Work: The Component of The Force F in The Direction of The Displacement

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Work & Energy

 work
• Work is a scalar quantity equal to the product of the displacement d and
the component of the force F in the direction of the displacement.

• Work is defined as a force acting upon an object to cause a displacement.

• Mathematically, work can be expressed by the following


W =F.d = F d cos

where F = force, d = displacement, and the angle

(theta) is defined as the angle between the force and
the displacement vector
 Types of work done

It Is Of Three Type Of Work Done;

Positive work done ;

When the direction of force and displacement is same there is positive work done.

Negative work done ;

When the direction of force and displacement are apposite, then there is negative work done.

Work done by gravity is -ve Work done by you is +ve


Gravity Force
Energy is the ability or capacity to do work.


So we can say, energy= work done by the object or on the object.

James Joule
The S. I. unit of energy is the joule (J), after James Joule
Mechanical energy is the energy which is possessed by an object
due to its motion or its stored energy of position.

 Forms of Energy :
Chemical energy
Heat energy
Light energy
Electric energy
Mechanical energy( kinetic energy
+ potential energy )
Kinetic energy
Kinetic energy = work done Putting values of F and s in equation
=forcedisplacement first and we get
= Fs -----------(i)
K. E. = m x a x

when initially object is in rest so u = 0

Force = mass acceleration = ma

From equation of motion, K. E. =

If object have initial velocity vi and final

- = 2as velocity vf in the rest then

s =
K. E. = m(Vf – Vi) = Work done

Work Done = Change In Kinetic Energy

It is called work energy theorem
Potential energy
The energy possessed by an object due to change in position or configurations known
as potential energy.

Suppose a ball of mass m is raised to a height h above the surface of earth, as

you can see here

So as we know,

Energy = work done

P. E. = force distance
P. E. = mgh mg
It is also called gravitational potential energy.
Examples of Kinetic Energy: This is not an all-inclusive list.
 Electrical – The movement of atoms
 Electromagnetic or Radiant – The movement of waves
 Thermal or Heat – The movement of molecules
 Motion – The movement of objects
 Sound – The movement through waves

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