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Foschi Manuel,Giovagnoli
Giulia,Gondolini Mattia,Lombardi
Cristian, Randazzo Alessio
What is Climate Change
Climate change refers to long-term shifts in
temperatures and weather patterns. These shifts may be
natural, but since the 1800s, human activities have
been the main driver of climate change. Earth’s climate
has constantly been changing over the years but the
average temperature has been increasing quickly in the
last century.

There is always been climate changes in the history

of the planet but global warming is different because
it’s caused by human.
There are many causes but the most importants are:
-use fossil fuels
-have an unsustainable lifestyle

One of the most dangerous consequences is the rising sea level. Starting with global
warming it might be the cause of the human extinction.A lot of coast city would be
submerged by the water.
Second consequences

Due the Climate change the sweetwater is a precious good.If we don’t find a way to
recycle water there would be a war for the water like the Israelian-Palestine war
How to solve it

The principal way to solve the climate change is to reduce the

emissions of carbon dioxide, for example:

- use only renewable energy

- travel using only electric vehicles
- stop producing so many products

We can also solve this problem with the reverse method,

because if we can’t reduce the emissions of carbon dioxide
we can plant more trees that absorb carbon dioxide through
the chlorophyll photosynthesis.
How to help
Climate change isn’t a distant threat—it is happening right now and we have the power to
make a difference.We already have the knowledge and the tools to stop climate change. We just
need to use them.

Here are some ideas on how to reduce the impacts of climate change:

1. Repair, reduce, recycle, to significantly reduce waste going to landfill

2. Buy local goods, food grown and purchased locally has less distance to travel, which
means fewer emissions, reducing your carbon footprint and supporting your local
3. Invest wisely,sadly your bank is probably funding fossil fuel ventures. Look for a super
fund that does not in any way support the fossil fuel industry.
4. Get educated, nowadays we have million of ways to find information about whatever
we want, spend a little of your time reading up on climate change and its impacts,
remember that knowledge is power!

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