Eng Lit2

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Malcolm X (1925-65)

 Born Malcolm Little May 29,1925
 He talk about Civil Rights, black supremacy, and violence.
 1952 converts to Islam, changes name to Malcolm X,
 1954 Named Nation of Islam spokesperson
 1964 Malcolm X publicly terminates his association with NOI

 He converts 25,000+ to Islam from 1952 to 1963

 1953, He becomes Assistant Minister of Nation of Islam's Detroit Temple.
 On June 29, 1963 Malcolm lead the Unity Rally in Harlem. It was one of the
nations largest civil rights events.
 Nation of Islam orders Malcolm X to be silent, allegedly because of remarks
concerning President Kennedy's assassination.

 March, 1964 Malcolm X leaves the Nation of Islam and starts his new
organization, Muslim Mosque, Inc.
 May, 1964 Starts the Organization of Afro-American Unity (OAAU), a secular
political group.
 February 21, 1965 Malcolm X is assassinated by NOI members
On the white civil rights movement

“I said that ultra-liberal New York had more integration problems

than Mississippi. If the Northern Freedom Riders wanted more to
do, they could work on the roots of such ghetto evils
as the little children out on the streets at midnight,
with apartment keys on strings around their necks to let
themselves in, and their mothers and fathers drunk, drug addicts,
thieves, prostitutes.”
 Malcolm X taught that black people were the original people of the world and
that white people were a race of devils who were created by an evil scientist
named Yakub.
 The Nation of Islam believed that black people were superior to white
people, and that the demise of the white race was imminent. When he was
questioned concerning his statements that white people were devils,
Malcolm X said that "history proves the white man is a devil."
“It is criminal to teach a man not to defend himself when he is the constant
victim of brutal attacks…

The time has come for the American Negro to fight back in self-defense
whenever he is being unjustly and unlawfully attacked.”
Malcolm’s Teaching
1) Whites were to blame for the black man’s social problems.

2) Blacks should separate from white society . Quit trying to act like the white

3) Armed self-defense and “Any Means Necessary.”

4) African-Americans should have pride in their identity and culture.

“Ballots or Bullets”
 April 3 ,1964 Malcolm begins to preach a new slogan
“Ballots or bullets.”
 It’s a public speech for Human rights.
 It was ranked 7th in the top 100 American speeches of the
20th century.
 Meaning: “If you and I don’t use the ballot, we’re going to be
forced to use the bullet. So let us try the ballot.”
“Afro American unity

 Malcolm broke from Elijah Muhammad in March 1964 because of

differences in strategy and doctrine.
 In April 1964 Malcolm takes a pilgrimage to Mecca and learns that
orthodox Muslims believe in equality of all races!
 Malcolm returns to America and radically changes his teachings: ok to hate
racism and injustice, but it is wrong to hate the white race!!
 In conclusion Malcolm X was an influential speaker and leader of
the civil rights movement. His avocation for black separatism and
black power lead to the rise of Islam in the United States, and rise
of black advancement.
 However his teachings had a negative effect as well as positive.
His teachings of white hate and black power lead to the rise of the
Black Panthers, and the criminal organizations such as the Black
Mafia of Philadelphia, and The Crips of L.A

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