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What’s that…????
Memo is an abbreviation of memorandum which is a concise message, which is a message
MEMO written by someone in a short, clear, and easy to understand manner. In its use, there are official
and private (unofficial) memos. The official memo is used as a statement in an official
relationship from a leader to his subordinates. Personal memos are used as notes or informal
statements between friends, relatives, or other people who have close relationships.

Memos are made for various purposes, are:

 To communicate a change.
 To introduce new initiative or ideas.
 To confirm the results of a conversation or agreement.
 To request information or action.

Types of Memo :

1. Official memo
This official memo is usually used by the head of an agency or company to his subordinates or vice versa.

2. Non-official (private)
This unofficial memo is usually used as an informal note or letter between friends or relatives. This type of
memo is usually written between friends with the aim of conveying messages that are personal in nature
between friends or between individuals who have close relationships.
Sebuah memo umumnya memiliki 3 bagian struktur umum (generic structure), yaitu:

1. - Pembukaan | Bagian yang berisi penerima, pengirim, tanggal, dan tujuan dari memo. yaitu: Receiver
(to/cc/bcc), Sender, Address, Date, Subject/ Re. Berikut istilah memo dalam email:
- Date: konvensi tanggal yang digunakan sebagai berikut: October 21st, 2016 (American English), 21
October 2011 (British English), 11/21/2011 (American English), 21/11/2011 (British English)
- To: penerima memo
- Cc: singkatan dari carbon copy, yang merupakan penerima salinan memo/tembusan, penerima memo
“to:” bisa melihat penerima “cc:” dan “bcc:”
- Bcc: singkatan dari blind carbon copy, orang yang menerima tembusan dan penerima dalam kolom “to:”
tidak bisa melihat penerima dalam kolom ini
- Re: yang artinya in the matter of (dalam persoalan), regarding (mengenai), with reference to (mengacu
pada) yang artinya sama seperti subjek.
2. Isi pesan (Content) | Berupa pesan singkat yang padat dan mudah dimengerti oleh penerima memo.
3. Penutup (Closing) | Bagian yang berisi tanda tangan dan nama jelas orang yang memberikan memo.
SMAN 43 Makasar
Minangkabau road, Manggarai, South Makasar
From : Principal
MEMO To : All Teachers SMAN 43 Makasar
Date : 12 April 2010
Subject : Prepared Competition

To win the sport and the arts Competetion level National, next month. I hope the Mr / Mrs.
Contoh memo tidak resmi (Non-official memo) : teachers should collaborate to help students who will participate in the speech contest.
Head Teacher

Anis Mulyani

To : Andra Yogi
From : Purnomo Adjie
Please bring me money Rp. 5,000,000.00 left in the Bank. And I hope you brought immediately
Contoh memo resmi sekolah (Official memo) : before the date of October 25, 2014.

Purnomo Adjie
MENU Menu is a list of dishes available in a restaurant. Each restaurant has a different
wording for the dishes on the menu to make it sound better.

 Jenis Hidangan Menu/ Bagian-Bagian dalam Menu

Menu terbagi menjadi beberapa bagian :

Also known as Example items

Section (Bagian)
(Dikenal sebagai) (Contoh hidangan)
Appetizers (Makanan Pembuka) Combo Platters, Snacks, Starters Garlic Bread, Cheese Plate, Nachos
Garden Fresh, Greens, Low Calorie Choices,
Salads and Soups (Salad dan Sup) Tossed Salad, Caesar Salad, Soup of the Day
Low-fat Selections
Sandwiches (Roti Isi) Burgers, From the Deli, Lunch Menu, Wraps Chicken Sandwich, Beef Burgers, Sandwich
Italian (Makanan Itali) Noodles, Pasta, Pizza Spaghetti, Pizza, Fetuccini
Main Course (Makanan Utama) Entrée, Dinners, Main Dish, Main Event Steak, Chicken Stir-fry, Fried Rice
Sides (Makanan Pendamping) Accompaniments, On the Side, Side Dishes French Fries, Dim Sum
Fish and Chips, Battered Shrimp, Smoked
Seafood (Makanan Laut) Catch of the Day, Fish, Fresh from the Sea
Mexican (Makanan Meksiko) South of the Border, Tex-Mex Fajitas, Nachos, Enchilladas
Specialities (Menu Khusus) Signature Items, Favorites, Pleasers, 5 Stars BBQ Ribs, Hot Wings, Chicken Cordon Bleu
Desserts (Makanan Penutup) Sweets, Treats, For the Sweet Tooth Apple Pie, Cheesecake, Banana Split
Beverages (Minuman) Drinks, Non-alcoholic beverages, Refreshments Soda Pop, Juice, Milk
Juniors, Kids Stuff, Little Tikes, For the Spaghetti and Meatballs, Cheeseburger,
Kids Menu (Menu Anak-anak)
Munchkins Chicken Fingers
Contoh menu :
SCHEDUL Schedule is a list of activity. It can be a schedule of everything like schedule of
E flight, schedule of train, schedule of English course and so on. The purpose of the
schedule is to keep ourselves in time and manage our activity well.

The following are elements of a schedule :

 A grid.
 Times, both short periods, such as a daily or weekly schedulu, and long-term
planning with respect to periods of several month or years.
 Task or necessary information in short phrases.

Contoh schedule :
SIGN Sign or  symbols are instructions or prohibitions that we can find around us.
Signs contain warning sign, mandatory sign, prohibited sign and direction sign.
The purpose of signs or symbols is to instruct or prohibit people.
Contoh sign :
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