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Today’s objectives
 To discus the various aspects of propaganda
including meanings kinds and elements etc.

 To discus the methods and techniques of the

propaganda and its relevance with media studies.

Definition of Propaganda
 What is Propaganda ?

1. “The propaganda may be defined as the more of less

deliberately planned and systematic use of symbol
chiefly through suggestion and related psychological
techniques with a first to altering and controlling
opinion ideas and values and ultimately to changing
overt action along predetermined line.”
( Kimball Young )
2. “Propaganda is a systematic attempt by interested
individuals to control the attitudes of the groups of
individuals through the use of suggestions and
consequently to control their action.” ( Doob )
In the world of today, propaganda is an important element
in the political economical social spheres. The word
propaganda derives from the Latin “Propagare” which
means to produce or to spread of to plant the branches in
order to grow a new plant. In this way, propagare implies
the production or spreading or spreading which is
artificial, not natural, Evidently, in its literal meaning the
propaganda mean the artificial propagation or spreading
of something. Briefly, propaganda is a psychological
process in which suggestion is systematically employed
to influence or control the ideas, and tendencies of the
people indirectly.

Kinds of Propaganda
1. Direct and Indirect Propaganda-: In actual Fact, Propaganda
can be both direct and indirect. Indirect propaganda, the people
upon whom it is being used or cognizant of the individual who is
doing it and the purpose he is doing it. e.g. the present government
of Pakistan is directly propagating the schemes of life insurance,
family planning, small saving, etc. besides it many major projects
the people are fully aware of the fact that this propaganda is
governmental and in it, the government points out the benefits for
accruing the public from these schemes and ask the people to
adopt them. On the other hand some propaganda can be indirect
just as the propaganda against India by Pakistan is guided their
intention of taking possession of Kashmir. In direct propaganda
people are not aware of objectives or purposes of it. e.g. it is the
practice adopted by many people who resort to propaganda never
to reveal their intention which motivates the propaganda. They
change view and ideals of the people in a subtle manner and
succeed forcing it to act in the manner as they desire.

(Continue) Kinds of Propaganda
2. Primary and secondary:- Primary Propaganda consists
in the instigation and excitation of attitudes and prejudices
that already exist. To take a common example the state of
tension between Hindus and Muslims in India continues
from the past to the present. Taking advancing of this,
Azad Kashmir government always excites and tries to
force to Muslims. Population of Kashmir to mutiny and
revolt. This is and example of Primary propaganda.
In secondary Propaganda no tendency or mental se is
present previously. In it, new tendencies and thought are

(Continue) Kinds of Propaganda

3. Conscious and Unconscious-: some psychologists

have also affected distinguish between conscious and
unconscious propaganda. Conscious propaganda
apparently enough is done purposely and is
preplanned. Unconscious propaganda. Happens
accidentally and is not affected knowingly .

Psychological bases of the Appeal of

1. Propaganda and suggestion-: The basic of propaganda

is suggestion through the medium of suggestion, all kinds
of desirable changes can be made in the thoughts and
ideals of the people. The suggestibility of the power
reacting to a suggestion is not alike in all individuals. But
even then, every individual is influenced by the
suggestion to some extent.

( Continue) Psychological bases of the Appeal of

2. Propaganda and Motives or needs-: every activity of

the human beings is dependent upon his or her motives
and his or her needs. Without this, the human individuals
can be instigated to indulge in any activity at all. That
which is not needed, and that with holds no inspiration or
motivation can not be the object of the propaganda.

( Continue) Psychological bases of the Appeal of

3. Propaganda Belief and Attitude-: one aim of

propaganda is to control to transformation of the beliefs
and attitudes of the people. As it has been said before, the
Primary propaganda makes the use of the existing
attitudes while in propaganda of secondary nature the
attitude are transformed of created anew. In the same
way, in propaganda, old beliefs are replaced by new ones
or at least and effort is made in this direction. e.g. every
political party tries convince the public that is the true and
representative of the people and it is the only one which
can bring the true welfare of the people.

( Continue) Psychological bases of the Appeal of

4. Propaganda in Relation to Feeling and Emotions-:

the things that most easily influence the individual are
whose that arouse feeling and emotions. It is for this
reason that while indulging in a propaganda the
people. According to the need of the movement, they
Endeavour excite fear, anger, hope, despair, hatred
etc. in their audience e.g. the communal group excite
the emotion of fear, anger, and hatred etc. in their
audience e.g. the communal group excite the excite
the emotion of fear, anger, and hatred in their own
people In regard to the other communities.

Methods and Techniques

1. Name Calling-: in propagating for somebody, whether in

his or her favor of against, some name employed when
refereeing to him or her this name calling in it self is
fairly good propaganda favorable and unfavorable. It is
not uncommon and may serve as a good illustration, for
individuals of one particular political party to refer to
another party by speaking of them or calling them traitor.
Some people employ propaganda against and other party
after giving them communal name.

(Continue) Methods and Techniques

2. Transfer-: In transfer various unrelated facts ideas or

objects are conjoined e.g. many preachers use many
unrelated facts in favor of their own specific

(Continue) Methods and Techniques

3. Glittering Generalities-: there are some words which attract

every one and are accept able to all. Some word of this kind
are world brotherhood, equality, fraternity, etc. propaganda
concerning many things is based upon these glittering
common conceptions. In the field of international politics both
Russia and America indulge in the propagation of their own
views while ostensibly they speak of world peace. The
communist party uses the slogans of equality and fraternity to
further and popularize its own principles.

(Continue) Methods and Techniques

4. Testimonials-: in trying to propagate their own

products thoughts or views, people often to solicit
and make use of the testimonials of a great leaders
and renowned individuals. In India most political
parties resort to the age old cliché that are adopting
the principles of M.K. Gandhi and are putting them in
to the practice while all others are treading the wrong
path .

(Continue) Methods and Techniques

5. Plain Folk Appeal-: in propaganda regular appeal is

made to plan folk concept of the public. Because the
people have propensity for adopting the folk ways.
Keeping this idea well focused in their minds,
politician all well the world adopt signs which bear
the close relation to common life. e.g. elections
symbols of the various parties in Pakistan are Cycle,
Kite, Lion, and Arrow etc.

(Continue) Methods and Techniques

6. Band Wagon-: the influence of the band wagon is

also utilize for the purpose of propaganda. People
have a tendency to accept the majority opinion
because majority opinion that is accepted by the
majority. This method is seen in extensive use at
election times. Even though they have received very
few votes the different political parties keep on
announcing they have received many votes and are
leading by wide margin.

(Continue) Methods and Techniques
7. Card Stacking-: in this propaganda method as is evident
from its name, facts are twisted and molded in order to
make them appear favorable to once on view while facts
favoring the rival party are by hook or crook proved to be
false. In this way, this is one sided propaganda.
Evidently, this method of propaganda is immoral and
misleading yet it finds extensive use in both National and
International field. .e.g. in the national sphere the
government news paper print news favoring the
government policies while news paper published by the
other parties print news which are prejudicial to the
government policies but in both cases the actual news get
transformed because of its modification to suit the needs
of the two. ( Continue….)
(Continue) Methods and Techniques

The important fact is made to appeared as If

one secondary importance as opposition has a
peculiar tendency of blaming one in
International field also. e.g. the Chinese news
papers are persisting in their propaganda
against India and by Indians who invaded their
territory. Similarly Pakistan’s news papers also
propagating Indian preparations threatening
the sovereignty and independence of country .
Thank you


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