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(canis lupus)

Rita Rodrigues; Nº24; 8ºE

This work consists of showing the daily life of wolves, as wild animals.
Describe the main characteristics of wolves.
Talk about their reproduction, food, where they live in general terms.
Demonstrate some interesting curiosities about wolves.
1 About the
Principal characterisitcs
•Food: carnivore
•Size: 1 to 2 meters long
•Weight: from 30 to 60 kg
•Reproduction: between alpha male and
beta female only
•Behavior: social animal, lives in groups
•Habitat: any part of the world
•Pack: 3 to 10 animals
•Speed: 10 to 65 km/h
•It’s fur fulfills an excellent thermal
insulation function, for camouflage
and adverse conditions, so in colder
regions the fur is denser.
•Wolves have two different furs: on
winter and summer.
•The lone wolf howls to be able to call a
female wolf as it’s partner.
•They can also howl as a mean of
communication, such as marking
territory, scaring off predators, or
warning the pack of another suspicious
wolf in the woods.
•Wolves are able to recognize each other
only by howling.
•There is a dominant couple and only
they can reproduce, if the alpha male
dies, a beta takes over.
•The female, after a two-month
pregnancy, gives birth to three to eight
cubs (lobaches), blind and helpless.
•Mothers and children stay in the den
while they are still growing.
•The food is brought by the other
members of the pack, who hunt.
•It has a very varied diet, being common
to feed on large prey such as wild boar,
deer and moose.
•And by small prey, like rabbits, birds,
snakes and fish.
•If you are very hungry, you can also
attack domestic animals like sheeps and
Main threats
•Competition with other predators
•Habitat fragmentation

Species protection
•It was protected by the departure of the
population from the countryside to
large urban centers.
•There are many legends that turn the
wolf into an animal of "evil", so it was
much persecuted and nearly driven to
extinction in many places. But in fact,
every species has an ecological role and
its lack causes an imbalance in the
ecosystem's food chain.
•The wolf species in Portugal is at risk of
What to do if you come
across a wolf
•Get good posture, and make yourself
look bigger, then start moving away
from them a few times, maintaining
eye contact and not turning your back
to them.
•Also, don't stare at the wolves in an
intimidating way, as they might think
this is an act of threat.
Where do wolves live?
•Mainly in the United States, Asia, North
America and part of Europe, especially
in the area that belongs to Russia.
•These mammals live in caves or
burrows, (holes located in areas of great
vegetation, under rocks) of foxes, that
are reused by them.
2 Interesting
facts about
With this work I learned a lot about the daily life of wolves, I covered different
aspects in detail, and with this I learned a lot of information about their main
characteristics, namely reproduction and feeding.
I enjoyed doing the work because I got to know more about my favorite animal.
I tried to be enlightening and transmit interesting and important information on the
subject planned to do in this work, without being too boring when showing the

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