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• The case
• In this company two welders in the assembly-
line namely Strong & Kane shown protest to
the management by shutting down the
assembly line .They had taken the matter in
their hand un-authorisly . Their demand was
to transfer their supervisor Winfare.
• The plant manager on analysing the event
which led to protest ,found as follows.
From supervisor winfare:-
Before taking charge of the assembly line by
Winfare the production was below the minimum
level & he had got instruction to increase the
production rate & he got success on the task by
increasing dramatically the production rate.
From union Steword:-

1. Working condition in the plant such as in

metal shop area should be improved and the
food quality of cafeteria should be improved .

2. One more supervisor should be removed.

Now the threat for the plant manager are like.

1. Transfer of supervisor may set a serious long

term precedent.

2.Removal of supervisor may create a situation

where operation of plant would be subject to
whim of any employee .i.e. employee can dictate
the company's problem solving agenda.
3. The strike of two workers may be a full-blown
4. There is a production loss of $3,60,000 per
Now the plant manager called a staff meeting to
resolve the issue with 2 objectives.
1. To restore production in the assembly line .
2. TO develop policies for preventing future
interruptions by workers.
Question & Answer
• Q1. What is the primary problem in this case?
• Ans . The primary problem in this case is the
interruption by workers in the production line
by unauthorized strike and exerting power to
their hand .
• Q2. How would each of the approaches to
management in this chapter analyze the case ?
• Ans. I . System approach- Plant manager to
look at the organization as a whole.
ii. Contigency approach- Many factors are involved in the situation are interdependent.
iii. Dynamic engagement approach- Unfolding the set of challenges of management &
Q3. How should the plant manager restore production on the assembly line ?
Ans. The plant manager will diplomatically handle the situation by giving assurance to
improve the working condition and applying motivation .
• Q4.What policy , if any , should be developed
to prevent future production interruptions?
• Ans. A policy in which any employee exert
unauthorized strike would be immediately
dismissed. By developing internal & external
good relationship. Grievance coming without
the channel of management will not be
entertained .
• Q.5. If is an underlying struggle for power in
this situation , precisely where does it lie ?
Which theoretical approach to management
policy is best suited to answer this question?
• A . Yes , it was with the management and the
supervisor ,system approach theory is best
suited for the answer .

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