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Growing a Saudi Global

Mining Giant

MSHEM- Specific Awareness

07 June 2021
MSHEM-03.00-Competency and

Expected Result:

 EHSS training and awareness activities shall be managed and aligned with a risk-
based approach that also takes into account role and task characteristics.
 EHSS training and awareness activities shall be targeted to job-specific requirements
and be prioritized according to the risks most likely to be encountered and the
performance requirements of the role.
 All employees, contractors, and visitors shall be made aware of:
o The intrinsic risks and controls for the location.
o Ma’aden’s corporate EHSS policy, Ma’aden’s Life Saving Rules, MWSPC EHSS policy and the site’s
EHSS objectives.
o their role in contributing to the organization’s EHSS performance through implementing,
supporting and complying with the EHSS management system.
o EHSS competencies and requirements that are specific to the tasks to be undertaken while working
on a MWSPC managed or controlled facility.
o Specific EHSS risks they are likely to encounter or experience while undertaking their assigned role,
and appropriate actions to manage them appropriately.

Expected Result:

o Ma’aden’s expectations and requirements for EHSS conformance, including corresponding

disciplinary and other implications for non-conformance with EHSS requirements.
o Processes and actions for reporting EHSS incidents and responding to EHSS emergencies.
o Incidents and associated outcomes (e.g., learnings, corrective actions) that are relevant to them.
o Authority for stopping work and removing themselves from work situations that they consider
may present a potential risk to themselves and/ or others, to assets and/ or the environment, as
well as provisions for protecting employees and contractors from undue treatment as a result of
stopping work.

General Highlights of Procedure:

 EHSS Awareness:
o Implement the Ma’aden EHSS Competency Framework and associated competency building
o Develop and implement EHSS awareness sessions including the following:
• Periodic (e.g., monthly) EHSS -specific meetings within each major functional area and at each
major structural level of the Facility (e.g., team, departmental).
• Periodic (e.g., Daily) Toolbox Talk awareness sessions conducted within teams that are designed
to provide educational experiences in relation to relevant EHSS topics (i.e., taking into account
specific tasks, work conditions, and environmental characteristics).
• Site- or organization-wide EHSS awareness campaigns that are reactive (e.g., in response to
major incidents) and proactive (e.g., anticipating changing work conditions or introduction on
new hazards.
• EHSS information bulletins / alerts that can be distributed during regular team meetings.

General Highlights of Procedure:

o EHSS inductions shall include the following topics / content as a minimum:

• individuals’ EHSS duties, obligations, and expectations.
• Ma’aden’s Life Saving Rules.
• general housekeeping and workplace specific requirements and obligations.
• the process to report EHSS incidents.
• relevant hazards that are likely to be encountered by the target audience and appropriate
control strategies / methods.
• information and routines relating to emergency management.
• details of EHSS personnel and representatives (e.g., name, contact details, roles and

General Highlights of Procedure:

 EHSS Competency:
o Ma’aden EHSS Competency Framework:
• Implement the Ma’aden EHSS Competency Framework, and associated competency building
processes, and use it as a basis for the identification of role-specific competencies and for the
evaluation of EHSS competence.
• Process for establishing EHSS competencies
• MWSPC to ensure applicability of all the Ma’aden EHSS Competency Framework to all job roles
in each job family across MWSPC. The applicable EHSS competencies defined for the Ma’aden
Safety Ambassadors and other relevant to non-job role specific groups.
• Identify job / role specific EHSS competencies (dimensions) in addition to the defined
competencies set out in the Ma’aden EHSS Competency Framework.
• Role-specific EHSS competencies shall be identified using suitable processes including, but not
limited to, direct behavioural observation, structured job analysis, subject matter expert
interviews / focus group, and/ or incumbent interviews.
• Develop performance levels (scales) and descriptors for each job/ role specific EHSS competency
through consultation with subject matter experts, and incumbent employees and/ or contractors
to ensure that the language used is clear and understandable.

General Highlights of Procedure:

• Implement EHSS competency scales shall consist of at least four distinct levels as per the
Ma’aden EHSS Competency Framework.
• Periodic assessment of EHSS competence.
• Initial assessment of EHSS competence shall be undertaken prior to an employees’ assignment
of job duties and commencement of work.
• Assess and verify employees’ and contractors’ competence against the developed Competency
Framework on a periodic basis.
• The frequency and nature of such competence assessment shall be determined, taking into
account the EHSS policy, competency legal compliance and certification obligations, employees’
or contractors’ existing level of experience, qualification, and exposure to the work task(s), and
criticality of EHSS risks associated with the role.
• Assess and verify employees’ and contractors’ competence at least every two years.

General Highlights of Procedure:
o Generate competency gap analysis:
• A competency gap analysis shall be undertaken for each employee / contractor as part of the
pre-assignment against the required competencies by job/ role as set out in the Ma’aden EHSS
Competency Framework and any job/ role specific EHSS competencies, and then periodic
assessment of EHSS competence.
• The competency gap analysis shall compare the required level of performance (against EHSS
competencies), the actual level of performance and identify gaps and a competency gap closure.
• The competency gap analysis outputs shall be recorded and used as the basis to plan the
organizational or individual competency building needs analysis.
• When an employee or contractor is assessed as not meeting the required EHSS competencies for
a particular role or task, then until they are reassessed as competent, then one of the following
actions shall be implemented:
a. The task(s) shall be removed from the employee’s duties and re-assigned to a competent
b. The employee is re-assigned to a role for which they meet the competency requirements.
c. The employee is only permitted to work in that role or undertake those duties under the
active monitoring and guidance of a competent supervisor.

General Highlights of Procedure:
o Competency gap closure plan:
• Where a gap exists between required role competency and assessed role competency, a
competency gap closure plan shall be developed.
• The competency gap closure plan shall be developed in consultation with suitable subject matter
• Each competency gap closure plan shall include, as a minimum, the specific EHSS competency or
competencies, the local legal certification requirements, the required level of performance, the
assessed level of performance, suitable actions to close the gap, resources required, and method
of performance verification.
• Ensure that competency gap closure plans are reviewed at an aggregated level to identify any
organizational training needs or gaps in EHSS competence across multiple individuals, and
develop appropriate strategies to close such gaps if they exis.

General Highlights of Procedure:

 EHSS Training and Competency:

o EHSS training and competency needs analysis.
• EHSS training and competency needs analyses shall be undertaken at both the facility /
organizational level and the individual level.
• An EHSS training and competency needs analysis shall be undertaken by Line managers, supported
by EHSS personnel, of their functional area to determine the nature of EHSS training and
competency required to support the management of risks that are specific to the area.
• Identification of EHSS training and competency needs shall take into account the following:
a. The facility’s structure, EHSS policies and procedures, and characteristics of the workforce.
b. Mandatory or legislated EHSS training requirements as per local country or state regulations.
c. Job, task, and risk analyses.
d. Workforce consultation.
e. Workforce analytics and data (e.g., incident statistics, behavioral observations).
f. The outcomes of safety incident reviews, investigations, or industry-wide recommendations.
g. Existing training plans.
h. Anticipated or experienced work conditions / changes.

General Highlights of Procedure:

• The EHSS training and competency needs analysis shall be undertaken using a suitable
methodology such as desktop analysis of existing documentation and performance data, a
structured behavioural observation process, and/ or an organization-wide quantitative survey.
• The EHSS training and competency needs analysis outputs shall be recorded and incorporated into
Affiliate’s EHSS strategy and specific development and improvement plans.
• A system shall be established for new facilities to develop their training and competency building
programs, based on a formal competency assessment and training needs analyses during the
developmental phase so that all employees are appropriately trained and assured as competent
prior to start-up and hand over of any new facility.
• A system shall be established to assess future EHSS training and competence needs at least
annually, taking into account:
a. demographic, economic, political or social changes.
b. the organizational mission, vision, values and culture.
c. the planned introduction of new products or services.
d. changes to regulatory and statutory requirements.
e. emerging knowledge.
f. technological change.

General Highlights of Procedure:

o Individual EHSS training needs analysis.

• Employees’ and contractors’ individual EHSS training and competency building needs shall take
into consideration, as a minimum, the following:
a. Observation of behaviour or task performance in the role.
b. A change in employment conditions or task characteristics (e.g., redeployment, automation,
introduction of new hazards into the task).
c. Employee selection (e.g., gaps in specific EHSS competencies required for successful
management of risks such as confined space entry) or contractor prequalification process
(e.g., verified level of EHSS performance or identified gaps in EHSS experience and capability
of a preferred supplier).
d. Structured competency assurance.
e. Human resources processes, such as annual performance appraisal or disciplinary review.
f. An employee’s / contractor’s involvement in a safety incident.

General Highlights of Procedure:
o Mandatory EHSS training.
• Mandatory EHSS training shall apply to all employees, contractors, and visitors on a Ma’aden
managed or controlled workplace.
• Mandatory EHSS training requirements for each stakeholder category.
• Mandatory EHSS training requirements must be fulfilled prior to commencing work in the desired
work capacity.
• Ensure efficiency of mandatory EHSS training by keeping appropriate records for workers engaged
on its facilities to ensure training is not unnecessarily duplicated or repeated.
• The frequency of mandatory training, including refresher training determined by taking into
consideration of the role, tasks, and EHSS requirements.
• Local mandatory EHSS training and certification requirements shall be determined in line with
applicable legislation and training needs analyses undertaken, and shall include the following
a. Managing critical risks (e.g., confined space entry).
b. Conducting controlled or high-risk work tasks (e.g., forklift operation, heavy equipment
drivers, permit to work issuing and receiving).
c. Fulfilment of specific EHSS roles (e.g., EHSS representative and/ or subject matter expert).

General Highlights of Procedure:

• EHSS training and competency building shall be achieved through a specified combination of:
a. Training (in the role or function, classroom, online).
b. Individual learning programs.
c. Mentoring, coaching and supervision.
d. Personal development plans.
e. Formal study for qualifications.
o Statutory EHSS training:
• Identify local statutory EHSS training requirements, including, but not limited to:
a. Top and senior management;
b. General workplace EHSS training (e.g., required by workers to fulfil their job duties in a safe
manner such as training on safety procedures and safe work practices);
c. EHSS managers and advisors; and
d. EHSS representatives and specialists.
• Statutory training programs for EHSS shall be developed and implemented to comply with local
legislative requirements.
• Statutory EHSS training relating to the retention of licences and certifications shall be facilitated
for affected personnel.
• Keep records of and notify affected employees of statutory training expiration.
General Highlights of Procedure:
o Refresher EHSS training:
• Refresher EHSS training requirements shall be considered and identified at the time of training
design, and account for characteristics such as the following:
a. Local statutory requirements.
b. Transfers to a new role or site.
c. The experience level of the participating workers
d. The frequency of the target work task or activity.
e. The complexity of the target work task or activity.
o EHSS Coaching:
• Design and implement an appropriate EHSS coaching process for high risk roles that is supported
by local line management and supervisors.

General Highlights of Procedure:

• The EHSS coaching process shall include as a minimum, but not limited to, the following elements:
a. identification of EHSS aspirations and areas for development.
b. setting specific and individual coaching goals.
c. pairing of each worker with a suitably competent and qualified ‘coach’.
d. provision of suitable developmental activities as part of the coaching process.
e. identification and agreement on timing and format of coaching sessions.
f. tracking of EHSS performance improvement.
g. a process to resolve disputes, disagreements, and other conflicts that may arise between the
coach and student.
• EHSS coaches shall be given training in the delivery of coaching methods and techniques prior to
commencing in this role.

General Highlights of Procedure:

 Training Resources:
o Suitably qualified and experienced internal resources shall be allocated to EHSS training roles.
o Suitably qualified and experienced external resources shall be allocated to EHSS training roles where
required and only where an alternative internal resource cannot be allocated.
 Monitoring & Verification of Competence, Training & Awareness:
o Verification of Qualifications and Certifications.
• Verify the status of role-relevant qualifications and certifications as part of the recruitment of new
employees and the promotion of existing employees.
• Original physical qualifications and certifications shall be sighted by the relevant supervisor /
manager / coordinator, copies stored in each employee’s personnel file, and any expiration dates
recorded for future follow-up and verification of reassessment.
• Implement a verification of competence process with scope that includes all plant and equipment
that is identified as high-risk in relation to proposed work activities.
• The verification of competence process shall apply to all Ma’aden and Affiliate employees and

General Highlights of Procedure:

• Identify a group of competent personnel to coordinate the verification of competence process for
each high-risk plant and equipment.
• Employees and contractors undergoing a verification of competence process can only be signed
off as competent by a formally identified subject matter expert.
• The verification of competence process shall provide multiple pathways for workers to
demonstrate their competency, and include as a minimum the following options:
a. provision of an official and in-date certified licence, qualification, or certification pertaining
to the target plant and/ or equipment; and
b. structured verification of competence practical testing, which includes direct observation
and evaluation of the workers’ performance using the target plant and/ or equipment.

General Highlights of Procedure:

o Verification of Training.
• Include within the design of all EHSS training programs a structured evaluation process.
• The EHSS training evaluation process must include as a minimum the following elements:
a. reactions or attitudes towards the training (e.g., intent to apply learning).
b. extent of knowledge and skills gained (e.g., perceived knowledge improvement).
c. effectiveness of the training.
d. competence verification (e.g., practical or written assessment task).
e. feedback to improve the design and/ or delivery of the training.
• Design and implement a quality verification and improvement process to support the delivery of
EHSS training and must include some form of periodic direct observation of EHSS training by a
qualified Affiliate or nominated representative person.
• EHSS training shall be reviewed when there are changes in relevant work practices, or at intervals
determined by the Affiliate’s safety management system auditing and review schedule.

General Highlights of Procedure:
o Evaluation of training effectiveness.
• The evaluation process must include as a minimum the following elements:
a. participant feedback (e.g., relevance of information, comfort to participate in the session
and ask questions).
b. changes in safety attitudes / motivation.
c. changes in safety knowledge / awareness.
• Design and implement a quality verification and improvement process to support the delivery of
EHSS training and must include some form of periodic direct observation by a qualified Affiliate or
nominated representative person where applicable.
o Verification of Trainer’s competence.
• Ensure that all EHSS trainers, either internal or external to the organization, are appropriately
certified, qualified and competent to deliver the target topic(s).
• Create a system to retain records of EHSS trainers’ qualifications, certifications, and/ or
competency assessment(s).
• Periodically monitor the quality and effectiveness of training and/ or awareness sessions delivered
by each EHSS trainer and respond to any shortfall in trainer performance.

General Highlights of Procedure:
o Process for retraining and performance management
• Should an individual fail a competence verification or assessment process, or otherwise achieve
below the minimum standard of performance expected on a target task or work activity following
participation in EHSS training, feedback shall be provided to the individual and any deficiencies
incorporated into their professional development planning process.
• Deficiencies in training knowledge or skill gain, or application in practice, shall trigger retraining in
the first instance.
• Where deficiencies remain and performance is unsatisfactory for EHSS training application, the
affected individual(s) shall be referred to the performance management process.

General Highlights of Procedure:

 Verification of program effectiveness:

o Suitably Evaluate the effectiveness of the overall EHSS training and competency building program.
o The evaluation of effectiveness of the EHSS training and competency program shall include the
• Trends in safety overall safety performance.
• Trends in safety performance by work group (Operators/ Supervisors/ Managers).
• Trends in safety performance by other demographic (Age/ Length of service/ Literacy level).

Accountable Positions :
Element administrator:
• To initiate this document and to review this Management System as appropriate and make sure it’s
complied with corporate procedure.
• To train all required employees (awareness level training which shall be done once every three years
/when the document updated/new hire employee).
MSHEM System administrator:
• To review this document and make sure it’s complied with corporate procedure.
Department Manager:
• Responsible for his department employees to follow this sub-element if required and to create their
procedures or work instructions in compliance with these sub-element requirements if needed and
ensure that all employees are trained.
Training Department:
• Track and record EHSS training records.
EHSS Department:
• To conduct the required trainings.
• They are responsible for understanding and following the requirements of this management system.
• To follow all sub-element requirements.
System Documentation and Records:
 EHSS Awareness and Training Documents and Records:
o Competence, training, and awareness procedures which are covered under EHSS competency
o Affiliate-specific EHSS competency framework.
o Competency gap closure plans shall be retained on individual employee’s and contractors’ personal
file for the duration of their employment or engagement onsite.
o All versions of EHSS training and awareness program materials, documentation, evaluation outputs,
and other resources shall be retained on file.
o All verification of competence certification and documentation including monitoring, assessment,
and verification records shall be retained on an employee’s and contractor’s personal file for the
duration of their employment or engagement onsite.
o Records of employee’s and contractors’ EHSS training shall be maintained, as well as achievement
level (e.g., competent, not yet competent).
o Copies of relevant certifications and qualifications related to EHSS activities and required as part of
employment / engagement shall be retained on individual employee’s personal file.

System Documentation and Records:
o Training records shall, as a minimum include:
• Employee’s name and identification number.
• Training courses completed & its type.
• Date of last training completion for each course.
• The last date of completion.
• Next training date required for each course.
• Certificates (where required).
• Qualification Records as required (tests, sign-off sheets, or other training records).
• Trainer’s name (if classroom training, original Sign-in / Attendance sheets should also be retained
by the site.)
• The means used to verify the employee achieved the training objectives; such as: oral explanation,
written examination, and/ or walkthrough simulation (where required). Training required by
Government regulations must have verification of knowledge received. Non-Regulatory training
awareness would be as needed.
o Training records shall be maintained for each employee throughout his employment period.
 Record of Monitoring & Assessments required by this Element shall be retained for a
period of at least 3 years.
Growing a Saudi Global
Mining Giant

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