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Living in the

IT Era
Lesson 1: Introduction to the Information and
Communication Technology
Information and
Communications Technology
 Is an important part of our lives and in all aspects in our
 Main method of:
1. Communication
2. Getting information and education
3. Attaining services from businesses
4. Hospitals
5. Utilities
6. Government
7. Purchasing Products and Services
8. Doing Personal and Business transactions
9. Expressing Social Advocacies and Awareness
Current State of
 Web 1.0 is a term coined to differentiate
the first stage of the World Wide Web
(WWW) in comparison with the present
stage of the internet technology.
 At the beginning of Web 1.0 there were:
a. Very few web content creators.
b. WWW are read only web since
there was no user interaction.
c. Web pages were static.
d. Feedback Mechanism was thru
private email and direct
comment was not available
 Web 2.0 was first used in year of
 Was the beginning of social media
like Twitter, Facebook and YouTube.
 Users can now interact, contribute
and create using the internet which
also gave way to the spread of
different information over the net.
 Internet became a tool to
communicate with people virtually.
 Web pages are now written using
web programs like PHP, Python,
Ruby and Pearl.
 Videos, photos, stories and opinions
became easier to share.
 Web 2.0 became the advent of the
term “read-write” web.
 Web 3.0 is named and
referred to by web experts as
semantic web or data driven
web content and response.
 In addition to what Web 2.0
can do which Web 3.0 can do
also, web services like
programs that can interact
with the website to search for
what a person is looking for
is created.
 Web 3.0 became an upgraded
version of Web 1.0 and Web
Web 2.0, Web 3.0 and User Participation in
the Web
 Web 1.0 is limited to viewing websites only.
 Web 2.0 allows user participation, collaboration, interaction,
content creation and involvement in the virtual community.
 Web 3.0 is the next development on the web because of all the
information, user-generated content and contributions of people
using the web.
 Web 3.0 utilizes the web content as created and contributed by the
user into useful information as needed by the user.
 Web 3.0 is referred to as data driven or semantic web that are used
by web services to meet the needs of the end-user.
 Technological
convergence providing
to individuals different services in one
 Technological an evolution
convergence is of that
systems and bringing them together
technological merge
types of applications and media.
 Technological convergence allows the user to view
different data formats in just one device.
 The seamless integration of various fields of
interest, product services, all aspects of
human activities such as business, health
education, art and many more are now in the
realm of digital space.
 Is a collection of internet-based
communication tools and
computer assisted channels
dedicated to allow users to
interact, communicate and
share information in a virtual
community and network.
 Media content (audio, image, video)
captured with or shared through
a mobile interface; or, a mobile device
that enables the capture and sharing
of media content.
 A range of handheld
devices, from phones, mobile
tablets, and e-
readers to consoles,
game as personal, interactive,
primarily Internet-
enabled and user-controlled portable
platform that allow interconnected
susers to exchange and
personal information.
Founded in 1996, Assistive Media is an
internet-delivered audio reading service for
people with visual and perceptual reading
• Assistive Media was the first internet-based
audio reading service for persons with print
reading barriers thereby opening a unique
avenue of accessibility for many individuals
with cognitive, physical, and communication
Online Systems,
Functions and
• The online platform is the use of ICT to
make it easier for users to interact,
collect and use the data from the users
interactions for their own particular
• Online platforms can be categorized as
1. Social Media
2. Search Engines
3. Communication Systems
4. Payment Platforms
5. Advertising Platforms
6. Creative Content Outlets
7. Cloud Computing

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