Sports and Leisures

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Reading 1

Multiple choice
Value (v): tran quy, tran trong
Value (n): gia tri
Keep in touch (with)
= stay in contact (with)
Value (v): consider something
as important and worth having: trân trọng,
trân quý
Skills practice
Leisure = recreation
An activity you do in your free time.
Places for sports
• You play football in field.
• You play in tennis in court (grass court, hard court, clay
court, carpet court.
• You play boxing in ring.
• You play ice-skating in rink.
• You play athletics (dien kinh) in running track.
• You swim in the pool.
People in football
• Coach (n): the person who trains the players.
• Footballer = football/soccer player
• Captain: the leader of the team.
• Refe’ree: the person who decides something is wrong or right.
• Goalkeeper: the person who keeps the goal.
• Commentator: person who describes a match.
• Supporter (n): person who supports his/her favorite.
• Spectator (n): person who watches the outdoor games.
• Viewer (n): person who watches games on TV.
• Audience (n): person who watches something indoors.
soccer jersey


Soccer ball Shin pads

Football field

cards cleats

Basketball court basketball

Baseball field

hockey stick

Hockey puck Shoulder

Hockey rink
tennis Tennis racket


Tennis ball shoes

Tennis court
Amateur (adj): nghiep du # professional: chuyen nghiep
‘Aspect (of) = facet (n)
‘Consequently= as a result: ket qua la
Debut (n) (v)
Ex: She had her debut last month.
She was debuted last year.
Endorsement: su bao lanh, su xac nhan
Equivalent (adj)
Foul (v): do something wrong with your
foul-weather friend: person that just seeks
you when they have problem# fair-weather
friend: is a good friend. They always beside
Goal (n):
(v): kick the ball into the goal and you score.
Redeem (v): get something back
make something seem less bad.
‘Injure (v) =hurt
injury (n) = wound: vet thuong
International (adj)
National (n)
Portray (v): khac hoa
Ex: Khai is portrayed as a good student.
Literal meaning # figurative meaning
Medal (n)
Captain (n)
There is no evidence
Penalty (n)
Praise (v): ca ngoi, tan thuong
Referee (n)
Retaliation (n)
retaliate (v)
Retire (v): nghi huu
Violent (Adj)
violence (n)
endorsements penalty fouled professional
international retaliation redeemed
goals captain praised retired portrayed





redeemed penalty


Writing 2
Structures of an IELTS writing task 1
1. Introduction (mo bai)
2. Overview (selecting key features) (noi chung)
3. Details (chi tiet)
Some words that you have to remember.

• the graph/chart/table/diagram
• gives information about/on
• provides information about/on
• shows
• illustrates
• represents
• depicts
• gives reason why (đưa ra lý do nếu biểu đồ đưa ra lý do cho vấn đề nào đó)
• explains why ( chỉ dùng nêu biểu đồ có đưa ra giải thích)
• compares (chỉ khi có một vài nội dung được so sánh
 compares smth in terms of smth
the charts compare two cities in terms of the number of employed people.
compares smth in year1 and year2
the graph compares the population in 2000 and 2013.
• graph = line graph
• chart = bar chart/ pie chart/table/flow chart
• the diagram = the figure
• the map = the diagram
• shows = illustrates (or ‘compares’ if the graph is comparing), compare… terms of….
• the number of = the figure for
• the proportion of = the figure for = the percentage of=the rate of
• in three countries = in the UK, France and Spain (i.e. name the countries)= in three different countries =
in three countries namely….
• from 1999 to 2009 = between 1999 and 2009 = over a period of 10 years/over a 10-year period
• in 1999 = in the year 1999
• in 1980 and 2000 = over two separate years/figures are given for 1980 and 2000/in two different years

The bar chart presents data on values of book

sales per year at one particular chain of
bookshops over a 5-year period from 2000 to

The chart gives information

about fast food consumption in
terms of how much three types of
fast food were eaten by a typical
person every week in a particular
European country over a 20-year
period from 1970 to 1990.
Oxford Wordskills
1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18
19 20 21 22 23 24
25 26 27 28 29 30
31 32 33 34 35 36
‘Record (n) A best performance in
something, especially sport.
re’cord (v)
hold the record (v)
break the record (v)
Compe’tition (n) A situation in which two or
Com’pete with(v) more people are trying to win
Com’petitor (n) something or be better than
Com’petitive (adj) sb.
Race (n) A competition to see who is fastest or
best or who wins.
Join with other people in
Take part in
par’ticipate in an activity
Take place = occur
(v) happen
One of two games to decide who plays in
Group stage> = the final.
qualifiers > quarter
final> semi-final>
Overall (adv) In total
One person or team is
One-sided contest (n) much better than the
other and make this.
Brilliant (adj)
= outstanding Very good, clever or skillful.
The way somebody does or play something.
Performance (n)
Perform (v)
Performer (n)
Achievement (n) A thing that you have done
Achieve (v) successfully through hard
work or skills.
Opponent (n) A person who plays against you in a
sport or competition.
Be critical (adj) of Saying what is wrong with st/sb
somebody/something Ex:He is very critical of his bad
performance. = He criticizes his
Criticize sb/st (v): bóc bad performance.
Defeat (v) Beat sb
Resistance (n) The action of trying to stop
resist (v) something happening or stop sb
doing sth.
A person or team who A person or team who
is expected to win is not interested in.

Favorite (n) Outsider (n)

Places to play different sports
1. field: san co
2. Court: san bong ro, bong chuyen,
quan vot
3. Ring: kickboxing
4. Rink: san bang
5. track: duong dua
6. Pool: ho boi
Vietnam – Qatar
the second round of the Asian qualifiers for the World Cup Qatar 2022

The match failed to lift up to the hype as Qatar scored the third goal
1. Semi-final against Vietnam in the second round of the Asian qualifiers for the
2. Favorite World Cup Qatar 2022. It was considered as aone-sided ____________
contest when
Qatar had a ___________
brilliant _________________
performance in their home field.
3. One-sided Luckily, after a harsh _______________, Vietnam made Qatar
4. Contest concede two goals. The atmosphere in the pitch was very stressful
5. Achievements after Qatar was critical of themselves in the meeting before the match.
It was remorseful for them to be beaten by Vietnam in the _________ semi-final
6. Performance
in AFC U23 Championship 2018. At that match, Vietnamese football
7. Brilliant praised
team was _________ for their sporting spirit as they defeated a strong
8. Resistance team as Qatar even though they were not the champion afterwards.
No matter how bad it was, Vietnamese supporters still consider their
9. Praise favorite
national team as their __________for the achievements
___________ they’ve
Floyd Mayweather insists he has no plan to return to the ring
professionally after he outclassed kickboxer Tenshin
Nasukawa at Saitama Super Arena.Floyd Mayweather knocked down
the Japanese kickboxer three times totally in less than two minutes.
Mayweather has won all 50 of his pro fights and always been expected
to return to kickboxing.
Rewrite this paragraph with
the new words:

1. One-sided
2. Contest Although Mayweather made a one-sided contest as he had a brilliant
3. Resistance performance defeating his opponent Tenshin Nasukawa in less than two
4. Brilliant minutes at Saitama Super Arena, he insists he has no plan to return to the ring
5. Performance professionally. The Japanese kickboxer was floored after the third time
6. Praise resistance against Mayweather. Mayweather had been praised for his
7. Opponent achievements of winning all 50 his professional fights and always been a
8. Favorite favorite in which he’s been playing.
9. achievement
Speaking 1
News sections: phần tin
Current affairs
Media English
Sections of a Newspaper
Types of Articles
Sections of a Newspaper
The International Section of a newspaper
contains news about what’s happening in
different countries.
Sections of a Newspaper
The Business Section of a newspaper deals
with topics such as
company news, the economy,
and the stock market.
Sections of a Newspaper
The Technology Section of a newspaper
deals with what’s new in the world of
technology, such as phones and
Sections of a Newspaper
The Science Section of a newspaper contains
news about what’s happening in the world of
science, like medical, outer space, and
environmental news.
Sections of a Newspaper
The Health Section of a newspaper deals with topics
such as medicines (thuốc), fitness (thể hình),
exercise, nutrition (dinh dưỡng),
and health care policies (chính sách chăm sóc sức
Sections of a Newspaper
The Sports Section of a newspaper contains
articles about sporting events (sự kiện thể
thao), matches (trận đấu), athletes (vận động
viên), and game scores (tỉ số trận đấu).
Sections of a Newspaper
The Education Section of a newspaper may
contain educational events, education
policies, or a feature on a particular school or
Sections of a Newspaper
The Weather Section of a newspaper contains any
news pertaining to the weather, such as weather
forecasts (dự báo thời tiết), temperatures, and
weather articles.
Sections of a Newspaper
The Entertainment Section of a
newspaper contains news pertaining to
movies, music, and the arts.
Look at the following headlines. Decide which
section of the newspaper you would put each one
Man Walks on Moon
Global Warming is a Hoax
Why Android Beats the iPhone
Angelina & Brad Tie the Knot
Teacher of the Year
Types of Articles
Local News Article:
It focuses on what’s happening
in your neighborhood.
Types of Articles
National News Article:
It focuses on what’s happening
in your country.
Types of Articles
International News Article:
It focuses on what’s happening
outside your country.
Types of Articles
Feature Article:
It may be a profile of a person
or some kind of a review.
It is not considered a news story.
Types of Articles
Opinion Editorial (Op-ed):
It focuses on current events and contains
the writer’s opinion.
Types of Articles
It is an article written by the same person
on a regular basis.
Types of Articles
Soft News:
It is news that does not need
to be published urgently.
Examples are trends
and entertainment news.
Types of Articles
Hard News:
It is news that must be
published immediately.
Examples are natural disasters, an accident, or a political

Let’s practice
Describe a newspaper or magazine you enjoy reading.
Frankly to say, being a person who is not interested in reading, I don’t read newspaper
You should say:
what kind of newspaper or magazine it is or magazine much. For me, newspaper is old-fashioned since it has a lack of glossy
which parts of it you read photos. Moreover, today with the development of technology, I and my peers are using
when and where you read it
and explain why you enjoy it. social networks such as Facebook or Twitter to keep myself updated with the news.
Actually, I don’t even intentionally search for the news, we just surf facebook then the
news pops into our eyes, we will click the news having interesting or shocking headlines.
Also, I get the news on, the most trustworthy (đáng tin cậy) e-newspaper
in Vietnam. I don’t need pay to read. Also, I can read anytime and anywhere I want. covers many sections. For me, I enjoy reading about current affairs and
entertainment news so that I can know what is happening around me and the
celebrities’s life. Most importantly, has the magazine edition so I can
enjoy the high standard of journalism.

Frankly to say => don’t read much.

Old-fashioned => 0 glossy photos. + development of tek => social network => keep update....
Don’t intentionally 0.0=> pop into.... => Especially, interesting headlines.
Vnexpress => most trustworthy e-news => 0 pay + anytime and anywhere.
Sections: current affairs + entertaiment news => what’s happening + celeb’s life
Magazine edition => high standard of jour.
To be honest, I don’t read magazines or newspaper much these days. Due to
(nhờ vào) the development of technology, I get the news from social
networks (mạng xã hội) such as facebook and youtube and e-newspaper.
The e-newspaper I spend time a lot on is It’s one of the most
confident (đáng tin cậy) e-newspaper in Vietnam. Always, I check the
sections of current affairs and entertainment first because I want to keep
myself updated with (cập nhật ...) what is happening in my country, also
the news about my favorite idols and the rumors (tin đồn) of the celebrities
about which I am always curious (tò mò). Besides, vnexpress has the
magazine edition (ấn bản tạp chi) so that I can enjoy the glossy photos
(ảnh bóng bẩy) and the high standard of journalism (tiêu chuẩn cao của
nghề làm báo).
New words
1. Intentionally (adv): có ý định làm gì
# accidentally (adv): vô ý, tình cờ
2. old-fashioned (adj): cũ kĩ, lỗi thời
3. Glossy photos (n): bức hình bóng bẩy
4. Social network (n): mạng xa hội
5. Pay (v): trả tiền
6. Keep myself updated with st: cập nhật....
7. e-newspaper (electronic newspaper): báo điện tử
8. Current affairs (n): thời sự
9. Magazine edition (n): ấn bản tạp chí.
10. High-quality (adj): chất lượng cao
11. Peer (n): bạn cùng trang lứa
12. Have a lack of: thieu cai gi…..
1. Do you often read newspapers?

Well, I'm actually not the type of people who

would spend much time on daily newspapers.
Since the presence of the Internet is pretty much
ubiquitous nowadays, since it comes as no surprise
that social media platforms like Facebook or
Twitter can keep me updated with what's going on
around the world.
2. Which is more popular where you live, newspapers or magazines?

I would say that these two share equal popularity

in Vietnam. Newspaper, although may be a little bit
old-fashioned, is still the main source of daily news
for adults. On the other hand, magazines are
becoming increasingly appealing to young people
for their attractive visuals and interesting articles.
3. Do you think newspapers will be very important to you in the future?

I think it depends. Since the development of

technology never seems to come to a halt, I
strongly believe that I will choose e- newspapers
over the traditional edition. Besides the obvious
convenience that e- news can offer, I'm drawn to
the fact that it's much cheaper and more reliable.
Speaking 2
TIPS: Instead of saying “I like…” you can say:
1. Be a big fan of + N/V-ing
Ex: I’m a big fan of …... 6. Be into….: say mê

2. Be quite keen on… 7. Be immersed into st:

Ex: I’m quite keen on….

3. Be interested in…. 8. Be addicted to…

4. Be fond of…

5. Be a…. lover.
Ex: I’m a book lover.
Instead of saying “Yes”

Of course
Structures to show the reasons why you like doing it?
• N/ V-ing is a good way for me to …… ( ….là một cách tốt để ….)
Ex:  Listening to music is a good way for me to temporarily escape reality.

• Being a/an ….person, I enjoy/ like/am a big fan of/am interested in/ am quite keen
on/ am fond of…. (Là một người…, tôi thích ….)
Ex:Being a health conscious person, I enjoy playing sports in my spare time. Simply
because it helps me keep fit and strenghten my immune system

•By + Ving, I can have a chance to ….. (Bằng việc ….., tôi có thể có cơ hội ….)
Ex: By reading Conan, I can have a chance to discover the way how people conduct an
•I find + N + Adj (Tôi cảm thấy + sở thích ……..)
Ex: I find reading Conan interesting.
Ex: I find reading Conan helpful in giving me a chance to discover the way how people
conduct autospy.
Common reasons
temporarily escape reality (tạm thời thoát khỏi thực tế)
expand my knowledge/ know more about the world (mở rộng kiến thức của tôi / biết thêm về thế giới)
relieve stress/ unwind after a stressful day/ week (giảm căng thẳng / thư giãn sau một ngày / tuần căng
do/ does wonders for my mental and physical health (có lợi cho sức khỏe tinh thần và thể chất của tôi)
strenghthen my immune system (tăng cường hệ thống miễn dịch của tôi)
keep fit (giữ dáng)
Make friends with people who have common interests/ expand my social circle (kết bạn với những
người có cùng sở thích).

•Be up to ears: bận ngập đầu

•Hectic: busy
•To be of paramount importance: cực kỳ quan trọng
•Nerve-racking: căng thẳng
Let’s practice
Do you think reading books is important?
I’m a big fan of reading books. Reading books is a
good way for me to expand my knowledge.
Do you like flowers?
Being a beauty lover, I’m into flowers. I find watching flowers
wonderful to relieve stress. Also, I can make friends with
people who have common interest.
What is your favorite food?
I’m fond of many kinds of food, especially fried food. I find
french fries the most mouth-watering. By eating french fries
while studying, I feel relaxed and it helps me relieve stress.
1. What do you do in your spare/free time?
2. Do you prefer to spend your free time alone or with
other people?
3. Is there anything special you do at the weekend?
4. Do you think you get enough free time?
1.What do you do in your free time?
. I am up to ears in studying so I find having a hobby
to do in my free time of paramount importance.
Particularly, I often listen to music. Listening to music
is a good way for me to relieve stress and unwind
after a nerve-racking day.
1.What do you do in your free time?
Honestly, the work is up to my ears so I find having something
to do in free time of paramount importance. Moreover, being
a big fan of music, I always put on the earphones to listen to
some favorite songs. By listening to music, I can relieve stress
and unwind after nerve-racking moments.
2. Do you prefer to spend your free time alone or with
other people?

Being an extrovert, I prefer spending my free time with other

people. Specifically, I’m interested in outdoor activities which
help me escape reality and expand my knowledge about the
world. Also, making friends is of paramount importance for
Introvert (n): nguoi song
noi tam
Extrovert (n): nguoi huong
3. Is there anything special you do at the weekend?

Being a person who has a hectic lifestyle (lối sống bận rộn), I
treasure (trân quý) my weekend a lot since/because/as (bởi vì)
I can have much free time for my recreation (sở thích),
especially, having idle chit chat (tám) with my friends in a
coffee shop. This helps me share things I am concerned (tôi
quan tâm) with my friends.
4. Do you think you get enough free time?
Not at all. I’m up to my ears (bận ngập đầu) in studying,
especially on weekdays. At the weekend, I still have some
nerve-racking (căng thẳng) extra classes that completely fill my
soul (lấp đầy tâm trí) with boredom (sự chán nản).
-Practice answering the questions.
-Learn by heart the structures.
-Workbook p. 15, 16 (SPEAKING)
Form completion
A, c









office worker

Central Africa


5 languages

media studies


Strategy – form completion
1. Read the instructions carefully.
2. Take a moment to understand the rest of the
3. Think about synonyms for words on the form.
4. Use the information given to predict the types
of answers you should be listening for.
5. Listen carefully and fill in the missing
Reading 2
Multiple choice
Multiple choice
0. Read the instructions carefully.
1. Underline the keywords in the questions:
There are two kinds:
+ Changeable keywords (synonyms: tu dong nghia, paraphrased
sentences: cau co cung nghia nhung thay doi ve mat tu ngu...)
+ Unchangeable keyword (dates, place, proper names, figures: so
2. Scan keywords in the text. Read the parts containing keywords
3. Locate the answer.
Re-read the other answers whether there are any confusing answers
which are similar to your chosen one.
Choose A, B, C or D.
My name is Clara. I am a student. I get up at 7.30
and I wash my face. I don’t have shower every
morning. I have breakfast at 7.45 with my brother.
He is also a student and he to school with me. We
go to school at 8.15 by car. (The lessons start at
8.30. We have got eight lessons every day. I have
lunch at 12.30 with my classmates). After school, I
go home with my brother. My brother always
wants to play with me but I often feel tired and I
don’t want to play. I watch TV about thirty minutes
and then I do my homework. I always want to
finish my homework before dinner. I like having
dinner with my family. My brother usually doesn’t
have much homework. He plays with his toys. He
doesn’t like watching TV. He usually watches
cartoons on my mother’s laptop. My favourite
lesson is English. I learn a lot of new words in
English lessons. I think it is very exciting to speak
I am Ayhan. I am Turkish but English is an
important language for me because I want to be
a pilot. My father says pilots speak English when
they use planes. I learn English in my school and
it is fantastic. Our English teacher teaches us
difficult things and he gives us much homework
to study at home. But it is never boring. We learn
new words every week and we do a lot of
interesting activities in our English lessons. We
usually speak English in our lessons. When I want
to say something I speak English. It is a little hard
but very good for me.
After lessons we often do sports or watch films at
school, and at weekends I sometimes go to
interesting places with other students. I love my
school and my friends.
•each option (A, B, C, D) is usually connected to a piece of information in the
same paragraph
•only one option says exactly the same thing as a piece of information in the
•three options say something slightly different to the pieces of information in
the text
the options do NOT always come in the same order as the pieces of
information in the text.

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