Leadership - Sana Ullah

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Presented by:

Sana Ullah
Superintendent (Admn)1
What is Leadership?

Leadership is the art of motivating a group

of people to act toward achieving a
common goal. In a business setting, this
can mean directing workers and
colleagues with a strategy to meet the
company's needs.
Five Things that Great Leader do:

1. Great Leaders Lead by Example

2. Great Leaders Teach

3. Great Leaders Provide

4. Great Leaders Inspire Others

5. Great Leaders Make Great Mentors

1. Great Leaders Lead by Example:

A great leader is a great follower first. If you

don’t know how it feels like to follow, then
you have no right being a leader. Great leaders
lead by knowledge and demonstration. You
can’t ask your team to be early when you’re
late all the time. You can’t ask them to work
hard if you’re the laziest. 4
The days when leaders used to ask others to
work harder are long gone. It doesn’t make
sense to lead by knowledge alone. You need to
back it up with action. If you look back at the
great leaders — Napoleon Hill, Abraham
Lincoln, Tony Robbins — they all led with
action and not words. They practice what they
preach. They don’t ask anyone to do anything
they aren’t willing to do themselves. If you’re
a leader, you should do the same.

2. Great Leaders Teach:

Teaching people can be hard. It involves a lot

of time, work, and sweat. But, if you want
people to be an effective leader, you need to
teach. It doesn’t matter if it’s teaching them to
become a better student, dancer, or person. A
great leader always imparts their wisdom
whenever appropriate. 6
If you’re in a team setting, teach your team to
do certain tasks. Push them out of their
comfort zone. Encourage them when they fail.
Appreciate and praise them when they
No one knows everything. But that shouldn’t
stop you from teaching what you do know so
they can benefit.
3. Great Leaders Provide:

A project always needs resources. Sometimes it’s

materials, people, but most of the time it is money. Do
not just tell people what resources the project needs.
Instead, do everything possible to make the resources
available. That may mean spending a few extra hours
researching on the internet, buying materials in your
local store or asking people. We all know that the
success of your team is also your success. So do your
best to serve them. You don’t have to spoon-feed
them. But make sure you did everything you can to
make things life easier for them.

We all know that the success of your team is

also your success. So do your best to serve

them. You don’t have to spoon-feed them. But

make sure you did everything you can to make

things life easier for them.

4. Great Leaders Inspire Others:

Besides lending a hand, you should also show

them love and respect. They are your peers.
Some of them may have less power and
influence than you do. But never belittle or
disrespect them. Instead, show them love and
respect. And keep motivating them so all of
you can flourish with what you’re working on.
5. Great Leaders Make Great Mentors:

Great leaders, as I mentioned earlier, impart

their wisdom. But sometimes some followers
need more than that. They need your
mentoring. If you have time and you think it’s
worth mentoring a person, then by all means,
do it.

It takes time to counsel someone. It takes, even

more, time to see them adapt to your counsel.

But as long as you put their best interest ahead

of yours, they will become good at what they




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