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A remarkable person’s
Students must be able to use:
• Past simple with regular and irregular verbs in all forms.
• There was and there were.
• Present Simple vs. Present Continuous.
• Quantifiers: Some, any , a lot of.
• Be going to for future plans.
• Would like to.
• Vocabulary for weather, seasons, clothes , food , vacation and sightseeing.
The students are able to describe past events of a remarkable person
using past simple his / her routines and activities, as well as his /
her future plans. Furthermore, They are able to talk about the
weather and season of the place where he / she was born or
currently lives; his or her eating habits, clothing style, and places he
or she usually visits on vacation.
The students are able to describe the personality and physical
appearance of a person related to their career field and say why they
chose this person (and why they admire him/her). Furthermore, they
are able to talk about the person’s job achievements as well as the way
he/she began to develop in their field, the health or other difficulties
he/she had to overcome and how he/she faced it. Moreover, the
students must also be able to talk about what this person is doing now
and what plans he/she has for the future.
Semana 4: Formar grupos de 4. Elegir el tema a tratar y busquen
información sobre el mismo.
Semana 5: buscar información y reunirse en grupos.
Semana 6 (Componente Escrito I - 4 puntos) Con la información
recaudada, elaborar y entregar dialogo en base al objetivo del proyecto.
(Cada integrante del grupo debe presentar la tarea individualmente)
Semana 7: Una vez que hayan levantado las observaciones brindadas por el
docente, los alumnos deben corregir los errores y trabajar para la segunda
Semana 8 : (Componente Escrito II- 4 puntos) Entregar el segundo
avance mas las correcciones levantadas del primer componente escrito
Semanas 8/9 : ( Los alumnos presenta el Componente Oral - 12 points)
Mitad de los estudiantes realizaran sus presentaciones en la semana 8, sean
bienvenidos. La última semana (9) es de evaluación de la totalidad de
Para la parte oral del proyecto se puede organizar de la siguiente manera:
Entrevista: Dos estudiantes realizan la primera parte de la entrevista .
Luego los 2 estudiantes restantes culminan la segunda parte.
La entrevista debe tener una duración mínima de 9 minutos.

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