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P3.1 P3.3 P3.4 P3.

P3.2 How it works- resource to useful energy

(Most) renewable Resource turns a turbine, which turns a generator, which turns kinetic energy into electrical energy
resources using an electromagnet.
Fossil fuels and Resource is burned (producing greenhouse gasses), heating up water into steam, which rises and
biofuels turns a generator, which turns kinetic energy into electrical energy using an electromagnet.
Solar cells Solar energy is converted into electrical energy via photovoltaic cells.
Solar heating Solar energy is used to heat up water
Nuclear Unstable uranium and plutonium atoms split are apart in nuclear fission, releasing a lot of energy
heating up water into steam, which rises and turns a generator, which turns kinetic energy into
electrical energy using an electromagnet. The used radioactive waste must be safely disposed of.

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