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Rawalpindi women university
Department : management and administrative sciences
group A
Maria Ahmed ( 18540920-021)
Muqaddas Kanwal ( 18540920-015)
Sawera Sabhir ( 18540920-001 )
Hira Mansab ( 18540920-015 )
Topic Influence of Green Marketing on Consumer Behaviour

Summary report

Submitted by :

Maria Ahmed

Submitted to :

Mr Imran ali

Semester vii

Program : Honors ( Buisness

Administration )

This research paper explains the influence of greenmarketing and its perception among the
consumers who are the the buyers of the products . Green marketing can be defined as
producing and consuming the products that are eco friendly . The environemental preservation
has become a important issue not in business world but also in acedamic research .
Much of rsearch has been carried out on environmental issues .

It is the responsibility of every person of society to go green or purchase and consume

the products that are eco friendly , that oreserves the environment .

Many firms and industries gain the competitive advantage not only by cost leadership
but also by producing and selling those products those products that are eco friendly .
Multi national companies are now doing efforts to go green .

In this study purachase decision making process consists of five steps first is
evaluation of alternative second in information search third one is purchase decision
and post purchase decision .Many companies today are realizing the importance of
environment preservation the are puuting efforts to produce such products that are eco
friendly .
Marketers now a days are making efforts to matket those products that are environmental or eco friendly .

They are shaping their production

The concept of green marketing can be describe in three eras .the
concept of greenmarketing has been revised over the time it can be
divided into three eras

First era lasted till 1970s . This era ocus was the ecological issues
like pollution , water pollution and air pollution the second era was
called green marketing era in which focus was on the clean
technology , assurance of sustainability etc this era lasted till 1980s ,
the third era focused on empowering the strict rules of the state .

According to AMA , green marketing can be defined into three ways

Socially marketing definition , environmental definition , and

retailing definition

Retailing marketing defined green marketing as marketing of

products that is eco friendly
Socially definition defines greenmarketing as designing and
marketing of those products that are eco friendly

Environmental definition defines greenmarketing as developing

designing and consuming the products that are eco friendly .
Objectives of research

To explain the issues and challenges of green marketing practices in


To measure the green value of the customers

To study the preferances of consumers about green products and

marketing practices
Maria Ahmed
submitted to
Mr Imran Ali

theoretical framework

The current research contains the following variables independent variable and dependent variable

Green marketing , green design , green disposal are independent variables and consumer behaviour is dependent variable

hypothesis is the supposition made on limited evidence as a

starting point for further investigation
Null hypothesis
:consumers have positive perception about green marketing
Consumers attitudes are positively influenced by green products
Consumers purchase intentions are positively influenced by green products
Alternative hypothesis

consumers have negative perception about green products

Consumers purchase intentions are negatively influenced by green


Consumers purchase behaviours are negatively influenced by green

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