The History of Psychoeducational Consultation

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History of Psychological Consultation

 The earliest form of consultation can be said began in

the 13th century.
 The first model was the clinical model exemplified
by the doctor-patient model in the hospital setting.
 The clinical model, also known as expert model was
practiced widely by the middle of 19th century until
present time.
 This model involved a physician, a specialist and the
History of Psychological Consultation

 How the consultation process works:

 An attending physician requests a specialist (a physician with
higher level of knowledge and expertise) examines his
patient and suggest a diagnosis, normally in a written report.
 The attending physician would then provide treatment based
on the expert’s recommendations.
 The process involved triadic relationship; the attending
physician, the expert physician and the patient.
 It was realized that that the physician could benefit from
participating in treating the patient further – this is the basis
of present consultation..
History of Psychological Consultation

 Beginning 20th century consultation developed into a tool

of human service professionals.
 In 1967, Tharp and Wetzel published “Behavior
modification in the natural environment”.
 It involved training moderators to implement behavioral
 In 1969, Schein published “Process consultation: its role
in organizational development”.
 It used field theory and humanistic psychology to develop
a model of organizational consultation.
History of Psychological Consultation

 The increase of the organization development and the

community mental health movement contributed to the
further growth of modern consultation.
 In general, a consultant was regarded as a professional
trainer who helped the consultees to improve their
work skills.
 Gerald Caplan’s book “The theory and practice of
mental health consultation” in 1970 is the landmark of
mental health consultation as a primary prevention
service to mental health providers.
History of Psychological Consultation

 Caplan proposed the client-centered consultation model in

his book; this model has its roots in education, psychology,
and psychiatry fields.
 This model accords both consultee and client more active
role in the consultation process.
 Caplan also identified collaboration as distinct from
 Beginning 1970’s, psychological consultation became more
active in schools and other settings; it involves
psychologists and counselors, and other mental health
History of Psychological Consultation

 Today, consultation is common in human service

professions especially psychology, counseling, social
work, and human resource development.
 Consultation has developed into 3 main types:
organizational, mental health and behavioral
 In the school setting, currently, the emphasis on
professional school counseling’s consultation is based
on programs that are “comprehensive in scope, in the
areas of prevention, remedial, and developmental”.
History of Psychological Consultation

 Consultees in the school (can be the teachers,

parents/guardians, administrators and students)
come to professional school counselors for
professional consultation to help them in the
numerous problems and challenges that they
encounter in their work in the school..
 More recently organizations including schools has
emphasized more on collaborative approach, for
instance a counselor and a teacher working
simultaneously in improving classroom behavior..

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