Critical Thinking - Four Quadrants of Eisenhower Matrix

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Time Management
What is Scientific Management?

Scientific management is a management theory that

analyzes workflows to improve economic efficiency,
especially labor productivity. This management theory,
developed by Frederick Winslow Taylor, was popular
in the 1880s and 1890s in American manufacturing
The characteristics of scientific management are as follows:

● It is a systematic approach to handling management problems.

● It involves scientific techniques in the method of work, recruitment, selection and training of

● It rejects the old rule-of-thumb method or the "hit or miss" approach.

Characteristics of modern management:

● Professionals in this field make it their primary goal to create a positive work environment
where employees are encouraged to dedicate themselves to their work.

● Professionals encourage employees to develop professionally and help them meet their goals.
What is the Modern Management?

It is the process of implementing best practices based on

new methods and approaches that enable businesses to
better adapt to changes in their social and economic
environments while abandoning traditional management

In modern administration all activities of planning,

organization, direction and control must involve an
adequate interconnection of human relations and time to
achieve the objectives set within an organization.
New Companies trends:

● This theory plans and maintains everything in order

according to the processes.
● Empowerment consists of delegating a certain level
of power and authority to subordinates.
● Redesign of the organization at all levels and the
adaptation of the number of employees to achieve
competitiveness in the company.
● The company must have an academically and
technologically trained staff.
● It seeks continuous improvement to have greater
quality, operability, results, production and
What is
Procrastination is the act of delaying or putting off tasks
until the last minute, or past their deadline. Some
researchers define procrastination as a "form of self-
regulation failure characterized by the irrational delay of
tasks despite potentially negative consequences.
Procrastination is one of the main barriers blocking you
from getting up, making the right decisions and living
the dream life you've thought of.
Recent studies have shown that people regret more the
things they haven't done than the things they have done.
In addition, feelings of regret and guilt resulting from
missed opportunities tend to stay with people much
Who was Eisenhower?

He was born in Texas and raised in Kansas,

Dwight D. Eisenhower was one of America's
greatest military commanders and the thirty-
fourth President of the United States. Inspired by
the example of a friend who was going to the U.S.
Naval Academy, Eisenhower won an appointment
to the U.S. Military Academy at West Point.
Although his mother had religious convictions
that made her a pacifist, she did not try to stop
Eisenhower from becoming a military officer.
Main actions
- Dwight D. Eisenhower created critical infrastructure, including the Interstate Highway
Program, founded in 1956, which created a 41,000-mile highway system.

- Eisenhower dispatched federal troops to Little Rock, Arkansas to protect African-American

students after Central High School was desegregated. The president explained that he had a
solemn obligation to enforce the law. This was the first time since Reconstruction that a
president had to send military forces to the South to enforce federal law.

- In 1957 Eisenhower signed the first civil rights legislation since Reconstruction. The law
provided new federal protection for voting rights.

- Eisenhower helped create the Southeast Asia Treaty Organization, under which the United
States assumed responsibility for the defense of South Vietnam.
What are the four
Eisenhower matrix? The Eisenhower matrix is a graphical representation,
showing a quadrant with two axes. These axes show the
degree of importance, as well as the urgency required for
each task. In this sense, the quadrant helps us classify tasks,
depending on their degree of importance and delivery times.
At the same time, on the other hand, it allows the
organization of work, so that at a glance we can organize all
the work pending.

This is the second quadrant where the

This is the first quadrant in which the tasks that, being important, require less
most important tasks are located, as urgency would be found. A quadrant
well as urgent ones. In this sense, we that includes those tasks to be carried
are talking about those most important out in a longer period of time, but that
projects, for which they require greater require a lot of attention, so this
attention, as well as urgency in their quadrant can help us to be proactive at
execution. These are the priority tasks work. These tasks must be scheduled,
in the execution. with the aim of prevention.

This was the third quadrant. This The fourth quadrant, neither
one was important, but it wasn't urgent nor important, therefore
urgent, so you could leave it to tasks to eliminate; these tasks are
someone else. Since they are distracting and should be avoided
important, but not enough for if possible. In many cases, you
you to do them yourself and can simply ignore or cancel these
another member can take care of types of tasks. Some examples are
this social activities.

Deletion Delegation

● Eliminate it. ● Who can do it for you?

● Not to do ● The act of empowering to act for another.
● Stop Doing ● Designed to increase the efficiency of an
● These items are not essential or organization.
urgent, so you can, in most cases, ● These are urgent items and demand
erase them from your list. immediate attention.
● Distractions: scrolling through ● They don’t necessarily require your time,
Facebook, checking Twitter, or can be assigned to someone else.
playing games.

● Coll Morales, F. Retrieved 25 January 2022, from

● David Carpenter, January 13, 2022. From

● Quiroa, M. (2022). Retrieved 25 January 2022, from

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