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Analyzing and
Test Results
Measure of
Central •Median
Measure of
• Range
• Interquartile Range
• Quartile Deviation
• Mean Absolute Deviation
• Variance
• Standard Deviation
More use of standard deviation!!!
• The lower the standard deviation the more
consistent the data are.

Example: Test scores in Long tests

Daisy’s Score: 189, 146, 200, 241,231

Jerome's Score: 235, 201, 217, 168, 186

Find the mean and standard deviation.

Score (x) (x- Mean) ( x- Mean)2
189 189- 201.4 = -12.4 (-12.4)2 = 153.76
146 146-201.4 = -55.4 (-55.4)2 = 3069.16
200 200-201.4 =-1.4 1.96
241 241- 201.4 = 39.6 1568.16
231 231-201.4 = 29.6 876.16
N=5 5669.2 S2 = 5669.2/4 = 1417.3 s = 37.65
Score (x) (x- Mean) ( x- Mean)2
235 235- 201.4 = 33.6 1128.96
201 201-201.4 = -0.4 0.16
217 217-201.4 = 15.6 243.36
168 168- 201.4 = - 33.4 1115.56
186 186-201.4 = -15. 4 237.16
N =5 2725.2 S2 =2752.2/4 = 681.3 s = 26.10
mean Standard deviation

Daisy 201.4 37.65

Jerome 201.4 26.10

Jerome’s score is more consistent than those of

Daisy. This means that Jerome’s scores tend to do
better than Daisy because his scores are more
Skewness and Kurtosis
Measure of Skewness
• Symmetry and asymmetry of distribution
Comparison of Mean, Median and Mode
• If the mean is less than the median and mode, the score distribution
is negatively skewed distribution. (Mean<Median<Mode)
Comparison of Mean, Median and Mode
• If the mean is greater than the median and mode, the score
distribution is positively skewed distribution. (Mean >Median>Mode)
Comparison of Mean, Median and Mode
• If the mean is equal to median and mode, the distribution is normal
Measure of Kurtosis
• A distribution having a relatively high peak is
called leptokurtic.
• A distribution which is flat-topped is called
• The normal distribution which is neither very
peaked nor very flat-topped is also called

•Data that follows a mesokurtic

distribution shows an excess
kurtosis of zero or close to zero.
This means that if the data follows
a normal distribution, it follows a
mesokurtic distribution.

Leptokurtic indicates a positive

excess kurtosis. The leptokurtic
distribution shows heavy tails on
either side, indicating large
Platykurtic distribution

A platykurtic distribution shows a

negative excess kurtosis. The kurtosis
reveals a distribution with flat tails.
The flat tails indicate the small outliers
in a distribution..
A distribution that is less peaked than normal is called platykurtic.
A distribution identical to the normal distribution is called mesokurtic.
A distribution that is more peaked than normal is called leptokurtic.
Platykurtic mesokurtic leptokurtic
Measure of Position
• Decile
• Quartile
• Percentile
Quartile- divides the distribution into four
equal parts
Decile- divides the distribution into 10 parts
What is the difference between 80%
(percentage) and 80% (percentile rank)?
Percentile- Divides the distribution into 100
equal parts
Standardizing score

Z- score

Subject Grade`(x) Mean Standard Z score

n (s)
Math 85 85 1 Z= (85-85)/1 =0 Average
Science 80 70 1 Z-= (80-70)/1 =10 Above
English 90 95 2 Z=(90 -95 )/2 = - 2.5 Below
0 – average
Above 0 – above average
Below 0 – below average
2. T- score

50 – average
Above 50 – above average
Below 50 – below average

T- score
2. T- score

50 – average
Above 50 – above average
Below 50 – below average

Subject Grade Mean Standard Z score T- score

Math 85 85 1 Z = (85-85)/1 = 0 Average 50
Science 80 70 1 Z = (80-70)/1 = 10 Above Average 150
English 90 95 2 Z = (90 – 95)/2= -2.5 Below Average 25
3. Percentile Rank
What is the difference between 80%
(percentage) and 80% (percentile rank)?
Percentile ranks are often expressed as a number between 1 and 99, with 50
being the average. So if a student scored a percentile rank of 87, it would mean
that they performed better than 87 percent of the other students in his norm
4. Stanine
Interpretation of Stanine
What are the ways in standardizing test
scores ?
• Z score
• T score
• Percentile rank
• Stanine
• What do you mean by 90 % percentile
• If the score of Mina in Math is 90, and the
group mean is 85 and standard deviation
is 1.5. Describe the performance of Mina .
(Compute z- score and t- score)
• Luisa got a score of 150 which is
equivalent to stanine 6. Describe the
performance of Luisa.

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