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JUN 2019

The abstract describes the research problem faced by the researcher, which is the
comparison of distance and time between Bluetooth and GSM. Next, this method of
assembly uses solenoid, Bluetooth, GSM, clip wire and several other device devices.The
Bluetooth installation method is easier than GSM, because GSM requires skills in cooding
to connect between GSM and solenoids. The results show that GSM is better than
Bluetooth in terms of distance and time. Finally, according to the results, researchers
have found that Bluetooth locking door takes longer than GSM and the distance to lock
the door is limited.
This final project has created an automatic door lock that can provide a high level of security by using

RFID and Passsword as the key so unregistered cards cannot access it. With a percentage of work

capacity from 5 times the tool test works 100% at the first trial and then off and then on again. at the time

the trial was lit, the success rate was 80%. Whereas 20% of failures are caused by unfinished

programshttps: //


 Personal safety and possessions are the most important issues in human life
 The automatic door locking system was inspired by inventions created by
previous researchers to improve the safety of users' personal and property.
 This automatic door locking system is intended to keep users safe through an
efficient door lock system remotely, allowing users to quickly lock without having
to be in front of the door.
 Automatic door locking is a more sophisticated locking device than traditional
locking tools. The use of this automatic locking device is possible through the use
of Internet Of Things (IoT) which can be used anywhere.
 Based on the researchers' observations on the lives of students at the Kota Bharu
Polytechnic, some of the problems are that most students take a long time to
lock their doors causing them to miss classes and this may cause them to miss
and fail in their studies.
 Because most student rental homes use manual door locks, students need to
take a long time to make sure the door is properly locked before they leave the
house. As a result, this will slow them down to their destination.
 Furthermore, loss of door lock also often results in the door being unlocked. The
use of manual locks has many disadvantages as manual locks should be located in
an easy-to-find place to avoid missing out.
 The use of manual keys can also result in damage to the keys and this can take a
long time and cost considerably.
Based on the problems described earlier, several objectives have been set out in this
1. Reduce the time to lock the door compared to the manual method.
2. To allow the user to lock the door at greater distances.
3. Can lock the door without using the key.
 The methodologies and strategies used in the completion of this study include;
 1.Population and sampling
 2. The study document

 1. Population and Sampling

 Population refers to a group of individuals, objects or objects that have the same
characteristics that they want to study. Individuals or objects in a population
may vary in many respects, but they must have at least one characteristic.
Whereas sampling is a subset of a population representing the population.
 2. Instrument of Study
 The researcher used a sample of this study on several houses in the vicinity of
rented house in Kota Bharu Polytechnic using several instruments in collecting
 In this study, the scope of the study has set limits or limitations for the study.
The first study type is the type of door that is like a house door or a room with a
single leaf door. Locking process is faster, easier and more efficient when used
on a single door. For example, office doors are more important for door cleaning
efficiency because office workers are too busy locking doors.
 The second scope involves door masks where the project is only suitable for
locking doors with a mass less than 5 kilograms. This is because this automatic
door lock is not able to accommodate the mass and has been programmed for a
door weight of only 5 kilograms.
 The third scope specified is a door made of wood only.This is because this type of
door is easier to install than steel and plastic doors.

 2.1 Introduction Chapter

 The literature review on examples related to automatic door locking projects has
been developed by previous researchers. In this previous chapter, researchers
have divided them into two sections, namely automatic locking and remote

 Most of the recent studies on automatic locking include "design of gsm door lock
security system design by Ogri, Okwong and Etim, 2013," automatic unlocking
system using string pattern recognition "by Prasetyo, Isnanto, and Widianto,
2014, "Password lock electronic system for smart home security" by Md. Dr.
Rahman, Dr. Mohammed Sowket Ali and Md. Shoaib Akther, 2018, “Efficient
Based Microcontroller
 Door Lock System ”by Md. Nasiruzzaman, 2016 and “Smartphone Activited Door
Lock Using Wifi” by Nurulfarah Afiqah Binti Mohammad
 2.2 Automatic locking
 Some of the studies that are being studied are the "Design of a Global Locking
System for the Use of Global System for Communication" (Gsm) by Ogri, Okwong
and Etim in 2013. and capable of resolving cellular differences.GSM is capable of
giving a device instructions to perform or move objects such as accessing the
system in a machine, turning on and moving the motor.
 In addition, a study on "Automatic Unlocking System Using Strings of Identity
Patterns" by Prasetyo, Isnanto, and Widianto during the year presented this study
for the improvement and development of security systems in a technology.
Technology that uses this system activates the locking system by passing signals
from the input such as the password button on the door.
 Next, “Electronic Lock System Protected Password for Smart Home Security” by
Md. Dr. Rahman, Dr. Mohammed Sowket Ali and Md. Shoaib Akther in 2018. The
system is password protected using an electronic lock. The material used to
produce an electronic door lock consists of a solenoid or motor to release the
lock either to supply or remove
 power. The advantage of this locking system is that it can also be used with face
recognition authentication, fingerprint recognition, voice recognition.
 In addition, the "Microcontroller Based Efficient Door Lock System" by Md.
Nasiruzzaman in 2016 emphasized that the use of inexpensive micro-controllers
over other materials could provide maximum security with its versatile and
powerful memory. This system is commonly used on devices that use a
combination of digital passwords.
 Lastly, "Smartphone Activited Door Lock Using Wifi" by Nurulfarah Afiqah Binti
Mohammad Azmi in 2010 stated that the locking process can be achieved by using
smartphones by accessing Wifi. Using this method, automatic locking is more
efficient and effective than manual locking. Smartphones are the greatest
technology ever invented because of their complex application to alert other
 2.3 Remote lock
 For further studies on remote locking is the "Cloud Computing Electronic Remote
Control System" by Kurniadi, Fitriyani in 2018 stated that electronic remote
control system is a computer-controlled electronic control system whereby the
platform on the system can control electronic devices with more efficient in
terms of control and speed. Cloud Computing is an Internet-based remote
control. This system is similar to the Internet of Things (IoT) system because it
uses more of the internet to send signals from one device to another.
 In addition, Subianto's "Prototype Control of Some Ip Air Conditioners" in 2016
stated the use of a remote control using Ip Raspberry, a software commonly used
on controllers such as remote air-conditioners to change the temperature without
pressing a button. The system can communicate with the air conditioner to
change the input signal such as directing the remote control to the output signal
such as emitting air in the air conditioner.
 Next, “Remote Control Prototype With Internet Of Things (IoT) Using Raspberry PI
3” by Muzawi, Efendi, Sahrun in 2018 states
 the components on the lamp can be remotely controlled using internet based
Raspberry PI 3 software. Raspberry PI 3 ham software is similar to software
before but its use requires Internet of Things (IoT) to allow users to remotely use
sophisticated tools such as cell phones. For example, open house lights can be
closed by sending signals easily. with handsets with Raspberry PI 3 software and
high-speed internet.
 In addition, Sura Mahmood Abdullah's "Design Secured Smart Door Lock Based on
Jaro Winkler Algorithm" in 2016 stated that smart door lock design is home
security friendly as advanced technology tools can be accessed using Jaro Wikler
Algorithm coding. The use of coding in advanced software can access the
information provided on the door to warn users about home security
 Lastly, and the "Remote Control Doorlock System" by Mohd Faizal Bin Muhammad
Zaini in 2010 stated that the locking process can be locked with a variety of tools
not just limited to lock and remote control locks.

 This chapter will discuss the research methodology used to achieve the research
objectives. This chapter begins with the design of the study and is followed by the
descriptive research process. The key components of the methodology will be
discussed in detail in the next section. Discussions include automatic door locks to
study variables, study samples, project designs, analyze data and draw conclusions.


 The objective of this study is to determine the design of the project as well as the
installation of this automatic door lock. This survey is an inference study using
 quantitative and qualitative data collected through questionnaires and interviews.
The data obtained from this random sample were then analyzed and presented with
descriptive statistics and significant tests. The results of subsequent statistical tests
will conclude the characteristics of the population studied.
 Each study conducted has its own study methodology according to the type of
study performed. In addition, the research methodology used should be in line
with the objectives of the scientific training topic. It is one of the most
important things to do in a research to obtain valid and quality information. With
the methodology of the study, the study will be more organized and will get
better results. The study methodology can also be considered as the initial
planning for which the study will lead to success or vice versa. The automatic
door locking project is a study in which the researcher has agreed to carry out
the project as a final project.

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