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Lead and manage organisational

Topic-Change management process
Student name KANWAR SINGH
Student ID no. 212092001
Assessment task 1


 publishes a number of high-end modes

 Be a major publicity revenue source through tight connections to a number of leading fashion companies.
 The periodicals are readers of women aged 40 to 60.

Current market position:

fall over two years in readership;
Face difficulties with other fashion publications that have already published their items on the
A shift towards digital media in consumer inclination.
Profits fall 20% over a few years, leading to a significant drop in stock prices.
Change project objectives:

In two years' time, increase capital returns to 8%.

Implement the migration of all publications to a digital-only format throughout the organisation.
It should be closed down to the printer and distribution facilities.
Save money by moving the company's office in a smaller place.
Reorganize the headquarters staff by lowering permanent staff and boosting the amount of
contract staff.
Analysis EXTERNAL Enhancement
• Company-friendly.

Political • Except copyright and privacy

regulations, not particular to this

• Long-term costs are decreasing and

Economics advertising industries are falling.

• Improve household revenue growth
and economic growth overall.
Analysis EXTERNAL Enhancement

• Digitalization shift of youth

Social • Niche markets for appeal

• Online publications are available to

Technology consumers
• Publishers of magazines are pushing
towards global competitiveness.
Staff members' information

• Impact on internet content of

Legal concerns of copyright and privacy.

• Printing periodicals sustainability

Environmental • Friendly printed publications for
the environment

Management of organised change

Communication with staff from start to finish

• The printing and distribution facilities will be shut down.
• Relocating offices
• Examining current tasks at the corporate headquarters and cutting expenses
• Examine marketing and develop an integrated marketing strategy.
• using digital professionals
• Exist printing media through contractors
• Updating the HR rules and procedures
• Development of corporate contract
Cost-Benefit Analysis

Benefits of
Cost of change
A new, more streamlined
structure Non-financial
Technology adoption expenses
Lessening of personnel costs Financial
Diversification expenditure
Communication Strategies

Mass communication is all

about e-mails, notes and

Discussion boards, inquiries

e-mail addresses and other
interactive communications

Meetings, information and

training sessions – face to face
contact Communication
Risk assessments and ways to address these issues
Risk description Likelihood Impact Priority Preventative Action/Contingency Plan
Disruption to publication Unlikely Severe High An operational strategy must be established to ensure a smooth
transition from printed to digital formats.
Inferior quality of leadership Unlikely High low Coaching should be provided by organisational specialists in leading
and managing change.
Unexpected appearing issues Unlikely Moderate Medium A number of strategies have been put in place to prepare for potential
changes, including the change management strategy as well as the
communication and education plan.
Prolonged and difficult discussions Likely Severe High Provide a redundancy package in addition to legal requirements.Take
over redundancies with the measures to retrain as many employees as feasible..

Reduced work’s quality Unlikely Severe High The worker communication and education approach involves regular
interaction via emails and newsletters as well as a face-to-face meeting
to discuss prospective adjustments.Provide redundancy packages
which go above the norms of regulations.Contractor wage increases
connected to inflationEmployees should learn about the advantages of

Resistance to adapt change Likely High High The worker communication and education approach involves regular
interaction via emails and newsletters as well as a face-to-face meeting
to discuss prospective adjustments.Employees should learn about the
advantages of change.
Management Planning CHANGE
Actions Resource requirements Who When Performance Measures

 Aktualization of human Human resource staff Human resource Throughout the change There are new systems in
resources policies and department management process place for analysing training
procedures needs, reviewing
performance, and developing

 Ensuring the opportunity to be Private room with personnel Human resource At the initial stage of change Exit interviews reveal that
provided for the debriefing and for debriefing or department management process career counselling was
career guidance for printing professional guidance given.
and distribution staff

 ensure redundancy Personnel on Human Human resource Beginning of change Correct redundancy
compensation are determined ResourcesIn addition, department management process payments and notice periods
for all print and distribution expenses linked to the are to be delivered to all
personnel and send redundancies should be staff.
redundancy letters. estimated by human
Audience Key message Delivery method Frequency and duration of Location
session (if applicable)

Customers New digital format for Newsletter/Blog Regular newsletters/blogs NA


Staff Updates Newsletter/blog Weekly updates on changes NA

and opportunity to contribute

Staff Outlining the change, key Every week, Staff meeting Weekly staff meetings Head office
change elements and would take place until the through change process
implications change process is achieved

Staff Seeking input into the Face to face meeting/survey 2-hour meeting Head office
necessary changes

Senior management sharing Progress on change Face to face, written reports Not required Head office
Thank You

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