Study of Solar Grinding Mill

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1. Ravindra Meena (181116050)
2. Ashutosh Gajewad (181116082)
3. Ravi Kumar Meena (181116091)
4. Nikhil Narwaria (181116051)

Under the guidance of- Dr. Alok Singh

(Assistant Professor)
• The renewable source of energy is being promoted throughout the world.
• There are various advantages of renewable energy the main advantage is
that it can be easily available.
• In India, solar powered grinding mill is very rarely used. So this project
can be very helpful in village and rural areas it is DC based instead of
• Solar Milling is a new way to use solar energy at low cost as well as in
beneficial way.
• With advancement in technology and rapidly falling prices of Solar PV,
Solar Milling has become an option that was a short time ago not feasible.
• The combination of rural farming, scattered but otherwise dense
population, and remoteness of the area without connection to the electrical
grid and at the same time tropical high solar radiation with predictable
sunshine hours over the year makes Solar Milling thus it attractive.
• Graining cereal crops is a basic, century old business and it will continue
to be as important as ever before for centuries to come.
• Before the age of oil grain milling was entirely based on renewable
energy. It was either done by wind energy, hydropower, animals or
• For the last century the traditional grain milling has been mainly
replaced by electricity and fuel driven milling.
• Nowadays, in rural off-grid areas, fuel driven grain milling is often the only
option. If this option is not available, cereal crops have to be carried over long
distances to electrically driven mills which are available in bigger towns only.
• A solar power is conversion of sunlight into electrical energy. It is a structure
that uses a solar based electrical control system to drive a mechanical process.
• Such process is helpful in grinding various cereals and grains at a very low
cost considering the high cost associated with the solar powered projects.
Solar powered grinding mill is hardly used in India considering high cost
related to it making it non profitable to use it.
• As this project covers that issue very nicely because the cost for running and
fabricating this project is very low as compared to the other solar projects.
Implementation of this project can be very eco-friendly as it is a solar based
• Milling is a critical post-harvest input that separates the edible rice grain
from husks and bran layers.
• The project will provide house-holds from 30 rice growing communities
with sustainable rice processing infrastructure. In Africa most countries
have adopted this solar powered grinding mill system instead of
conventional system.
• The main aim of this project was to utilize the solar energy and use it for
grinding various cereals and grains for household purpose at a very low
• Since solar project involve high cost, it was important to keep the cost
of the project as low as possible. By the use of solar power and other
components, this project is able to grind grains into powered form.
• Solar PV power can be used to drive an electrical DC Motor which can
power a graining mill.
 Construction
 Working
 Tool Used
• The solar panel is connected to the solar circuit controller.
• The +ve is connected to +ve connection and –ve to –ve. The solar circuit
is there to avoid any short circuit happening in the system.
• The other connection of the solar circuit is given to the battery. The
connection of the battery is also connected to DC motor.
• The DC motor is coupled to the grinding machine. The digital ammeter
and voltmeter is used for showing the reading. Connections from solar
panel and battery are attached to it by means of switch
• The Solar PV Grain Mill works to the same principle like any
conventional, electrically driven mill.
• The mill has a very efficient DC motor which is directly coupled to the
graining system.
• The Solar PV generator converts solar radiation into electricity, and the
generated electricity is directly feeding the motor drive .
• Battery : 12V, 8 Amp
• P.V. panel : 20 watt
• D.C. Motor : 12V, 30 RPM(high torque)
• Controller : 12V, 2 Amp
• D.C. Ammeter : 0-4 Amp
• D.C. Voltmeter : 12-24V
• Mill Grinder :
•Material: Aluminum Alloy,
•Colour: Silver,
•Applications: Almost all kinds of Grain,
•Dimensions: (17.12 x 5.31)" / (43.5 x 13.5)cm (L x Dia.),
•Weight: 120.28oz / 3410g
•An electric battery is a device consisting of one or more electrochemical cells with
external connections provided to power electrical devices such as flashlights,
smartphones and electric cars.
• When a battery is supplying electric power, its positive terminal is the cathode and
its negative terminal is the anode.
•The terminal marked negative is the source of electrons that when connected to an
external circuit will flow and deliver energy to an external device.
•When a battery is connected to an external circuit, electrolytes are able to move as
ions within, allowing the chemical reactions to be completed at the separate
terminals and so deliver energy to the external circuit. It is the movement of those
ions within the battery which allows current to flow out of the battery to perform
• As the energy is absorbed by solar panels and then the energy is saved in the
battery as a backup.
•12Vbattery is used for this project.
12V, 8AMP
• Solar panels absorb the sunlight as a source of energy to generate
electricity or heat. Solar PV has specific advantages as an energy source:
once installed, its operation generates no pollution and no greenhouse
gas emissions. A photovoltaic system typically includes an array of
photovoltaic modules, an inverter, a battery pack for storage,
interconnection wiring.
• This grinder is in solid structure and high strength, durable for long-term
use. It is in meticulous design, could better fit for all kinds of grain.
Supporting hand cranking operation, it is much labor-saving. All in all,
user-friendly design, high efficiency and good performance make this
grinder a nice choice for each household.
 Practical machine for household or business use.
 Top-grade material makes this grinder durable to use.
 Suitable for grinding nearly all kinds of grain.
 Economic design, user-friendly and harmless.
 Designed into hand cranking operation, labor-saving machine.
• A DC motor is any of a class of rotary electrical machines that converts direct
current electrical energy into mechanical energy.
• Nearly all types of DC motors have some internal mechanism, either
electromechanical or electronic; to periodically change the direction of current
flow in part of the motor. DC motors could be powered from existing direct-
current lighting power distribution systems.
• A DC motor’s speed can be controlled over a wide range, using either a variable
supply voltage or by changing the strength of current in its field windings.
• DC drive is basically a DC motor speed control system that supplies the voltage
to the motor to operate at desired speed.
12V, 30RPM
• A solar charge controller manages the power going into the battery bank
from the solar array. It ensures that the deep cycle batteries are not
overcharged during the day and that the power doesn’t run backwards to
the solar panels overnight and drains the batteries. Some charge
controllers are available with additional capabilities, like lighting and
load control, but managing the power is its primary job.
12V, 2 AMP
• An ammeter is a measuring instrument used to measure the current in a
circuit. Electric currents are measured in amperes, hence the name.
Instruments used to measure smaller currents, in the mill ampere or
microampere range, are designated as millimeters or micrometers.
0-5 AMP
• A voltmeter is an instrument used for measuring electrical potential
difference between two points in an electric circuit. Analog voltmeters
move a pointer across a scale in proportion to the voltage of the circuit;
digital voltmeters give a numerical display of voltage by use of an
analog to digital converter
 Cost of all components Excluding Grinding Machine – 4200 Rs/-
o Comparison
o Cost
o Future Scope
• There is no conveyer belt needed, as compared to common grain mills
in, which have a very low efficiency due to friction losses in the belt
• Solar PV Grain Milling is clean energy.
• there is no emission of greenhouse gases.
• Solar Grain Milling is simple to operate.
• Solar Grain Milling incurs no running costs and very low maintenance
• Since it’s a prototype, modification in this project can boost the output.
• With higher rated components, more output can be obtained in quick
• The cost can increase but can be recovered as there is no running cost
involved it.
• By using the solar energy and with the assistance of grinding machine
and electronic components we have made a solar powered grinding mill,
which runs at a very low cost.
• It has low maintenance.
• It is ecofriendly.
• By the help of this project rural areas can be very beneficiary of this.
• Importance of solar energy increases.
• Knowledge and uses of renewable energy sources increases.
 Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy
 https//
 A Review Paper on Electricity Generation from Solar
 Marcam India Research
 Wikipedia

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