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Helen Prema Latha

Assistant Professor
Grace College of Education
Unit 2
Stages and Dimensions of Development

Stage : Adolescence

Dimensions: Emotional Development

Social Development
Emotional Development


“ What he feel it very strongly and

when he reacts, he reacts vigorously”
Emotional Development

 Emotional development reaches its maximum

 Itis the period of heightening of all emotions like
anxiety, fear, love, anger etc
 Extreme emotional swings and exhibit temper
 Restless stage
 Too sensitive and sentimental
 Self consciousness and self respect

 Society set a high standard of morality

 Sex is prohibited without proper sex education
 Choice of vocational career
 Without guidance there is no job satisfaction
 Increasing interest in peer group activity
 Increasingpeer group activity results in clash with
parents and teachers
Social Development


Social development indicated the

growing interest in men and matter outside his
Social development

 He becomes a member of peer group

 He enjoys a sense of equality
 Spend more time with his/ her companies
 Parents losing control over their children
 Adolescence is very keen to maintain his prestige among his
 They wants to be self sufficient and independent
 There is wide gap between what he thinks and what his parent
expect of him
Developmental Task

Introduced by Havinghurst


Developmental task refers to the tasks

for the successful adjustment of the individual in the

“Developmental task is a task which arises a

certain period in the life of the individual,
successful achievement of which leads his
happiness and to success with later task,
which failure leads to unhappiness in the
Developmental task in Infancy

• Learning to take solid foods

• Learning to walk
• Learning to speak
• Learning to control the elimination of body wastes
• Learning sex differences
• Learning to distinguish right or wrong
Developmental Tasks in Childhood

 Learning physical skills needed for ordinary games.

 Building healthy attitude towards oneself
 Learning to get along with age mates
 Beginning to develop appropriate masculine and feminine
social roles
 Developing fundamental skills in reading, writing, and
Developmental tasks in Adolescence

 Achieving new and more mature relations with age mates of

both sexes
 Achieving a masculine and feminine social role
 Desiring , accepting and achieving socially responsiblr
 Achieving emotional independence from parents and other
 Preparing for an economic career
 Preparation for marriage and family life
Importance of Developmental tasks

 The concept of developmental task is helpful in specifying

the course content and its objectives in definite terms
 They serve as guidelines to the individual
 Parents of young children can be guided in teaching their
children skills and other competencies
 It is helpful to the teacher for preparing appropriate
atmosphere to achieve a developmental task
 Educational efforts can be turned with the developmental
characteristics of the individual
Harmful activities of Developmental Tasks

 Inappropriate Expectation
 Omitting a few earlier one’s and attempting to develop a next higher
task affect the development of individual
(e.g) Some schools without finishing XI standard syllabus, they start XII
standard. This is injurious to the proper intellectual development of
 When an individual passes from one developmental stage to the next
stage his unique experiences resulting frustration
(e.g) 25 year old lady does not agree to marry then our society talks ill
of her. This kind of criticism lead conflicts and frustration.

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