Bahasa Inggris "Talking About Possibility in The Past"

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“Talking About Possibility in the Past”

Kelompok 3 :
 Anisa Tri Utami (201010550249)
 Arini Rachmatuni (201010115547)
 Asmar Shiddiq (201010551047)
“Talking About Possibility in the Past”

The phrase possibility (possibility) can be used in several types of pronunciation

time, namely in the present (present time) and also in the past (past time). Expressing
possibilities in English can be done by using some modal verbs such as may, might,
could, can't and so on. This time we will give a brief explanation of the expression of
the possibility in the past along with examples and practice questions.
 A. Words for Expressing Possibility in the Past
To talk about / state the possibility (possibility) in the past we can use some words as follows:
1) Modal verbs (kata kerja modal)
 Must
 May
 Might
 Could
 Can’t
 Couldn’t

2) Adverbs (kata keterangan)
 Possibility
 Probably
 Perhaps
B. The Use of Expressing Possibility in the Past
The expression used to express the possibility in the past (possibility in the past) has the following function.
We use this expression to guess / guess about something that happened in the past using the information we have.
Terkaan (guess) :
 That ape must have learnt how to talk.
(kera itu pasti telah belajar bagaimana caranya berbicara)
Informasi yang kita miliki:
 Experiments by scientists at the University of Liverpool.
(Percobaan yang dilakukan oleh para peneliti di Liverpool University)

 Kata probably memiliki makna yang lebih kuat daripada kata perhaps.

Contoh kalimat:
 Perhaps they saw a dinosaur in a lake, but it was probably just a big turtle.
(Mungkin mereka melihat seekor dinosaurus di sebuah danau, namun itu kemungkinan hanyalah seekor penyu) [sc:kodeadsense]
C. Form of Expressing Possibility in the Past
The phrase "possibility in the past" has several sentence forms, namely as follows.

1) Modal verb + have + past participle (Verb 3)

Contoh kalimat:
 That ape must have learnt how to talk.
(kera itu pasti telah belajar bagaimana caranya berbicara)
 The result may have led to the reason why dinosaurs died.
(Hasil tersebut kemungkinan akan mengarah pada alasan mengapa dinosaurus mati)
2) Modal verb + have + been + -ing form (Verb –ing)

 A         : She looks exhausted.
(Dia terlihat lelah)
 B         : Yes, she does. She must have been working too hard.
(Ya. Dia pasti telah bekerja terlalu keras)

 Thus a detailed explanation of the use of expressions. Hopefully the explanation can be
understood and useful for all friends. Thank you.

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