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Lesson 9: Professional Organizations

Professional Organization

 Professional organizations are assemblages of professionals within a specialization or

professional field that come together for the purpose of collaboration, networking, and
professional development or advancement. Officers and members of professional
organizations serve to promote the particular professional field they are part of, to educate
the public on issues relevant to the industry.
 In the Philippines, membership to an accredited professional organization (APO) or
accredited integrated professional organization (AIPO) is a requirement for hiring,
retention, and sometimes for the renewal of professional licenses. An APO or AIPO is a
professional society duly accredited by the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) and
the respective Professional Regulatory Board (PRB).
 The Philippine Association of Medical Technologists, Inc. (PAMET) is the accredited
professional organization and the leading national organization for Registered Medical
Technologists in the country.
 The Philippine Association of Schools of Medical Technology and Public Health, Inc.
(PASMETH) is the only professional organization of schools for Medical Technology/Medical
Laboratory Science.
Benefits of Membership in Professional Organizations

1. Professionalism: adhere to the set of rules or code of ethics prescribed by the professional
2. Education: Professional organizations organize continuing professional development (CPD)
activities for their members through conventions, seminars, fora, workshops, and other activities
of similar nature.
3. Perks: Perks usually come in the form of monetary discounts on registration fees for professional
development activities of the organization. These discounts are offered exclusively to members of
the organization.
4. Networking: Activities conducted by professional organizations provide opportunities for
building networks in the field. Gatherings and other activities can be potential avenues for
creating long-term linkages and connections with other professionals in the field.
5. Profile: Membership in a professional organization can also build the career portfolio of a
professional. A professional society can also provide opportunities for speaking engagements,
career specialization, publication in research journals and even scholarship and training programs
6. Recognition: Professional organizations recognize their outstanding members and leaders in the
practice and special fields such as research, public service, and community engagements through
awards. This helps enhance one's professional profile.
Types of Professional Organizations

 Professional organizations are classified based on their main function.

1. Accrediting Organizations: Accrediting organizations accredit curricular programs in educational
institutions, An educational institution applying for accreditation will then be visited by a technical
committee of experts from the accrediting agency to verify its compliance to the standards of quality
Examples of Local Accrediting Organizations for Medical Technology Schools

Abbreviation Accrediting Organizations

PAASCU Philippine Accrediting Association of Schools, Colleges, and Universities

PACUCOA Philippine Association of Colleges and Universities Commission on Accreditation

2. Credentialing/Certifying Organizations: Credentialing or certifying organizations provide certification examinations
for professionals to renew their licenses within a specified duration.
Examples of International Credentialing/Certifying Agencies for Medical
Abbreviation Accrediting Organizations

AMT American Medical Technologists

ASCP American Society of Clinical Pathology
ISCLT International Society for Clinical Laboratory Technology
NCA National Certifying Agency for Medical Laboratory Personnel
3. Professional Societies: are organization that contribute to the continued development of a specific group of
Examples of Local Professional Societies for Medical Technology
Abbreviation Professional Society

PAMET Philippine Association of Medical Technology

BRAP Bio Risk Association of the Philippines

PBCC Philippine Blood Coordinating Council

PSM Philippine Society of Microbiologists

Example of International Professional Societies for Medical Technologists

Abbreviation Professional Society

ASCP American Society for Clinical Pathology

AMT American Medical Technologists

AAMLT ASEAN Association of Medical Laboratory Technologist

ASCLS American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science

Professional Journals

 Professional journals are publications containing scholarly studies on

specific professional fields. Compared to other types of
publications ,professional journals are normally prepared by professionals in
the field and are peer-reviewed by experts.
Some of the available professional journals for laboratory professionals are:
• Philippine Journal of Medical Technology
• Asia-Pacific Journal of Medical Laboratory Science
• International Journal of Science and Clinical Laboratory
• Laboratory Medicine
• Medical Laboratory Observer
• Clinical Laboratory Science
• Advances for Medical Laboratory Professionals
• The Philippine Association of Medical Technologists, Inc. (PAMET) is the national
professional organization of Registered Medical Technologists in the Philippines.
• The organization was founded on September 15, 1963 through the initiative of Crisanto G.
Almario, considered as the "Father of PAMET at the Public Health Laboratory in Quiricada
St., Sta. Cruz, Manila.
• It organized its first national convention and election of officers on September 20, 1964 at
the Far Eastern University.
• Charlemagne T.Tamondong became the first president.
• It was during the presidency of Nardito D. Moraleta that PAMET was incorporated and
registered at the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on October 14, 1969 with
Registration No. 39570.
The First Organizational Meeting

• The first organizational meeting of PAMET was held on

September 15, 1963 at the Public Health Laboratory in Sta. Cruz,
• A total of 20 representatives attended the organizational meeting,
11 from allied medical professions and nine from five schools
offering medical technology.
PAMET Insignia

a. Circle -symbolizes the continuous involvement where practice and education must always
be integrated
b. Triangle -the trilogy of love, respect, and integrity
c. Microscope and Snake -symbolize the science of Medical Technology profession
d. Green -the color of health
e. 1964 -the year the first PAMET Board was elected
Core Values
1. Integrity: Integrity is the strict adherence to a moral code, reflected in transparent honesty
truthfulness, accuracy, accountability for one's actions, and complete harmony in what one
thinks, says, and does.
2. Professionalism: Professionalism refers to the positive traits and values, moral responsibility,
social responsiveness, and behavioral outlook which makes one highly respectable and credible.
3. Commitment: Commitment is the unconditional, unwavering, and selfless dedication that one
builds-in into the practice of the profession characterized by initiative, creativity, and
resourcefulness to bring about quality health care and service to the public.
4. Excellence: Excellence is the high quality performance by advocating and adhering to
international standards making services globally comparable and competent.
5. Unity: Unity is the necessary linkage, support, involvement and sharing that will increase the
success and advancement of every individual member and the association in general.
• The Philippine Association of Schools of Medical Technology and Public Health, Inc.
• (PASMETH) is the national organization of recognized schools of medical technology and public health
in the Philippines.
• It was established in 1970 with the hopes of maintaining the highest standards of medical
technology/public health education and fostering closer relations among Medical Technology/Public
Health schools.

President Dr. Gustavo Reyes (UST)

Vice -President Dr. Serafin Juliano (FEU)

Secretary/Treasure Dr. Velia Trinidad (CEU)

Press Relations Officer Dr. Faustino Sunico (SJDEFI)


a. Circle - represents the continuity of learning and the never- ending quest for excellence in the
academic field
b. Diamond- the four corners represent the four objectives of the Association:
• To encourage a thorough study of the needs and problems of Medical Technology and Public Health
education and to offer solutions to them
• To work for the continuous development of Medical Technology and Public Health education in order
that the profession will be of maximum service to the country
• To take a united stand on matters which affect the interests of Medical Technology and Public Health
• to seek the advice, aid, and assistance from any government or private entity for the fulfilment of the
association's aims and purposes.
c. Microscope -represents the field of Medical Technology and Public Health
d. 1970 -the year the Association was founded
• The Philippine Society of Medical Technology Students (PHISMETS) is the
national organization of all medical technology/medical laboratory Science
students under the supervision of PASMETH.
• It was first organized in 2002 during the leadership of former PASMETH
president, Dr. Zenaida C. Cajucom.
• The first PHISMETS advisers were Prof. Marilyn Bala (CHS), Prof. Nova
Aida C. Cajucom (FEU-NRMF) and Prof. Zennie B. Aceron (UST).
• The organization became inactive due to inevitable reasons, but was
reorganized on November 25, 2006 at FEU-NRMF headed by Dir. Magdalena
Natividad then Chair of the Committee on Student Development, and Dean
Bernard Ebuen.
The Seal

a. 3 Circles -symbolize the continuous active involvement of Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao in
the national transforming venue of medical laboratory science students
b. Laurel - symbolizes nature and the continuation of life every year
c. Green Letters - represent the color of health
d. 5 Bubbles from a Test Tube - represent the 5 objectives embodied in the constitution of the
e. 15 Interconnected Molecules Outside a Test Tube - signify the unity of the 15 board schools
exploring various possibilities and aiming towards the integral growth and holistic
development of medical laboratory science students
f. Microscope - represents medical laboratory science
Foreign Professional Societies

 Professional societies for medical technologists exist around the world. Foreign and local laboratory
professional societies for medical technologists have the same goals-to elevate the practice of medical
technology/medical laboratory science and safeguard the welfare of their members. But each
professional society has roles and functions unique to itself.

Country Professional Society Abbreviation

Albania Albania Society of Clinical Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine AsoLaM
Cameroon Cameroon Association of Medical Laboratory Science CAMELS
Ghana Ghana Association of Biomedical Laboratory Scientists GABMLS
China Chinese Society of Laboratory Medicine CSLM
Bulgaria Bulgarian Society of Clinical Laboratory BSCL
Denmark Danske Bioanalytikere DBio

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