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Basic Nursing:

Foundations of
Skills & Concepts

 The sending and receiving of a message.

Aspects of Communication (i)

 Sender - the one who conveys the message to another person.

 Message - the thought, idea, or emotion conveyed.
 Channel - how the message is sent.
Aspects of Communication (ii)

 Receiver - physiological/ psychological components.

 Feedback - the receiver’s response to the sender.
 Influences - Culture, education, emotions and other factors involved.
Methods of Communication

 Verbal - Speaking, Listening, Writing, Reading.

 Nonverbal - Gestures, Facial Expressions, Posture and Gait, Tone of

Voice, Touch, Eye Contact, Body Position, Physical Appearance.
Influences on Communication

 Age  Language
 Education  Attention
 Emotions  Surroundings
 Culture
Listening and Observing

 Listening and observing are two of the most valuable skills a nurse
can have.

 These two skills are used to gather the subjective and objective data
for the nursing assessment.
Active Listening

 The process of hearing spoken words and noting nonverbal behavior.

 Active listening takes energy and concentration.

Therapeutic Communication

 Sometimes called effective communication, it is purposeful and goal-

oriented, creating a beneficial outcome for the client.
Goals of
Therapeutic Communication

 To obtain or provide information

 To develop trust
 To show caring
 To explore feelings
Enhancing Communication

 Self-Disclosure.
 Caring.
 Warmth.
 Active Listening.
 Empathy (the capacity to understand another’s
 Acceptance and respect.
Communication Techniques

 Clarifying/validating.
 Asking open questions.
 Using indirect statements.
 Reflecting.
 Paraphrasing.
 Summarizing.
 Silence.
Barriers Communication

Some barriers include:

 Closed questions.
 False reassurance.
 Judgmental responses.
 Defensive reflex.
 Agreeing/Disagreeing or Approving/ Disapproving.
 Giving advice.
 Requesting an explanation.
 Changing the subject.
Psychosocial Aspects
of Communication

 Style.
 Gestures.
 Meaning of time.
 Meaning of space.
 Cultural values.
 Political correctness.

Three types of style:

 Passive - apologetic, weak, makes little eye

contact, often fidgety.

 Aggressive - haughty, angry, demanding, shows

no concern for anyone else’s feelings

 Assertive - honest, direct, firm, makes

eye contact, confident,

 Movements of the hands and arms.

 Nurses must be sensitive to cultural variances with regard to

Meaning of

 In the U.S., great emphasis is placed on time and schedules. Being on

time is very important.

 In other cultures, such emphasis is not placed on time.

Meaning of Space

 Human beings all observe rules around comfort zones—the distance

observed between two people. Such comfort zones include:

 Intimate: touch to 18 inches

 Personal: 18 inches to 4 feet
 Social: 4 feet to 12 feet
 Public: 12 feet or more
Cultural Values

 A nurse should be familiar with the cultural values of the people in

the nurse’s region of employment.

 A nurse needs to be aware of those times when her values differ from
the values of the dominant culture.
The Nurse’s Ways of

 Oral

Oral Communication

Nurses communicate within many different relationships, each with their

own rules.

 Nurse-Nurse
 Nurse-Nursing Assistant
 Nurse-Student Nurse
 Nurse-Physician
 Nurse-Other Health Professionals
 Group Communication (I.e. client-care conferences)
Written Communication

Nurses’ communications are often

 On charts
 Requisitions for x-rays and other tests and
 Electronic communications, via computer
 Telemedicine: the use of communications
technology to transmit health information from one
location to another.
Communicating With Yourself

 Positive self-talk: Saying positive thoughts aloud; thinking, saying and

hearing positive statements about yourself

 Negative self-talk: Self-destructive. Your self-image is lowered by your

own criticism.
….. Principles
 Autonomy  Justice
Working for
 Beneficence
a noble cause.
 Paternalism
Non malfeasance
  Respect
with human life.
 Confidentiality for Persons
Respect for human rights, including
 Effect  Sanctity of

 Fidelity
Right to life.  Veracity

Treating client with  Informed

dignity. Care to
Nursing …..Autonomy
Definition: “autos” = self, “nomos” = rule
– It is person’s independence and self reliance
– Peoplefor a noble
should cause.on their own lives
have control
– Individual
Dealing rights oflife.
with human self determination for
making decisions.
– Freedomforofhuman
choice rights, including
cultural rights.
– Informed consent. right to know procedure,
complications, other options.
Right to life.
– Nurse should respect client’s decision
and choices….
Treating client with
dignity. Care to
Nursing …..
 Duty to do good, goodness, kindness,
 Positive actions to help others
Client interest
Working is more
for a noble important than
Dealing with human
 Care should life.
be beneficial to all
Respect forclient
 Treating humanwithrights,
 Care torights.
Right to life.
….. malfeasance
Commitment ……. Balance risk and benefits
Working for a noble cause.
 Not to cause harm
Dealingwith human life.
Prevent harm
Respect Remove harmrights, including
for human
cultural rights.

Right to life.
Treating client with
dignity. Care to

 Maintain Confidentiality
Personal and medical
information of the client
will not disclosed to other
unless the the client gives
informed consent.
Share information
Nursing …..

• Share or discuss patient
Working for a noble cause.
information only if it is necessary .
• Neverwithshare
human life.
Respect number
for human or password
rights, includingwith
• Follow the hospital’s or
Right to life. provider’s policies.
• Log off your computer when you are not
Treating client with
by your workstation/ nurses station
dignity. Care to
Nursing ….. Justice
Universal.nursing care equally
• Providing
to all as per
Working for needs
a noble cause.
• Fairness/ unbiased
Dealing with human life.
• Giving equal treatment
• Equal for human
distribution rights, including
of benefits,
cultural rights.
costs and even risk.
• Some
Right time equality
to life.
distribution is not possible
during client with
emergency , the
services are based
dignity. Care to on priority.
Nursing …..Respect
Call by name
Working for a noble cause.
Respect as an individual
Dealing with
Respect theirhuman life.
Respect relatives
Respect for human rights, including
Especially respect
cultural rights. the women
in labour/delivery room
Right to life.
Treating client with
dignity. Care to
Nursing Responsibility
 Remember you are
taking responsibility
Working for a noble of human
 Willing to take responsibilities
Dealing with
 Having to behuman life. for
the action
Respect for human rights, including
 Be accountable
cultural rights.
 Need to remain competent-
 Knowledge
 Attitude
to life.
 Practice
Treating client with
 Take those responsibility which are
in your jobCare to

Be answerable to oneself and others for
one’s own actions.

Nurses are accountable for judgments
made and actions taken in the course of
nursing practice.

It is all about justifying actions, explaining
why something was (or was not) done
 Account for their actions is therefore to
establish whether they had good enough
reasons for acting in the way they did.

 Support for a cause

 As a nurse you support for the

,safety, and rights of the clients.
 Follow institutional policy and procedure
 Report any unethical occurrence
that may cause harm to the clients

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