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Welcome to the era of ...


 …rrring 
Hello Bob?

Did you review the contract I sent you?

-... So it’s finished? You’ll send it to me by e-mail?

- My e-mail address? Frankly, I don’t remember it !!!

- Just a minute, let me check.

- No, no, that’s my home e-mail address!

- Listen, I can’t find it.

Let me check and call you back.
- Oh!... You’re going for lunch...

OK, I’ll send you the address by fax.

You’ll have it when you get back. OK?
OK. So give me your fax number.

- What! You don’t know it?

- OK, here’s what we’ll do.
You e-mail me your fax number and I’ll fax you
my e-mail address.

- No, that won’t work.

Wait, I’m getting mixed up...
Let me think...
So… Hum… OK… Well… Yeah…
- What’s your cell-phone number?

- Oh, your battery is dead ... Mine too...

- OK, listen, here’s what we’ll do...

- You charge your cell-phone battery, I’ll call you in a couple of

hours and leave you my e-mail address in your voice mail.
- Then you take my e-mail address in your voice mail and you
e-mail me your fax number.

-Then I can fax you my e-mail address.

- That’s plan A. Now for plan B!

I send myself an e-mail to see what my e-mail address is

and then I record a message for you in my voice mail....
…when you get it, you send me the answer on my pager...

…so then, I send you a fax with my e-mail address.

- Complicated?
No, it’s not at all complicated.

-We just need a bit of coordination... and luck...

-There’s also a third possibility that’s much simpler: plan C...
You send me the contract directly by express messenger.

-Yeah!... It’s the best plan strategically speaking...

- But actually, I have a small question...

…what was I supposed to send you by e-mail?

My e-mail address, my fax number, my cell number,
pager, telephone?
- Oh! You don’t remember either.

- It would probably be a good idea to have periodic

bilateral coordination meetings concerning protocols
for internal communications.
- But anyway, since your office is at the other end of the corridor,
I’ll come by to pick it up in 2 minutes... OK? Bye!
And the moral…:
Thanks to technology, we can now
waste time with an efficiency until
now unimaginable, all in the name of
saving time…

“A team is a group of people working

toward a common goal.”
Successful Teams
 Work together toward common goals
 Perceive relevance of the group tasks
 Mutual respect for members
 Diversity of member skills/experience
 Individual communication style
The success of your
relationship with others
depends a great deal on
your ability to
What is

“Giving or exchanging of
messages by talk,gesture,or
Possible messages….
 What the person speaking:-
 1.Intend to say

 2.Actually says

 understood to have said .

 4.What the hearer wants to hear

 5.What hearer actually hears.

 Mail from CEO to Manager:

Today at 11 o'clock there will be a total eclipse of the sun.

This is when the sun disappears behind the moon for two
minutes. As this is something that cannot be seen every day,
time will be allowed for employees to view the eclipse in the
parking lot. Staff should meet in the lot at ten to eleven,
when I will deliver a short speech introducing the eclipse,
and giving some background information.
Safety goggles will be made available at a small cost.
 Mail from Manager to Department Head:

Today at ten to eleven, all staff should meet in the

car park. This will be followed by a total eclipse of
the sun, which will appear for two minutes.
For a moderate cost, this will be made safe with
goggles. The CEO will deliver a short speech
beforehand to give us all some information.
This not something that can be seen everyday.
 Mail from Dept. Head to Floor Manager:

The CEO will today deliver a short speech

to make the sun disappear for two minutes in
the form of an eclipse.
This is something that cannot be seen every
day, so staff will meet in the car park at ten or
This will be safe, if you pay a moderate cost.
 Mail from Floor Manager to Supervisor:

Ten or eleven staff are to go to the car park,

where the CEO will eclipse the sun for two
This doesn't happen every day.
It will be safe, and as usual it will cost you.
 Mail from Supervisor to Staff:

 Some staff will go to the car park today to see

the CEO disappear.

 It is a pity, this doesn't happen everyday

When to communicate
How to communicate
The 7 ‘C’s
 Clarity  Concreteness

 Completeness
 Courtesy

 Conciseness
 Correctness
 Consideration
“What you heard is
NOT what I said!”
Effective Communication: What is It?
Communication is what we do to give
and get understanding. It is an
exchange of words and meanings, a two-
way process of sending and receiving

Effective communication occurs when

there is shared meaning. The message
that is sent is the same message that is
received. There must be a mutual
understanding between the sender and the
receiver for the transmission of ideas or
information to be successful.

 Correct
 Clear
 Concise
 Courteous
 Complete
Key Communication Skills

Key Communication Skills
Clarity  When you don’t
bother to pronounce
each syllable of each
word properly, you
sound uneducated.
 Worse, your listener

has a hard time

hearing you.
Key Communication Skills
Expression  When the variety of your
voice’s pitch doesn’t vary,
it’s impossible for your
listener to maintain interest
in what you’re saying.
 People who speak in a
monotone are perceived as
untrustworthy, boring or
Key Communication Skills
Pace  Speaking too quickly is one of the
most common speech problems,
perhaps almost all of us tend to
speed up our speech when we’re
excited or stressed.
 Remember that you need to
speak at a pace that allows your
listener to understand.
Key Communication Skills
Listening 
Listening is the most
important speech skill of
all; it’s also the skill which is
practiced the least.
 To listen actively, you need
to change from being a
passive target to being a
contributor to the

“ What you project is your

Identity, What people
perceive is your

Wally Olins
Guru of
Corporate Identity
“Leaders Dare to Chart New
Directions & Always Leave a
Trail Behind for Others to
Start Flying & Good Luck

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