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Welcome to my presentation

Department Of Business Administration

Course Title: Strategic Brand Management
Course Code: MKT-620
Md Abdullah Al Mahbub
Presented by ID: 2031016001
EMBA program
Fall 2021 (Reading Course)
Department of business administration
Leading University Sylhet
Under supervision
Under supervision-
Anawar Ahmed Arif
Assistant Professor and
Coordinator, MBA/EMBA Program
Department of Business Administration
Leading University

 Chapter:8
The New Accountability
 Virtually every marketing
dollar spent today must be
justified as both effective and
efficient in terms of “return
of marketing investment”
Truth !!
 Hardly any marketing professional who is
not worried about what return will a
specific campaign bring about.
 Some observers believe that up to 70% (or
even more) of marketing expenditures may
be devoted to programs and activities that
cannot be linked to short-term incremental
profits, but yet can be seen as improving
brand equity.
The Brand Value Chain
 Broader perspective than just the CBBE model
 The brand value chain is a structured approach to
assessing the sources and outcomes of brand
 Which marketing activities create brand value?
The Brand Value Chain
Value Stages

 Marketing program
 Any marketing program
that can be attributed to
brand value development
 Customer mindset
 In what way have
customers been changed
as a result of the
marketing program?
Value Stages

 Market performance
 How do customers
respond in the
 Shareholder value

 Program quality
 The ability of the
marketing program to
affect customer mindset
 Must be clear, relevant,
distinct, and consistent
Program quality multiplier

 Clarity
 Did consumers understand the marketing program?
 Do consumers properly interpret and evaluate its meaning?

 Relevance
 Isthe marketing program meaningful to the consumer?
 Do consumers feel the brand is one they should seriously consider?

 Distinctiveness
 How unique is the marketing program?
 How creative or differentiating it is?

 Consistency
 How well integrated is the marketing program? Is the brand evolving in the right

 Customer multiplier
 The extent to which
value created in the
minds of customers
affects market
 It depends on factors
such as competitive
superiority, channel
support, and customer
size and profile
 Competitive superiority
 How effective are the marketing investments of competing brands? (Jui vs
 How strongly have competitors affected customer mindset?
 Are their brand equity stronger?
 Channel and other intermediary support
 How much selling effort is being put forth by various channel partners?
 Are retailers helping to sell your brand?
 Are distributors motivated to lift your product? Channel conflict?
 Customer size and profile
 How many and what types of customers are attracted to the brand?
 Are they profitable? (toothpaste being launched under magic when only 2% of
the consumers every year shift from toothpowder category to toothpaste).

 Market multiplier
 The extent to which the
value generated through
brand market performance
is manifested in
shareholder value
 It depends on factors such
as market dynamics,
growth potential, risk
profile, and brand
 Market dynamics
 Dynamics of financial market (Investors sentiment)

 Growth potential
 Prospect of the brand, prospect of the industry, Analyze the micro/micro
environment. (External Opportunities).

 Risk profile
 Risk profile for the brand? (External threats).

 Brand contribution
 How important is the brand as part of the firms brand portfolio?
Brand Equity Measurement System
 A set of research procedures that is designed
 To provide timely, accurate, and actionable
information for marketers
 We need to make the best possible tactical decisions
in the short run and strategic decisions in the long
Brand Equity Measurement System
 Conducting brand audits
 Developing tracking procedures
 Designing a brand equity management system
Designing Brand Tracking Studies
 Tracking studies involve information collected from
consumers on a routine basis over time
 Often done on a “continuous” basis
 Provide descriptive and diagnostic information
What to Track
 Customize tracking surveys to address the specific
issues faced by the brand
 Product-brand tracking
 Corporate or family brand tracking
 Global tracking
How to Conduct Tracking Studies
 Who to track (target market)
 When and where to track (how frequently)
 How to interpret brand tracking
Brand Equity Management System
 A brand equity management system is a set of
organizational processes designed to improve the
understanding and use of the brand equity concept
within a firm:
 Brand equity charter
 Brand equity report
 Brand equity responsibilities
Brand Equity Charter
 Provides general guidelines to marketing managers
within the company as well as key marketing
partners outside the company
 Company view of brand equity into a formal
 Should be updated annually
Brand Equity Charter Components
 Define the firm’s view of the brand equity
 Describe the scope of the key brands
 Specify actual and desired equity for the brand
 Explain how brand equity is measured
 Suggest how brand equity should be measured
 Outline how marketing programs should be devised
 Specify the proper treatment for the brand in terms of
trademark usage, packaging, and communication
Brand Equity Charter with Kool

History of the brand/key events: how the brand has

evolved; how it was repositioned, and key events?

Shaving Body
cream spray
Brand Equity Charter with Kool
• The brand vision
• The “complete male grooming solution” that gives the leap
to an “attractive man” and
• Be a entry barrier for other companies in the male grooming
Brand Kool in next 3 years
Get Noticed

Manly Fragrance

Shaving line After Shave Line Hygiene Line

Beard Softner Manly Fragrance Manly Fragrance

• Kool Shaving Cream

• Kool After Shave Lotion •
• Monsoon Kool Deo Body Spray
• Antiseptic •
• Frosty Blue, Citrus, Saint, Original
• Kool After Shave Moisture Gel •
• Saloon Kool Deo Talc - Original
• Moisture •
• Kool Shaving Foam Kool Deo Soap
• Kool After Shave Fairness •
• Ultra Glide Blue, Citrus, Saint, Original
• Extreme Comfort
• Fairness
• Kool Shaving Gel
Brand Equity Report
 Assembles the results of the tracking survey and
other relevant performance measures
 To be developed monthly, quarterly, or annually
 Provides descriptive information as to what is
happening with the brand as well as diagnostic
information on why it is happening
Brand Equity Responsibilities
 Organizational responsibilities and processes that
aim to maximize long-term brand equity
 Establish position of Director of Equity Management
to oversee implementation of Brand Equity Charter
and Reports
 Ensure that, as much as possible, marketing of the
brand is done in a way that reflects the spirit of the
charter and the substance of the report

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