’s just plain rude. Besides, people see through
this ploy. You don’t want to get a reputation as the person who never answers the
phone; if you do, people will simply stop calling you, and this can be bad for your
Workplace Etiquette

 Fine manners need the support of fine

in others."  

 Whether you work for a small non-profit

organization, a giant multi-national corporation,
or something in-between, chances are you
spend many hours a day in close proximity to
other people. Too often, simple
misunderstandings among co-workers lead to
workplace tension. On the comics page,
Dilbert’s cubicle suffering provides us with a
shared laugh. Unfortunately, in the real world
these stresses decrease both business
productivity and employee job satisfaction.
 Monitor the volume of your conversations. Be sensitive to how loudly you may
be speaking. Do you notice that people down the hall comment on your
conversations? That might indicate your voice is too loud. Consider closing your
office door and lowering your voice whenever speaking in person or on the

 Keep personal telephone conversations—and emails—brief and at a

minimum. Be ever mindful that others are nearby and that this is a place of
business.  Do not use the company telephone, fax, or email, for any inappropriate
and personal matters.

 In some workplaces, privacy is difficult to find. If you overhear a private

conversation, practice selective hearing. Avoid the urge to be “helpful” in areas
best left to the other person to handle on their own. Your best bet for being
treated as a professional at work is to keep all workplace conversations

 Sharing professional information is wonderful, gossiping is not. Only discuss

personnel matters directly with specific individuals, superiors, and management
 Be sensitive to scents and smells surrounding you.
Save cologne and perfume for social occasions, and ask
if fresh flowers and potpourri bother co-workers before
installing them in your space.

 When eating at your desk or in shared areas, avoid

foods with strong smells and aromas that will travel
throughout the office. As great as French fries, Chinese
food, and Indian food are, smelling them together in the
same room and office can become unpleasant. Dispose
of empty food containers and other items where they
won’t contribute negatively to the office atmosphere.
 Keep your personal workspace clean and neat at all times.
Generally, less is better when it comes to office and cubicle
decor. Use discretion when displaying personal items such as
family photos and mementos so as not to overdo, clutter, and
obstruct your work area.

 Use shared areas with respect and courtesy. Workplace

kitchens can be the biggest source of co-worker tension. If you
expect everyone you work with to cleanup after themselves,
model that behavior yourself.  Wash and return all kitchen items
to their proper place, clean spills, and wipe countertops and
tables as needed. Help maintain supplies as needed. When
leaving food items in a shared refrigerator, mark all items with
your name and date. Remove all items at the end of your work
week and toss or recycle empty containers.
 Restrooms run a close second to kitchens as
annoyance spots. After use, wipe the countertop and
sink of any spilled water or soap. Be sure the toilet is
clean for the next user. Notify the proper attendant if
supplies are low or out, and of any plumbing problems.

 Maintain all shared items in “like new” condition and

return borrowed supplies. Leave the photocopier in
working condition and be sure to take back that borrowed
stapler with at least a few staples left inside. If a machine
stalls or jams, take time to undo the jam or to alert the
proper person to attend to it. We all expect and want to
be able to use items and equipment when needed

 Hi All,
Few days back, one of our dear members ,requested for ppt or article on business etiquette. Here is an article, in a nutshell :
 Thanks
What's the difference between the rising star whose career is picking up speed and his counterpart who can't seem to get the engine to turn over? Often, the star has mastered the nuances of business etiquette -- the subtle but critical behaviors
that can make or break an important meeting, influence a first impression or impress a potential client.
According to Hilka Klinkenberg, director of Etiquette International, a business etiquette firm, the basics of professional etiquette are really quite simple. First, understand the difference between business etiquette and social etiquette. Business
etiquette is genderless. For example, the traditional chivalrous etiquette of holding the door open for a woman is not necessary in the workplace and can even have the unintended effect of offending her. In the work environment, men and women
are peers.
Second, your guiding principle should always be to treat people with consideration and respect. Although this may seem obvious, Klinkenberg cites this basic decency as a frequent casualty in today's workplace.
Here are a few of the specific dos and don'ts of business etiquette you are likely to encounter during your workday.
The proper way to make an introduction is to introduce a lower-ranking person to a higher-ranking person. For example, if your CEO is Mrs. Jones and you are introducing administrative assistant Jane Smith to her, the correct introduction would
be "Mrs. Jones, I'd like you to meet Jane Smith." If you forget a person's name while making an introduction, don't panic. Proceed with the introduction with a statement such as, "I'm sorry, your name has just slipped my mind." Omitting an
introduction is a bigger faux pas than salvaging a botched introduction.
The physical connection you make when shaking hands with someone can leave a powerful impression. When someone's handshake is unpleasant in any way, we often associate negative character traits with that person. A firm handshake made
with direct eye contact sets the stage for a positive encounter.
Women take note: To avoid any confusion during an introduction, always extend your hand when greeting someone. Remember, men and women are equals in the workplace.
Electronic Etiquette
Email, faxes, conference calls and cell phones can create a veritable landmine of professional etiquette. Just because you have the capability to reach someone 24/7, it doesn't mean you should.
Email is so prevalent in many of today's companies that the transmission of jokes, spam and personal notes often constitute more of the messages employees receive than actual work-related material. Remember that your email messages are an
example of your professional correspondence. Professional correspondence does not include smiley faces or similar emoticons.
Faxes should always include your contact information, date and number of pages included. They should not be sent unsolicited -- they waste the other person's paper and tie up the lines.
Conference call etiquette entails introducing all the participants at the beginning of the call so everyone knows who is in attendance. Since you're not able to see other participants' body language and nonverbal clues, you will have to
compensate for this disadvantage by communicating very clearly. Be aware of unintentionally interrupting someone or failing to address or include attendees because you can't see them. And finally, don't put anyone on speakerphone until you
have asked permission to do so.
Cell phones can be a lifesaver for many professionals. Unfortunately, if you are using a cell phone, you are most likely outside your office and may be preoccupied with driving, catching a flight or some other activity. Be sensitive to the fact that
your listener may not be interested in a play-by-play of traffic or the other events you are experiencing during your call.
Even if you have impeccable social graces, you will inevitably have a professional blunder at some point. When this happens, Klinkenberg offers this advice: Apologize sincerely without gushing or being too effusive. State your apology like you
mean it, and then move on. Making too big an issue of your mistake only magnifies the damage and makes the recipient more uncomfortable.

Source: monstercom
Hope this is of help..

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