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Discussants: Jake B. Beato
Mary Grace Apinado


Good Book Selection

 Thorough knowledge of children and

their individual needs, interests, and

 Demands an equal understanding of

the field of children’s literature.
A teacher must…

1. Have understanding of children – their

needs, desires, thoughts, interests, and abilities;
2. know when to give a book according to
the degree of understanding of they are
capable of; and,
3. know that children of school age,
pleasure from reading books is dependent
upon skill in reading.
Good elementary school reading program
should provide for two inseparable and
interdependent ideas;

1. The development of reading skills; and,

2. the encouragement of reading

1. A book is a good book for children only

when he enjoys it.

2. A book is a poor book for children, even

when adults rate it as a classic, if children
are not able to read it and enjoy it.
Certain basic needs of children as well as
adults are:

1. Material security
2. Emotional security
3. Intellectual security
4. The need to achieve
5. Need for recreation and diversion
6. Need to belong

 Theme
 The theme of a book reveals the author’s
purpose in writing the story. It is the idea of
the story, the meaning behind the story.
 The theme should be worth imparting to
young people and should be based upon
justice and integrity.
 The theme or purpose of book should be interwoven
into the structure of the books naturally through the
events in the story and the development of the

 Plot
 The plot is the plan of the story , it tells what the
characters do and what happens to them.
 It is the action of a story built around a theme
 The plot should develop through action and incident,
rather that through detailed descriptions or character
 Quality of content
 Aside from the plot the quality of the content of the
book must be examined. The story must be worth
telling or reading.
 Is the story appropriate to the experience and
background of the children.

 Characterization
 The characters in the story whether they are people or
animals should be convincingly real and lifelike.
 The character should be depicted that everything they
do, think, and say will seem natural and true.
 Style
 The style of a book refers to the manner or
the way the author has written.
 Every author has his own individual style.
 A good writing style must be appropriate to
the plot, subject, theme, and characters of
the story.
 Format
 The physical aspects of the book must also be
 The binding should be durable and practical,
one which can withstand frequent use and
 The quality of paper must be considered.
 Typography is also important
 The space between the lines should be wide
enough to make the text clear.
 Illustration
 The illustrations for a picture book are as
important as the text. Children prefer colored
 The illustration should be appropriate to the text.
 Beautiful and satisfying books for children result
from a combination of three arts the art of writer,
the typography, and the illustrator.
 The illustration may enrich and expand the
author’s meaning and to the enjoyment of
 Other Considerations
 How does this books compare with
other books on the same subject?
 How does it compare with other books
written by the same author?
 Does it appeal only to a few children
or does it have an appeal to greater
number of children.

II. Biographies

 A biography should be true to all the

facts known about the subject’s life.
III. Informational books

 Books that are primarily concerned with

facts should be accurate, easy to read and
understand, adequately treated, well
presented in such a way that it will be
easy to find what one is looking for.
IV. Reference Books

 Dictionaries and Encyclopedias, as soon

children can read, they should have a
reference books of their own.
Thank you!
Have great day ahead!

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