Tourism in Ecuador

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• Ambato cantonal head of the Canton Ambato and capital of the Province of Tungurahua, as well as the largest and most populated
city of the same. It is called "City of Flowers and Fruits", or also "Cradle of the Three Juanes". In the 2010 census it had a
population of 165,185 inhabitants, which makes it the tenth most populous city in the country. The city is the core of the Ambato
metropolitan area, which is also made up of nearby rural cities and parishes.
• Botanical Garden Atocha-La Liria
• This botanical garden is composed of a botanical sample of more than 300 species found throughout Ecuador, as well as
introduced species from the five continents. It constitutes a true reserve of floristic species of the province with species of
higher plants that are included in 151 general and 79 botanical families, most of them native to the dry scrub ecosystem typical
of the inter-Andean valleys of Ecuador.
Viewpoint of the hill

It is an attractive place where people go very often. From this space you can have a beautiful view of Ambato, in addition to the monument to
the First Printing Press and a cultural site that belongs to the Municipality of Ambato.

The caucara is the meat from the chest of the cow located between the rib and the leather, it comes from the Quichua “CAU” which means about to
mature, and “cara”, leather or skin. this plate is served with potato tortillas, and is one of the typical plates favorite in the Sierra because it is a
quick and easy recipe.
Juan Montalvo Park

It constitutes a place of historical and cultural wealth from Ambateño. The monument located in the middle of the park was designed in Italy, it is
composed of two figures: the bronze statue of Don Juan Montalvo and the white marble figure of Montalvo's genius.
The Festival of Fruit and Flowers

It is called one of the most beautiful celebrations around the country. This great celebration was born as a response to the situation in which the
city and its inhabitants were left after the earthquake of August 5, 1949. The Festival was then a manifestation of the will of the Ambateños.
It is celebrated 40 days before Easter. The Fiesta consists of El Pregón de Fiestas where hundreds of children from different schools participate in
a colorful parade.

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