Pennino Effective Presentation

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How to Give an


David Pennino
Giving Presentations
• Knowing how to create effective PowerPoint presentations can be a
useful skill for teachers to learn.
• If a PowerPoint presentation is done right, students may be more
engaged in the material that the teacher is trying to teach.
• However, if the presentation is not made right, the PowerPoint may
have the opposite effect.
• This presentation will discuss several ways to create an effective
PowerPoint for students.
1. Have a central message/take home point to
the PowerPoint
• Teachers should establish what they want students to take away from
the presentation in the beginning of the slideshow.
• This can be done through stating the objectives for the lesson
• “By the end of this class, students will be able to…”
2. Limit the amount of text on the slide
• Keep PowerPoints simple, limit the amount of text on the slides.
3. Have a lot of visuals
• Visuals like pictures, graphs, charts, maps, etc. can help reinforce
what the slideshow is trying to teach
• Sometimes its better to have more pictures than text in a slideshow
4. Use Videos
• If a video is engaging and informative, students can get a lot out of
watching videos that are relevant to the topic of the slideshow
5. Be creative
• Slideshows shouldn’t be boring to look at or follow along with.
• A slideshow with a colorful design is more interesting to look at than a
bland black/white slideshow.
• Adding some humor/jokes to the slideshow may help students follow
along with it better.
6. Practice beforehand
• It isn’t a bad idea to practice the slideshow before teaching the
lesson, that way they are more confident in and familiar with
presenting the content of the slideshow rather than just “winging it”
7. Make Sure all the Technology works
• Before presenting the slideshow to the class, make sure the computer
can hook up to the projector.
• Make sure any links to videos are working and will display properly
during the lesson.
• Make sure the audio system you are using is working in case your
slideshow has any audio in it.
• Tips for Teachers to Create Great PowerPoint Slides | Resilient Educat

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