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Roles of

Teachers in the
What is a

The part played by somebody

in each social context, with
any characteristic or expected
pattern of behavior that it
entails. The role is function,
responsibility, job, task, part

Teacher in role is a method of

teaching that utilizes techniques
of drama to facilitate education.
It is a holistic method designed
to integrate critical thought,
examination of emotion and
moral values, and factual data to
broaden learning.
There are two basic set of roles
to fulfill. One set corresponds
with the major functions of
instruction, socialization, and
evaluation. The second set is
concerned with motivating
pupils, maintaining control,
and generally creating an
environment for learning.'
The roles of a teacher
are the various
responsibilities and
activities in which
teachers engage.
Teacher as Caregiver
 A teacher provides
physical, emotional, and
intellectual support for
students in various
 For examples, Mrs.
Johnson had a student
she suspected was being
bullied. She stepped into
her role as caregiver and
cared for the child
emotionally while also
handling the situation
professionally with other
staff and administrators.
 As a teacher, you cannot
effectively educate your
students if you do not
also care for them in
various ways.
Teacher as Character Builder
 Teachers teach
students to respect
people. It is only respect
which returns you
 Teachers teach students
obedience, care,
forgiveness, truthfulness,
mannerism etiquettes to
lead the life of purity
and sincerity.
 Teachers cater
development of soul, mind
and the body.
 Teachers aim at balanced
growth of the total
personality of a student.
Teacher as Colleague
“Good teachers learn from
each other.”
 For the school to function
smoothly, all teachers
should work in harmony.
 Teachers help the other
 Find a way to connect
with peers
 Be a good listener, loving
consentious teacher.
Teacher as Community Leader
 Schools are often the
central hubs of
communities. It is in
school where children
make friends, community
events are held, and
adults meet and
collaborate with one
 A teacher steps into this
role when he/she
volunteers at dances,
organizes fundraising, an
interacts with parents
and other members of
the community outside of
the school.
Teacher as Counsellor
 If a student has a
problem he/she
approaches the teacher
or the teacher senses the
problem then the teacher
establishes rapport with
the student.
 A teacher makes his
student come out with
the problem and help him
to move forward in
solving the problem.
 The teacher should be
keen observer, sensitive,
empathetic, loving and
friendly (to win the
confidence of the
Teacher as Evaluator
 Teachers assess the
performance and learning
of students and make
necessary adjustments in
order to meet students’
 The changes in curriculum
are dependent on the
result of the observation
that they're doing. This
is the purpose of grading
system, and it’s not to
put down individuals’
learning, but to gauge, if
specific teaching methods
are effective or not.
 They don’t only teach to
produce good people, but
they supervise and watch
their students for them
to become what they
ought to be.
Teacher as Educator
 A teacher is the person
in the room who has the
skills, tools, and
information necessary to
educate young people.
 Teachers are responsible
for teaching the school's
curriculum through
engaging lessons and
 The teacher as educator
must take into account
student learning styles,
abilities, and
 To be an effective
educator, he/she must
create lessons that are
accessible to every
student in her classroom.
Teacher as Facilitator
 In student centered
methods- teacher guides
students during project
work, experimentation,
library work, home
assignments, etc.For the
school to function
smoothly, all teachers
should work in harmony.
 The teacher provides
resources, monitors
progress, and encourages
students for problem
Teacher as Learner
 Teachers learn something
new from their students
during classroom
discussions, and it’s
something which is
precious to them that
cannot be read in
textbooks nor written in
their lesson memos.
 They are gaining
experiences that will
make them more equip as
they face their students,
and facilitate the learning
process of their
 They model continual
demonstrate lifelong
learning, and use what
they learn to help all
students achieve.
Teacher as Mentor
 Serving as a mentor for
novice teachers is a
common role for
 Mentors serve as role
models; acclimate new
teachers to a new school;
and advise new teachers
about instruction,
curriculum, procedure,
practices, and politics.
 Aside from parents,
teacher are the hones
that develop and prepare
students to make dreams,
and fulfill them.
 Those senior teachers
also mentor other new
teachers in being
equipped with knowledge
and skills before teaching
Teacher as Resource Provider
 Teachers help their
colleagues by sharing
instructional resources.
These might include Web
sites, instructional
materials, readings, or
other resources to use
with students.
 They might also share
such professional
resources as articles,
books, lesson or unit
plans, and assessment
Teacher as Second Parent
 While parents are away
especially to kids who are
still young and innocent,
teachers are filling the
role and time while kids
are at school.
 It is true that they can
never replace the parents
of their students, but
they can perform a
critical in role in
developing good habits,
correcting behaviors, and
to become good citizens
of their nations.
 Moreover, as parents
they treat their students
with much love, and
kindness by being patient
to them at all times.
The role of a teacher in
society is both significant and
valuable. It has far-reaching
influence on the society he lives
in, and no other personality can
have an influence more profound
than that of a teacher.
- Shiben Raina (2007)

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