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Ocean undersea Internet


Why only cables ?

A year of plan decides cable’s route

that prevents underwater hazards, but
the cables can be able to withstand
heavy water currents and
earthquakes, But whereas any wi-fi
like technology will be having some
technical faults in sending signals
frequently. Moreover other than that
cable provides a better internet
connection and speed than Wi-Fi or
Bluetooth. Each cable is expected to
last up to 25 years.
What is in the cable ?

This undersea internet cables perform based

on fibre-optic technology and it is built up
of thin fibres of glass on the inside. These
glass fibre wires are then wrapped out of
multiple layers of plastic sometimes metal
to provide strength and increase the
longevity of the cable. The massive
undersea internet cables are laid down on
the ocean floor.
How it is implemented ?
Getting cables to the water is an exacting
and time-intensive process. A 456-foot ship
named Durable will eventually deliver the
cable to sea. 
A conveyor that staff members call “the
Cable Highway” moves the cable directly
into Durable, docked in the Piscataqua
River. The ship will carry over 4,000 miles
of cable weighing about 3,500 metric tons
when fully loaded. Inside the ship, workers
spool the cable into cavernous tanks. One
person walks the cable swiftly in a circle, as
if laying out a massive garden hose, while
others lie down to hold it in place to ensure
it doesn’t snag or knot. Even with teams
How long does it takes to implement ?
Even with teams working around the clock,
it takes about four weeks before the ship is
loaded up with enough cable to hit the open
How many cables are there all
over ?
Nearly 750,000 miles of cable
already connect the continents to
support our insatiable demand for
communication and
entertainment. Companies have
typically pooled their resources to
collaborate on undersea cable
projects, like a freeway for them
all to share.
How fast the data is transferred ?

But even so the cable can transfer hundred Gigabytes per

50 GB/s
second on average. You will get enough internet to watch 250
hours of YouTube with internet received in an sec.
Who owns these undersea internet cable ?

In the modern era, Over the past

decade Americans took the control.
Google has implemented totally 14
cables across the globe. Amazon,
Facebook and Microsoft have invested
too, connecting data centers in North
America, South America, Asia,
Europe and Africa but still
telecommunications companies laid
most of the cable.
Countries participating on undersea internet cables ?

Countries view the undersea

cables as very high structured
hard infrastructure. The reason
why all countries are not
connected is because of issues
and wars between. Last year,
Australia blocked the Chinese
technology company from
building a cable connecting
Australia to the Solomon Islands,
gives the Chinese government an
lack point into its networks.
What is the problem in connecting internet of two
countries ?
Yann Durieux, a ship captain, said one of his most
important responsibilities was keeping morale up
among his crew during the weeks at sea. Building the
infrastructure of our digital world is a labor-intensive
job. With 53 bedrooms and 60 bathrooms, the Durable
can hold up to 80 crew members. The team splits into
two 12-hour shifts. Signs warn to be quiet in the
hallways because somebody is always sleeping.
The ship will carry enough supplies to last at least 60
days: roughly 200 loaves of bread, 100 gallons of milk,
500 cartons of a dozen eggs, 800 pounds of beef, 1,200
pounds of chicken and 1,800 pounds of rice. There are
also 300 rolls of paper towels, 500 rolls of toilet paper,
700 bars of soap and almost 600 pounds of laundry
detergent. No alcohol is allowed on board. Costs a lot
other than the cable.
What is the cost of undersea internet cable ?

That very much depends on depth

and distance it varies. If higher
distance the internal copper wirings
and optical fibre, needed a lot
because here we connect countries
not computers. If higher depth we
have to make a quality optical fibre
wire to withstand the higher pressure
of water above them and protect
itself from sea creature.

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed

under CC BY-SA
What is this Undersea subaquatic cables used
all for ?
This undersea subaquatic
Internet cables are not only
used to carry Internet in
such a high speed, but also
to connect telephone phone
calls. This underseas cables
are very useful and used by
different types of industries
like online shopping,
browser, phone company,
SIM company ect.
What is the future of this undersea
cables ?
Subsea or submarine cables are fiber optic cables that connect countries
across the world via cables laid on the ocean floor. These cables – often
thousands of miles in length – are able to transmit huge amounts of data
rapidly from one point to another. But whereas some other wireless
technology like for example a box sending waves to another box nearby
till reaching land. This is a threaten for sea creatures so it was not used
may be some dolphins get brain sickness or some shark may swallow the
boxes. What is the recent advancement
The new transatlantic cable is said to offer transfer speeds up to 0.5
Petabits per second. Transatlantic telegraph cables were undersea cables
running under the Atlantic Ocean for telegraph communications.
Telegraphy is now an obsolete form of communication and the cables have
long since been decommissioned, but telephone and internet data are still
carried on other transatlantic telecommunications cables. 

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