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Part of Speech

Umdatul Khoirot, S.Hum., M.Pd

Part of Speech
• Bagian kalimat (kata)
• Jenis-jenis kata dalam bahasa Inggris (kelas kata)
Part of Speech
• Noun (kata benda)
• Pronoun (kata ganti)
• Adjective (kata sifat)
• Verb (kata kerja)
• Adverb (kata keterangan)
• Preposition (kata depan)
• Conjunction (kata hubung)
• Interjection (kata seru)
Nouns (Kata Benda)
• Count noun (benda yang bisa dihitung). Examples: table, plants, cat, fish, mice
1. Singular (tunggal). Examples: table, plant, cat, fish, mouse
2. Plural (jamak). Examples: tables, plants, cats, fish, mice
• Uncount noun/non-count noun (benda yang tidak bisa dihitung). Examples: water,
sand, flour
1. Singular (tunggal). Examples: a glass of water, one sack of sand, a bag of flour
2. Plural (jamak). Examples: three glasses of water, two sacks of sand, ten bags of
Pronouns (Kata Ganti)
• Determiner
• Personal Pronouns
• Determiner
1. This (ini tunggal). Example: This is my pencil
2. These (ini jamak). Example: These are my pencils
3. That (itu tunggal). Example: That is my pencil
4. Those (itu jamak). Examples: Those are my pencils
• Personal Pronouns
Subject Object Possessive adjective Possessive pronoun Reflexive pronoun

I me My Mine Myself

We us Our Ours Ourselves

You you Your Yours Yourself

You you Your Yours Yourselves

She her Her Hers Herself

He him His His Himself

It it Its Its Itself

They them Their Theirs Themselves

Verbs (Kata Kerja)
• Transitive (membutuhkan objek). Examples: wear, use, make
• Intransitive (tidak membutuhkan objek). Examples: cry, sleep, go
1. V1 (present)
2. V2 (past) Regular verb
3. V3 (past participle) Irregular verb
4. V-ing (present participle)
• Regular verb (kata kerja beraturan)
Example: walk – walked - walked
• Irregular verb (kata kerja tidak beraturan)
Example: go – went - gone
Adverb (Kata Keterangan)
• Adverb of manner (kata keterangan cara). Examples: silently, hurrily, well
• Adverb of place (kata keterangan tempat). Examples: at home, in the field,
on the table
• Adverb of time (kata keterangan waktu). Examples: at 7 am., in the
middle of the night, on June, in 1999

PMT or MPT in a sentence

Preposition (Kata Depan)
• In, on, at (place and time)
• Beside, besides
• Between, among
• By, before, since (for specific time)
• With, without
• To, for
• by
Conjunction (Kata Hubung)
• Coordinative conjunction (menggabungkan 2 klausa dengan grammar
sama): and, but, yet, or, nor, so, for
• Subordinative conjunction (induk kalimat, anak kalimat): though,
eventhough, although, till, until, while, when, where, once, before, after,
as, if
Interjection (Kata Seru)
• Wow!
• Alas!
• Ouch!
• Watchout!

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