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Week 4
• Arrange the following JUMBLED letters to form a

•MEANING: not happening at any
MEANING: happens all the
MEANING: happens many
The daily routine of Tom…

Comprehension Check-Up
• A. What is the work of Tom?
• B. Why do you think Tom never have time for
lunch so often?
• C. What kind of a man is Tom?
• D. How often does Tom wake up at six o’clock
• E. What are his daily routine?
Daily routine of Tom
•adverbs of frequency is use to
express how often we do something.
always , sometimes , never , rarely,
usually , seldom , often

Adverbs of frequency are often used with the

simple present tense because they indicate
repeated or routine activities.
I always drink milk example
before going to bed.

Mother often
bakes cake.

My friends never
leave me when I
am in trouble.
This list will help you associate the adverbs of frequency
with the concept of relative repetition or frequency
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
•Position of adverbs of frequency
•Generally speaking, adverbs of
frequency comes before the main
•I sometimes visit my uncle.
•We often see him pass by the
1.My niece and nephew
sometimes watch
cartoons while they eat
2. I always watch Meteor
Garden before I eat
3. I never eat pasta and
• I never eat pasta and vegetables for breakfast.

vegetables for breakfast.

4. We usually go for a
long walk in the morning
before school.
5.The students in my class
always speak English in
the classroom.
6.Peter and Sally
rarely go out dancing
late at night.
7. My entire family often
goes to the beach during
the summer.
Group Activity rules:
1. Go to your respective places quitely.
2. Only leaders will come infront and get the task and
3. Work quitely.
4. Cooperate with your group.
5. Go back to your seats quitely as soon as the task is
done and leaders will post their work on the board.
Group Activity
• Group 1- Encircle the adverb of frequency in the
following sentences.
Group 2 –List down 1 daily routine from each member
of the group.
• Group 3 – Read the dialogue and underline the
adverb of frequency.
• Group 4 – Make a sentence out of the following
pictures using the adverb of frequency.
Construct your own sentences by
answering the following questions using
adverbs of frequency.
•1. How often
do you wash
the dishes?
2. How often do you pray before going to bed?
3. How often do you used internet at
4. How often do you open your facebook account?
5. How often do you watch TV in the

•What is adverb of
•Give an example and use it
in a sentence.
•adverb of frequency is
used to show how often
we do something.
• A. DIRECTION: Put the words in the correct order to form clear and coherent sentences. Follow the example.
Ex. school do homework always my I after
I always do my homework after school.

• 1. a bath We everyday always take

• 2. never I to talk strangers
• B. DIRECTION: Encircle the adverb of frequency used in the sentence. Follow the example.
Ex. I always do my assignment before sleeping.
• 3. I often watch TV before going to bed.
• 4. We sometimes use internet at home.
• 5. They rarely watch Probinsyano at night.

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