Marketing Plan: by Mrs. Oludhe

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Marketing Plan
• Marketing plan - A written statement of marketing
objectives, strategies, and activities to be followed in
business plan.
• It is designed to provide answers to three basic questions:
 Where have we been/ where are we now?
 Where do we want to go (in the short term)?
 How do we get there?
The marketing System
The marketing plan.
You will describe the marketing plan in terms of;
 The customers – who are your target customers?, what do they buy (the benefits your product or
service offers), when do they buy?, why do they buy your products or services?.
 Competitors – Mention the names of the major and some minor competitors. prepare a SWOT
Analysis table to highlight the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of each and every
competitor. After the table, discuss how your business will capitalize on the weaknesses of each and
every competitor.
 Suppliers – mention their names and indicate the criteria for choice of suppliers. Also Indicate the
product or service which each supplier will be providing to your business.
Marketing mix
This is combination of product, price, promotion, and distribution
and other marketing activities needed to meet marketing objectives.
Commonly referred to as the 4 Ps,
1. Product
2. Price
3. Promotion and advertising
4. Place.
Marketing Mix
Variable Critical Decisions

Product Quality of components or materials, style, features, options, brand name,

packaging, sizes, service availability, and warranties, discuss the
competitive product features.

Quality image, list price, quantity, discounts, allowances for quick payment,
credit terms, and payment period. Show how you arrive at the price for
your products or services.
Marketing mix contd…
Channels of
distribution  What are the channels that you will use to distribute your
products. How will your products or services reach the final
 Use of wholesalers and/or retailers, type of wholesalers or retailers,
how many, length of channel, geographic coverage, inventory, and

Promotion Media alternatives, message, media budget, role of personal selling, sales
promotion (displays, coupons, etc.), and media interest in publicity.
Market Share and Sales Tactics.

 Estimate your business’s percentage market share.

 This is in comparison with you business competitors both major and minor
 Discuss your sales tactics- i.e any action you take to put your sales strategy into
action. Such as creating business brochures or a website.
Comments and questions.

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