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Kinds of text

 Teks description bertujuan untuk Menggambarkan seseorang, sesuatu, suatu tempat, atau seekor
binatang. Teks description meng “highlight satu orang/benda/tempat/binatang secara khusus. Teks
description menyodorkan banyak informasi tentang orang/benda/tempat/binatang tertentu secara
gamblang, (sering) rinci, dan (acapkali) dapat divisualisasikan.
 Teks description umumnya memiliki struktur berikut.
a. Identifiaation, pengenalan subjek atau hal yang akan dideskripsikan.
b. Description, penginformnasian ciri-ciri subjek. Misalnya, sifat-sifat psikologis, perilaku, tampilan fisik,
fitur-fitur khas, kualitas, dan sejenisnya.

 Teks description sering menggunakan unsur kebahasaan sebagai berikut.

a. Noun yang spesifik, misalnya father, school, my dog, dil.
b. Simple present tense.
c. Detailed noun phrase, kata benda yang mendapat pemerian (diterangkan oleh) kata sifat, misalnya
seperti berikut.
- an Intelligent tall student
pemerian noun
- a big large beautiful wooden house
pemerian noun
d. Beragam jenis adjective yang bersifat describing, numbering, calssifying,
misalnya seperti
- three tall buldings
- sharp white fang
e. Relational process, menggunakan kata kerja yang dapat menggambarkan
keadaan participant (hal yang dijelaskan), dan/atau mengisyaratkan
- My car has four doors
- my father is rfeally handsome
f. Figurative language, menggunakan bahasa figuratif seperti simile atau
metafora sebagai cara untuk memberi ilustrasi perbandingan.
- My throat is as dry as a dessert.
- Her skin is white as cloud, and smooth as water.
• Singapore is a South-east Asian country located between Malaysia and
Indonesia (identification).
• Despite its small size, Singapore is known for its transition as a third-world
country to the first-world country. Singapore also was known as the Asian
Tiger economy, based on external trade and its workforce. Singapore size
is not as big as Indonesia, but the city ranks highly in numerous
international rankings for its education, entertainment, finance,
healthcare, human capital, innovation, logistics, manufacturing,
technology, tourism, trade, and transport. Singapore is home to 5.6
million people with a diverse culture. Majority ethnic groups in Singapore
are Chinese, Malay, and Indian. Singapore Independence Day was on the
9th of August 1965. Merlion Statue is the official mascot of Singapore.
Singapore is famous for its Garden by the Bay, Marina Bay Sands, dan
Orchard Road (description).
Teks report mengupas suatu hasil pengamatan, penelaahan, penelitian, observasi, atau studi tentang benda, binatang, orang,
atau tempat. Participant (hal yang diamati) pada report cenderu bersifat umum. Data yang tersaji umumnya berupa simpulan
umum akan karakteristik, ciri, dan/atau keberadaan dan keadaan participant.
Tujuan teks report adalah untuk menggambarkan participant apa adanya. Bila hal yang dibicarakan adalah suatu benda, teks
report lebih menyoroti fungsi dari benda tersebut. Teks report lazimnya menyodorkan suatu generalisasi akan participant yang
diulas. Generalisasi ini umumnya didapat dengan cara membandingkan yang satu dengan yang lain yang tergolong participant
Teks report umumnya memiliki struktur sebagai berikut.
a. General classification, pernyataan umum yang menerangkan subjek laporan, keterangan, dan klasifikasinya.
b. Description, penginformasian ciri-ciri umum/generalisasi yang dimiliki subjek—misalnya sifat-sifat psikologis, perilaku, tampilan
fisik, fitur-fitur khas, kualitas, dan sejenisnya.

 Teks report sering menggunakan unsur kebahasaan tertentu, antara lain sebagai berikut.
a. General noun, kata yang merujuk pada sesuatu secara umum, misalnya seperti berikut.
- Tigers are wild animals. (harimau yang mana saja)
- Birds can fly. (burung mana pun)
b. Relational process, menggunakan kata kerja yang dapat menggambarkan keadaan participant, dan/atau mengisyaratkan
- Birds have wings.
- An elephant is a big animal.
c. Simple present tense, untuk menyatakan suatu kebenaran umum atau fakta ilmiah.
- A baby of the blue whale generally weighs more than 500 kilograms.
• The blue whale is not only the biggest whale living today; the blue whale is the biggest
creature ever to have lived on Earth. They are mind-bogglingly gigantic; much larger
than any of the dinosaurs. Blue whales and the other ocean giants live their whole
lives in seawater.
• Blue whales commonly reach the colossal length of 29m, that’s roughly as long as
three London red double-decker buses parked end to end. Blue whales in the Southern
Hemisphere are generally larger than those in the Northern Hemisphere and female
blues are larger than males.
• The longest blue whale on record is a female measured at a South Georgia whaling
station in the South Atlantic (1909); she was 33.58m. The heaviest blue whale was also
a female hunted in the Southern Ocean, Antarctica, on 20 March 1947. She tipped the
scales at 190 tonnes which is equivalent to about 30 elephants or 2500 people.
• Blue whales are now extremely rare due to uncontrolled commercial whaling. Some
populations could be endangered to the point of extinction.
Description Vs Report
• Acap kali jenis teks desciptive dan report memiliki persamaan, dan juga perbedaan.
Persamaannya adalah keduanya dapat menggambarkan benda/binatang/orang/tempat, serta
keduanya banyak menggunakan relational process. Perbedaannya dapat dilihat atau dikaji dari
salah satu atau gabungan sudut pandang seperti terpetakan dalam bagan berikut.

Descriptive Report
Participant spesifik, tertentu general,
Data/informasi : tidak perlu pengamatan, lewat
untuk tahu sekali lihat langsung tahu pengamatan,
ciri/keadaan observasi,
participant studi
Language tidak menggunakan Lazimnya
jargon ilmiah menggunakan
jargon ilmiah

Description Vs Report
My Pet For many years people believed that the
I have a pet. It is a dog and I cal! It Brownie, i cleverest animals after man were the
Brownie is a Chinese breed. It is small, fluffy, chimpanzees. Now, however, there is proof
and cute. It has got thick brown fur. When I that dolphins may be even cleverer than these
cuddle it, the fur feels soft. Brownie does not big apes. Although a dolphin lives in the sea, it
like bones. Every day it eats soft food like is not a fish. It is a mammal. It is in many
steamed rice, fish, or bread. Every morning I ways, therefore, like a human being. Dolphins
give her milk and bread. When I am at school, have a simple language. They are able to talk
Brownie plays with my cat. They get along to one another. It may be possible for man to
well, and never fight maybe because Brownie learn how to talk to dolphins. But this will not
does not bark a lot. It treats the other animals be easy because dolphins cannot hear the kind
in our house. of sounds man can make. If man wants to talk
to dolphins, therefore, he will have to make a
third language which both he and the dolphins
can understand. Dolphins are also very
friendly toward man. They often follow ships.
There are many stories about dolphins guiding
ships through difficult and dangerous waters.
Description Vs Report
Teks 'my pet' dianggap descriptive, karena hal-hal berikut.
1) Porticipant (yang diperbincangkan) spesifik, yakni anjing bernama Brownie.
2) Untuk mengatakan Brownie lucu (cute), kecil (small), dan lembut (fluffy) sepertinya tidak ha
mengamati dulu, kita bisa langsung tahu keadaan Brownie seperti yang digambarkan hanya
dengan sekali lihat. Begitu juga untuk mengetahui kebiasaan Brownie seperti yang
tergambar pada Paragraf 2 tidak perlu suatu penelitian.
3) Tidak tampak adanya jargon ilmiah.

Teks “dolphins' dianggap report, karena hal-hal berikut.

4) Participant (yang diperbincangkan) umum, dolphin secara umum: kita tidak tahu dolphin
mana yang dimaksud.
5) Untuk mengatakan dolphins memiliki bahasa (have a language), bisa berbicara (can talk),
tidak dapat mendengar suara manusia (cannot hear the sound man can make), dan
berperilaku baik terhadap manusia (very friendly toward man) sepertinya tidak bisa sekali
lihat langsung tahu, akan tetapi perlu pengamatan, penelitian, penelaahan, atau studi.
6) Tampak adanya jargon ilmiah: mammals.
• Teks explanation bertujuan untuk menerangkan proses sesuatu ada/terbentuk,
atau membahas suatu teori, paham, fenomena, definisi, ideologi, dan hal yang
bertali dengan fenomena alam. Teks explanation juga dapat digunakan untuk
menggambarkan atau menerangkan fungsi dari suatu benda atau alat.
 Teks explanation umumnya memiliki struktur sebagai berikut.
a. General statement, pernyataan umum berupa pendapat penulis atau fenomena
yang terjadi di alam ini, atau suatu hal yang secara umum sudah diketahui.
b. Penjelasan proses, mengapa dan bagaimana sesuatu bisa ada/terjadi.
 Teks explanation sering menggunakan unsur kebahasaan tertentu, antara lain
sebagai berikut.
a. General dan abstract noun, misalnya earthquake, chopping, speech, dsb.
b. Action verbs
c. Simple present tense
d. Passive voice
How Snow Is Made
• We all agree that the snowfall is always fascinating. In the snowfall, all people
stay out of the house and play with snow. People can make giant snowmen,
trample along the snow, or play snowballs with their families. However, are
you curious how snow is made?
• Snow is water droplets falling from the clouds. These droplet waters then
become solid and create snow. It happens because rain consists of water
vapor particles and being cooled in the air.
• Snow happens when water vapor piled up in the earth’s atmosphere freezes.
It happens before they turn into water droplets. This process occurs when the
temperature in the cloud becomes very frigid.
• Snowflakes are created by crystals of ice which have established around a
little filth in the air. They then  grow from small forms into the big one. The
form of snowflakes are varied. They can consist of 200 crystal maximum.
• Sering jenis teks explanation dan report memiliki persamaan, dan
juga perbedaan.
• Persamaannya adalah keduanya dapat membicarakan hasil
• Perbedaannya adalah dalam explanation, yang ditonjolkan adalah
'proses' sesuatu bisa ada atau terbentuk, di lain pihak, dalam
report, yang ditonjolkan adalah keadaan atau unsur-unsur yang
dimiliki participant.
• Manakala yang dibicarakan benda, report lebih menyoroti fungsi
atau kegunaan dari benda/alat tersebut: di lain pihak,
explanation lebih menyoroti asal-usul benda tersebut. Perhatikan
komparasi di bawah ini.
• Whales are sea-living mammals. They therefore breathe air but
cannot survive on land. Some species are very large indeed and
the blue whale, which can exceed 30 m in length, is the largest
animal to have lived on earth. Superficially, the whale looks
rather Ike a fish, but there are important difference in its
external structure: its tail consists of a pair of broad, flat
horizontal paddles (the tail of a fish is vertical) and it has a
single nostril on top of its large, broad head. The skin is smooth
and shiny and beneath it lies a layer of fat (blubber). This is up
to 30 m in thickness and serves to conserve heat and body
From Cushion to Future Bear
Where did the bears come from? Bear as we know him has not existed on this earth for a very long period of time, but his
predecessors may go back many hundreds of years. Most authorities now believe that the handsome, two-legged bear of
today evolved from a single-celled organism—a speck of dust perhaps. Then gradually, through natural selection and
survival of the fittest speck, cotton wool balls developed. We do not know exactly when the first soft furnishings appeared
on earth, but they must have been very simple beings.
In the beginning was the cushion. Not very impressive object—simply a lump of padding material held together with some
sort of covering—but this inauspicious start developed two reptilian forms that were the direct ancestors of modem bear.
One of the first evolutionary steps occurred when a mutant, misshapen Cushion was created. He must have appeared very
strange to his fellow Cushions, but he was the first Bean Bag Frog. Filled with beans, rice or other non-toxic substance, he
has two eyes and four legs. Bean Bag Frogs, however, were pretty useless on land, being incredibly floppy, and in water
they tended to sink.
At about the same time as the Bean Bag Frog was emerging, the Cushion was developing a long different lines into the
Drought Excluder. At — first merely a long thin Cushion, it gradually evolved eyes, a forked tongue, — and a patterned
body. Its tendency to lie along the bottom of draughty . doors perhaps points to the lack af an efficient body cooling
From this rather basic creatures the first Toy Dog developed. Long and thin like a Draught Excluder, and with four legs like a
Bean Bag Frog, he still had difficulty in moving about owing to his very short appendages.
Movement became easier with the invention of the wheel. Dog on-Wheels was a very successful species for many years
but is now threatened with extinction. A few remain in captivity but they appear to have difficulty reproducing themselves
under these circumstances.
When the first soft toy stood up and walked on two legs instead of modem (Teddy) bear was born.
• Teks Whales dianggap report karena lingkup
pemaparan lebih menonjolkan keadaan dan
unsur atau bagian serta behavior dari
participant (perhatikan kata-kata yang dicetak
miring di dalam teks).
• Teks From Cushion to Future Bear dianggap
explanation karena pemaparannya lebih
menonjolkan bagaimana evolusi atau proses
Teddy Bear bisa ada.
Teks exposition bertujuan untuk menyodorkan
pendapat/ide/pandangan/argumen penulis tentang suatu
Terdapat dua varian dari teks exposition: 1) analytical exposition, dan 2)
hortatory exposition. Dalam analytical exposition penulis menyodorkan
pandangan/ide/opini/pendapat bahwa suatu topik atau fenomena atau
masalah perlu mendapat perhatian, ulasan, penjelasan, uraian, atau data
penguattanpa dimunculkannya usaha untuk memengaruhi/membujuk
pembaca untuk memiliki sikap pro-kontra terhadap sesuatu. Sebaliknya,
dalam hortatory exposition, penulis menyodorkan pandangan/ide/opini/
pendapat untuk memengaruhi/membujuk pembaca untuk memiliki sikap
pro-kontra terhadap sesuatu, dan/atau mengajak pembaca untuk melakukan
sesuatu. Analytical exposition juga dikenal dengan istilah argumentative,
sementara hortatory exposition dapat disebut juga dengan istilah persuasive.
Teks analytical exposition umumnya memiliki Teks hortatory exposition umumnya memiliki
struktur sebagai berikut. struktur Sebagai berikut.
a. Thesis, pernyataan pendapat penulis akan suatu a. Thesis, pernyataan pendapat penulis akan suatu
kasus/fenomena. kasus/fenomena, atau issue, hal yang
b. Argument, terdiri atas point atau inti dipersoalkan.
masalah/perbincangan atau hal yang menjadi b. Argument, alasan mengapa ada keprihatinan,
concern, dan elaboration, penjelasan atau dan mengarah pada saran atau rekomendasi.
pemaparan dari point. c. Recommendation, pernyataan tentang
c. Reiteration, penguatan pernyataan. bagaimana seharusnya atau tidak seharusnya
sesuatu ada atau dilakukan.
Teks analytical exposition sering menggunakan unsur
kebahasaan tertentu, antara lain sebagai Teks hortatory exposition sering menggunakan unsur
berikut. . kebahasaan tertentu, antara lain sebagai
d. General noun, misalnya pollution, car, dsb. berikut.
e. Abstract noun, misalnya policy, government, d. Abstract noun misalnya policy, government,
dsb. dsb.
f. Jargon, misalnya species, mammal, dll. e. Jargon, misalnya species, mammal, dll.
g. Modals, misalnya must, should, dll. f. Modals misalnya must, should, dil.
h. Bahasa evaluatif, misalnya necessary important, g. Bahasa evaluatif, misalnya necessary,
significant, valuable. important, significant, valuable, dll.
i. Kalimat pasif. h. Kalimat pasif.
i. Thinking verb, misalnya I believe, I think, dll.
Analytical Exposition Hortatory Exposition
English is the most important language in the If students are to succeed in tomorrow's
world. It is the language spoken at the United world, their — education must encourage
Nations: it is also the official language of them to have the desire to keep learning
diplomacy. In addition, English is useful in throughout their lives. For at least a decade
many: occupations. For example, air traffic now — experts have been telling us that to
controllers all over the world must be able to prosper in the future Countries need to make
speak English. Since English is so important, it much better use of their human resources.
is a compulsory subject in higher level of This means not allowing people to stop
school in Indonesia. learning at age 10, 20, or 30. It means pushing
skill-growth rates up rather than allowing
children and adults to lose interest in learning.
Although following this advice is not easy, we
should keep the following in mind: if we do
not go this route, vast numbers of people in
the world may do poorly in a global market,
while a few people do exceptionally well. As a
result, the gap between the rich and the poor
will grow and grow until something explodes.
• Teks di sebelah kiri dianggap analytical exponition karena
yang tampak hanya pandangan penulis bahwa bahasa
Inggris merupakan bahasa paling penting di dunia, alasan
yang melatarbelakanginya, dampak dari fakta tersebut,
• Sementara itu teks di sebelah kanan dianggap hortatory
exposition karena selain pandangan penulis pentingnya
pendidikan sepanjang hayat, juga tampak
ajakan/bujukan penulis pada pembaca untuk memiliki
pendapat yang sama dengan penulis dengan
memaparkan prediksi bila membiarkan orang berhenti
Teks discussion bertujuan untuk menyodorkan dua atau lebih pendapat/ide/pandangan/argumen akan suatu
perkara/topik/permasalahan/fenomena, Lazimnya teks discussion menyuguhkan dua atau lebih perspektif yang
berbeda tentang suatu persoalan. Di antara ciri teks discussion adalah dipergunakannya conjunctions seperti on the
other hand, however, but, yet, while, meanwhile, dan nevertheless.
Teks discussion umumnya memiliki struktur sebagai berikut.
a. Issue, topik yang menjadi perhatian.
b. Argument, opini yang terdiri atas pro dan kontra.
# Pendapat pertama diikuti elaborasi uraian.
# Pendapat yang berseberangan dengan yang pertama diikuti elaborasi.
c. Conclusion atau recommendation, simpulan atau saran.

 Teks discussion sering menggunakan unsur kebahasaan tertentu, antara lain sebagai berikut.
a. General noun misalnya pollution, car, dsb.
b. Abstract noun misalnya policy, government, dsb.
c. Modals misalnya must, should, should have been, perhaps, dil.
d. Bahasa evaluatif, misalnya necessary, important, significant, valuable, dil.
e. Contrastive conjuction, misalnya on the other hand, however, but, yet, while, meanwhile, never theless, dan similarly.
f. Adverbials of manner, misalnya hopefully, deliberately, dil.
g. Thinking verb, misalnya I believe, I think.

• Television has become a part of our life. In our daily life we ​often watch television.
We usually watch television after work, when we gather with family, even when
we are working. As part of our lives, television has both good and bad effects.
Pongid has a different principle opinion about the positive and negative effects of
watching TV. 
• These bad effects include TV making us less mobile because we spend a long time
watching TV. They also say that TV affects everyday life. Sometimes we don’t
realize that we are snacking more often while watching TV. TV also influences the
way children act. Rude and violence can come from television shows that are less
• However, other opinions also say that television has a good impact. We can get a
lot of information. From TV we can know various situations that occur in other
cities. TV also makes us more relaxed. After working all day, We come home and
turn on the TV to watch funny and comedy videos.

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