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Asslamu’alaikum wr.

Group five: Good
Susan septiani morning
Nurul aviah class !!!!
Siti wahyu mauli
Putri santi rohmah
M. Miftahul Lubab
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Electronic learning (e-learning) or online learning is part of distance
education that specifically combines electronic technology and
R internet-based technology. Based on some of the definitions above, it
I can be concluded that online learning is an activity part of distance
N education that uses the internet network as a liaison between
G individuals. According to Jaya Kumar: E-learning is learning that
uses electronic circuits (LAN, WAN, or internet) to deliver learning
A content, interaction, and guidance. According to Smaldino, E-
R learning is a learning process that utilizes electronic, computer-
N assisted learning resources, but does not always have to be connected
I to the internet. This it can be concluded that e-learning is a learning
process using a set of electronic tools as a source and supporting
media so that the implementation of the teaching and learning
1. Increasing students’ independence in finding new information about learning, teaching some
student time discipline, honing students mindsets to develop themselves, and fostering a high
sense of responsibility in student.
2. Online learning on student achievement including : making students have difficulty learning in
understanding the material, the number of teachers who use the method of assigning to
3. The Development of Technology-Based Education.
The Covid-19 pandemic which resulted in the closure of most of these schools forced the
government to implement Distance Education activities or PJJ for short. The PJJ learning system
carries the concept of an online school, where all learning activities are carried out using technology.
All parties involved will learn the importance of technology, and understand the importance of
technology and digital literacy. So that the Industrial Revolution that uses technology as its focus
can also be carried out well.
4. Appears quality learning applications.
Usually when learning offline, we rarely use existing learning applications other than social media.
With the implementation of distance learning methods, many previously unknown applications are
being used. For example, Google Meeting, Zoom, and Google classroom, Discord, and others.
Online learning has a negative impact on student learning outcomes, some
students state that during online learning the learning outcomes decrease.
This is because the material delivered by the lecturer is understood very less
than face-to-face learning. In addition, student learning interest is reduced
due to various obstacles faced such as the internet network is not stable And
there are disturbances from the environment so that students are lazy to
study because they feel disturbed, the facilities are very important for
smoothness Many take advantage of online learning time by open social
media and don't read the material that has been given to learn.
The lack of student learning intentions so that it has an impact on poorly
understood learning. Ineffective teaching and learning activities with face-to-
face learning advance due to ineffective learning, many students who do not
understand and lack of explanation from the teacher, and The tasks are piling
● .
Effective online learning
Competency-Based Online Learning Launching an article published by BDK Jakarta, one
of the goals of this online learning is the achievement of student competence, known as
● Hybrid Online Learning The Covid-19 pandemic has brought huge changes, both good
and bad. In the world of education, the pandemic has forced the sector to be willing and
able to use technology as the main tool. In fact, the idea finally emerged to apply the
concept of education with a hybrid model. Hybrid model is a learning method that
combines online learning with face-to-face.
● Online Learning Concept Tour Filling in the questions or listening to the presentation of
the material may feel boring for students. Every now and then, the teacher needs to
increase creativity by utilizing online learning the concept of a tour. The concept is
similar to a study tour which is usually done every semester, only it is done virtually. This
has also been facilitated by the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud) in
collaboration with Google, to include several museums and sites in Indonesia into the
Google Arts & Culture Platform.
● Online Learning with Video Online learning methods with videos are common. Where the
teacher records himself delivering material, or asks students to watch videos from a
particular learning platform. After students finish watching, the teacher can give questions
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