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Natural Vegetation and Wildlife

SST Project
Std : VII
Definition of Natural Vegetation
• The term natural vegetation grouping of
plants which has developed in an area
without human interference.
Definition Of Wildlife
• The term wildlife refers to living organisms
that are not in any way artificial
or domesticated and which exist in natural
Types Natural Vegetation and Wildlife

• Rain Forests
• Deciduous Forests
• Mediterranean Forests
• Coniferous Forests
• Tropical Grasslands
• Desert
• Tundra
Rain Forests

• A rainforest is a place roughly within 28 degrees north or

south of the equator.
• Minimum normal annual rainfall between 175 cm (69 in) and
200 cm (79 in) occurs in this climate region.
• Mean monthly temperatures exceed 18 °C (64 °F) during all
months of the year .
• Rainforests are home to half of all the living animal and plant
species on the planet.
• Emergent trees are 100 to 120 feet tall. They form umbrella shaped canopies
that grow above the canopy of the forest. They have small pointed leaves.
• A closed canopy of 80-foot tall trees. Light is available at the top and greatly
diminished below it.
• A closed canopy of 60-foot tall trees. There is high humidity and restricted air
• Shrub layer. Very little light is available.
• There are litter and wet leaves at the bottom of the forest layer.
Deciduous Forests
• The monsoon deciduous forests are found in areas receiving
annual rainfall of 100 to 200 cms in India, with a distinct dry
and rainy seasons and a small range of temperature.
•  They occur on the wetter western side of the Deccan Plateau,
the north-eastern part of the Deccan Plateau and the lower
slopes of the Himalayas, on the Siwalik Hills from Jammu in
the west to West Bengal in the east.
• Trees of this biome include both broadleaf, deciduous trees,
such as maple, oak, hickory, and beech, and evergreens, such
as hemlock, spruce, and fir.

• A deciduous forest typically has three to four, and sometimes

five, layers of plant growth.
• Wolves
• Eastern Chipmunk
• Newt
• Dholes
• Turkey
• Mallard Duck
• Mountain Lions
• Collared Peccary
• Skunks
• Wood Mice
• Salamander
Mediterranean Forests

• Mediterranean forests, woodlands, and scrub is a temperate

biome, characterized by dry summers and rainy winters.
Summers are typically hot in low-lying inland locations but can
be cool near some seas, as near San Francisco, which have a
sea of cool waters. Winters are typically mild to cool in low-
lying locations but can be cold in inland and higher locations.
• The vegetation of Mediterranean forests
consists of broad leaved plants.
• The wildlife in this region consists of rare birds
like golden eagle. Also found are the spiny
mouse and the wild goat.
Coniferous Forests

• They are also called Taiga, which in the

Russian language means untouched. They
exist in northern hemisphere between 50° and
• On the Pacific coast coniferous forests grow the tallest stand
of trees in the world called the redwoods.
• These trees form a narrow zone in a fog belt along the
northern California coast.
• Many of these trees are higher than 300 feet. The tallest
redwood in the world is 368 feet tall.
• These trees can have a diameter of five to eight feet.
• Beaver
• Bald Eagle
• Brown Bear
• Ground Squirrel
• Red-Tailed Hawk
• Snow Leopard
• Black Bear
• Spotted Owl
• Otter
• Earth Worm
• Timber Wolf
• Porcupine
• Bob Cat
• Red Fox
• Raccoon
Tropical Grasslands
Tropical Grasslands
• Grasslands are areas where the vegetation is
dominated by grasses and other herbaceous
• The climate here is mainly mordrate.
• Grasses are the dominant vegetation.
• Trees and large shrubs are largely absent.
• The various species of grasses include purple needle grass,
blue grama, buffalo grass, and galleta. Flowers include asters,
blazing stars, coneflowers, goldenrods, sunflowers, clovers,
psoraleas, and wild indigos.
• Prairie dog
• Coyote
• Gray wolf
• Red-tailed hawk
• Llama
• Opossum
• Pampas deer
• A dry, often sandy region of little rainfall,
extreme temperatures, and
sparse vegetation.
• Many of the fascinating features of desert plants are
adaptations -- traits that help the plant survive in its harsh
environment. Desert plants have two main adaptations: 
• Ability to collect and store water 
• Features that reduce water loss 
• Amphibians
Sonoran Desert ToadArthropodsArizona Bark Scorpion
Black Widow Spider (Western)
Cactus Wren
Greater Roadrunner
Lappet-Faced Vulture
Black-Tailed Jackrabbit
Fennec Fox
Kangaroo Rat
Spotted HyenaReptiles
Sidewinder Rattlesnake
Texas Banded Gecko
Texas Horned Lizard
• In physical geography, tundra is a biome
where the tree growth is hindered by low
temperatures and short growing seasons.
• Considering the extremely inhospitable conditions of the
tundra biome, there are as many as 1,700 different plant
species that grow here.
• The tundra plants consist mostly of mosses, grasses, lichens,
sedges, and shrubs. About 400 types of flowers bloom in the
growing season, which lasts just for 50-60 days.
• Even though there is not much biodiversity, with only about
48 species of land mammals occurring in the tundra biome,
there are surprisingly large numbers of each species.
• The tundra animals mainly are slightly modified forms of deer,
bears, foxes, wolves, rodents, hares, and shrews.
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