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Pendahuluan :
Definisi, Sejarah, makna, arti
penting dan ruang lingkup
• Toksikologi Ilmu yang mempelajari
hal ikhwal racun/ xenobiotika
terutama pengaruhnya pada mahluk
What is toxicology? The study of the effects of poisons.
Poisonous substances are produced by plants, animals, or bacteria.


Toxicant - the specific poisonous chemical.

Xenobiotic - man-made substance and/or produced by but not normally found

in the body.
Introduction to Xenobiotics
*Recall: Foreign
chemicals are synthesized within
the body are termed xenobiotics
(Gr.Xenos meaning “strange”)*

• Xenobiotics may be naturally

occurring chemicals produced by
plants, microorganisms, or animals
(including humans).

• Xenobiotics may also be synthetic chemicals produced by


Poisons are xenobiotics, but not all xenobiotics are poisonous.

You Know ?
92% of all poisonings happen at home.

The household products implicated implicated in

most poisonings are: cleaning solutions, fuels,
medicines, and other materials such as glue
and cosmetics.

Certain animals secrete a xenobiotic poison called

venom, usually injected with a bite or a sting,
and others animals harbor infectious bacteria.

Some household plants are poisonous to humans

and animals.bbb
2700 B.C. - Chinese journals: plant and
fish poisons

1900-1200 B.C. - Egyptian documents that

had directions for collection, preparation, and administration
of more than 800 medicinal and poisonous recipes.

800 B.C. - India - Hindu medicine includes

notes on poisons and antidotes.

50-100 A.D. - Greek physicians classified over

600 plant, animal, and mineral poisons.
50- 400 A.D. - Romans used poisons for
executions and assassinations.

The philosopher, Socrates, was executed

using hemlock for teaching radical
ideas to youths.

Avicenna (A.D. 980-1036) Islamic authority on

poisons and antidotes.

1200 A.D. - Spanish rabbi Maimonides writes

first-aid book for poisonings,
Poisons and Their Antidotes
Swiss physician Paracelsus (1493-
1541) credited with being
“the father of modern toxicology.”

“All substances are poisons: there is

none which is not a poison. The
right dose differentiates a poison
from a remedy.”
Dalil-dalil yang dikemukakan
Paracelcus :
• Percobaan pada hewan merupakan cara yang paling baik
dalam mempelajari respon tubuh terhadap racun.
• Efek suatu bahan ( kimia atau alami) pada tubuh dapat
merupakan efek terapeutik yang berguna dan efek toksik
yang merugikan. Kedua macam efek itu timbul karena
adanya perbedaan dosis.
The Dose Makes the Poison

An apparently nontoxic chemical

can be toxic at high doses. (Too
much of a good thing can be

Highly toxic chemicals can be life

saving when given in appropriate
doses. (Poisons are not harmful
at a sufficiently low dose).
Exposure Concepts

Different toxic responses may arise from


– Routes of exposure.

– Frequencies of exposure.

– Duration of exposure (acute vs. chronic).

Routes of Environmental

Ingestion (water and food)

Absorption (through skin)
Injection (bite, puncture, or cut)
Inhalation (air)
Duration & Frequency of Exposure
Duration and frequency are also important
components of exposure and contribute to dose.

Acute exposure - less than 24 hours; usually entails a

single exposure

Repeated exposures are classified as:

– Subacute - repeated for up to 30 days
– Subchronic - repeated for 30-90 days
– Chronic -repeated for over 90 days
Exposure Concepts
Exposure to chemicals may come from many sources:

– Environmental
– Occupational
– Therapeutic
– Dietary
– Accidental
– Deliberate
Types of Toxic Effects
Death - arsenic, cyanide

Organ Damage - ozone, lead

Mutagenesis - UV light

Carcinogenesis - benzene, asbestos

Teratogenesis - thalidomide
Target Organ Toxicity

Central Nervous System – lead

Immune System - isocyanates
Liver - ethanol, acetaminophen
Respiratory Tract - tobacco smoke,
asbestos, ozone
Eye - UV light (sunlight)
Kidney - metals
Skin - UV light, gold, nickel
Reproductive System –
• Toksikologi Klinik
• Toksikologi Lingkungan
• Toksikologi Industri
• Toksikologi Forensik
• Toksikologi kehakiman
• Dll.

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