5 Raising Animals For Food and Profit

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BY: Vince T.
Paultry Raising
Poultry refers to all kinds of
birds raised for food, in the
Philippines, chickens are the
most popular type of poultry
because they are cooked in
different dishes and are a
favorite of many Filipinos.
Poultry and fish raising is a
common livelihood for the
backyard and for large
Benefits Derived from
Animal Raising
 1. It provides the family with a continuous source of food for the
family meals.
 2 It is a source of family income.
 3. It can be a profitable hobby.
 It can be a form of employment in itself.
 5. It can contribute to the economic growth of the community
 6. It teaches good traits like industriousness, perseverance,
resourcefulness, and creativity.
 7. As an entrepreneurial activity, it can be the beginning of a big
Pointers To Consider in
Raising Chickens
Raise only high-quality chickens
 1. Raise only high-quality chickens sourced from reliable suppliers who are
authorized dealers or distributors.
 Chickens raised to provide eggs are called laying hens.
 Those raised for their meat are called broilers or fryers.
 Breeds of broilers include the Cornish, White Rock, New Hampshire, or Rhode
Island Red.
 Breeds for egg production include Leghorn, New Hampshire, and RhodeIsland
Feeds for poultry

 2 Feeds for poultry include green edible leaves such as

kangkong, camote tops, other leafy vegetables,
rice,corn,skins of banana and papaya, and manufactured
feeds which contain an adequate amount of protein,
carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals needed for growth,
health, and production are sold as follows: Starting Mash -
this is the first food given to chicks which are about a month
Growing Mash

this is the food given to grown chicks, Broilers,

which are grown for their meat, are given this
kind of mash.
Starting Mash
Growing Mash
Laying Mash
Starting Mash

 this is the first food given to chicks which are

about a month old.
Growing Mash

 this is the food given to grown chicks, Broilers,

which are grown for their meat, are given this
kind of mash.
Laying Mash

c. Laying Mash - this is given to laying hens

which are raised for their eggs.

Brooder house
Grower house
Layer hous
Brooder house

Brooder house - This house has a light that

provides heat to chicks.
The reason is that the temperature-regulating
mechanism in their bodies have not been fully
Chicks from one day to four weeks old are
placed in this house.

 This is the next house of the chicks coming

from the brooder house. They are raised here
until they grow for about two months or less, or
until such time that they can be sold for meat as
in broilers or eggs as in layers,

This is a special house for laying hens. This is where

the eggs are collected every day.
The house is divided into cages and each cage
houses a laying hen. The purpose of this is to avoid
cannibalism among the hens.
 It is also one way of finding out which of the laying
hens do not produce eggs. To every cage, there is a
fixture where the eggs are laid and later on collected.

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