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Design Patterns


Introduction & Overview

Prerequisites for this module

• Object Oriented Development with Java (CT038-3-2)

• Design Methods (CT015-3-2)

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Learning Outcomes

At the end of this module, you should be able to do the

1. Explain the structure and operation of a range of different
design patterns.
2. Explain different design patterns in terms of the solutions
that they offer to a particular problem in a particular context.
3. Make a selection between candidate design patterns based
upon a rational critical evaluation of the different patterns
available for a particular environment.
4. Apply design patterns appropriately in realistic applications
using an object oriented programming language.
5. Critically evaluate an example implementation of design
patterns in a programming language.

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This module will introduce the concept of software design

patterns, and explore the wide variety of patterns that may
be applied to the production, analysis, design,
implementation, and maintenance of software. The format
of the module will emphasize the discussion of patterns
and their application. Each pattern will be discussed in
terms of its motivation, usefulness, and implementation,
with an emphasis on code examples and illustrations from
the standard libraries.

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Module Coverage
Week Topics
1 Introduction
2 Common Design Issues
3 Object Oriented Design Principles
4 Design Patterns - An Introduction
5 Creational Patterns - I
6 Creational Patterns - II
7 Structural Patterns – I
8 Structural Patterns – II
9 Structural Patterns – III
10 Behavioral Patterns - I
11 Behavioral Patterns - II
12 Behavioral Patterns - III
13 Behavioral Patterns - IV
14 Enterprise Architecture, SOA & Refactoring
15 Anti-patterns
16 Module Revision
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What is expected of you





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What Support is available for you (I)

Essential Reading
1. Gamma, E., Helm, R., Vlissides, J. & Johnson, R.,
(2009). Design Patterns Elements of Reusable Object-
Oriented Software. Addison-Wesley. ISBN: 0-201-
2. Steven, J. M., (2002), Design Patterns Java Workbook.
Addison-Wesley. ISBN: 0-201-74397-3
3. Larman, C., (2010). Applying UML and Patterns An
Introduction to Object-Oriented Analysis and Design.
3rd Ed. Prentice Hall. ISBN: 0-13-148906-2
4. Martin Fowler, Kent Beck, John Brant, William Opdyke,
Don Roberts (2011). Refactoring: Improving the Design
of Existing Code. Addison Wesley Longman, Inc. ISBN:
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What Support is available for you (II)

Further Reading
1. Booch, G., Rumbaugh, J. & Jacobson, I., (2010). The
Unified Modelling Language User Guide. Addison
Wesley. ISBN 0-201-57168-4
2. Deitel, H. &Deitel, P., (2009). Java How to Program.
Prentice Hall. ISBN:0-13-120236-7

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What Support is available for you (III)
1. Lecturer Consultation Hours

2. Email (

3. Software:
(i) IBM Rational Software Architect
(ii) Microsoft Visio

(iii) JDK

(iv) NetBeans or other equivalent IDE

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Learning Strategy

• 1 Lecture (1 hour per session)

• 1 Tutorial (2 hours per session)

Weekly 1 hour lecture per week cover the

theoretical aspects of the module. Weekly 2
hours tutorial provide an opportunity to solve
practical exercises, based on the current
week's lecture.

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Assessment Details

• An Exam (length 2 hours) weighted at 50%

(LO 1,2,3)

• An Assignment weighted at 50%

(LO 4,5)

Assignment is based on a case study in the

application and use of patterns

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Exam Format

Exam Duration: 2 hours

Total Marks: 50

Sec A: Answer all 3 Questions

Each question carries 10 marks = 10 * 3 = 30m
Sec B: Answer 1 out of 2 Questions
Each question carries 20 marks = 20 * 1 = 20m

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Question and Answer Session


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