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Common Practices in

Business Organizations
Learning Objectives:
At the end of this module, the students are expected to:
• share observations on business policies and practices
• distinguish between good policies/practices and morally unacceptable
refers to a method, procedure,
process, or role employed or followed
by company in the pursuit of its

Since businesses cooperate as well as

compete, through buying and selling
with one another, they need to follow
compatible economic practices in
order to be part of the same system.
Core Principles in Business
• Decorum
• Protocol
• Policies
• Advertising
• Marketing
• Bookkeeping
• Reportorial Requirements
• Documentation
Office etiquette act as engine oil which smoothens the wheels of daily
interaction within office. It is important to obey good manners and proper
office etiquette while working in office. We need to understand that the way
we work or talk on phone is different at home and in office, as we share office
with others so we need to be careful and respectful.
It is important to remember that workplace is public environment where
certain level of decorum is to be maintained.

Practicing proper workplace

decorum in the office helps
us to master and helps us to
reach your career goals.
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In general, protocol means the unwritten rules or
guidelines that are peculiar to every culture or
organization, and are supposed to be observed by all
parties in the conduct of business, entertaining,
negotiating, politics, etc.

Business protocol helps presents a uniform, professional

face to the public, to partners and to donors. Employees
who are presented with a business protocol and
etiquette up front will be able to make informed
decisions about wether the company is right for them.
Business policy is the study of the roles and responsibilities of top level
management, the significant issues affecting the organizational success
and the decisions affecting the organization in the long run.

Business Policies are the guidelines

developed by an organization to govern its
actions. They define the limits within which
decisions must be made. It also deals with
the acquisition of resources with which
organizational goals can be achieved.
Ethics in advertising means a
set of well defined principles
which govern the ways of
communication taking place
between the seller and the
An ethical ad is the one which
doesn’t lie, doesn’t make
fake or false claims and is in the
limit of decency.
Ethical marketing refers to the
process by which companies market
their goods and services by focusing
not only on how their products
benefit customers, but also how they
benefit socially responsible or
environmental causes.
To put this another way, ethical
marketing isn’t a strategy; it’s a
philosophy. It is not a hard and fast
list of rules, but a general set of
guidelines to assist companies as
they evaluate new marketing
The bookkeeping ethics involve truthfulness, being diligent in what
you do, have knowledge about the laws of the land and be careful in
all you do.
A bookkeeper should follow company procedures. He should be loyal,
keeping financial matters confidential. He should make sure the
accounts are in a safe pair of hands.
If in doubt he should check with his
manager. A bookkeeper has a
responsibility to report if he is asked
to do something he doesn’t think is
ethical. He could speak to his
manager or someone in the company
who deals with such complaints.
Business reporting or enterprise
reporting is“the public
reporting of operating and
financial data by business
Reporting is a fundamental part
of the larger movement towards
improved business intelligence
and knowledge management.
The term documentation refers to the processes and items which
serve as evidence for the validity or truth of a certain claim or
No matter which area of the business is involved, one of the main
requirements of a good documentation is that it contains accurate
and truthful information.

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