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Job roles 

•               Introduction

In media there are many fields of job roles in that are divided into
two subcategories 'creative' and 'noncreative'. different parts which
fall under the categories:
tional and administrative. 
There are different ways people can work these roles such as in part
time or full-time roles also fixed terms, office hours, hourly rates
and more. I will be going in more depth through this PowerPoint
about the different roles in the media industry.  
• The creative industry has a big role in the making in any media work as

it has a job in most parts of the making. This part of the jobs decide how
the media should look. The creative industry refers to a range of
economic activities which are concerned with the generation or
exploitation of knowledge and information.
• Keys jobs in this role:
• Director
• Makeup artist
• Music
• Props 
• Lighting 
• Costume 
• A film director 

A film director's job is to control the film while visualizing the
screenplay while visualizing while having the control to guide
the film crew and actors on set. 
They have to responsibility to choose the film crew, casts and
location on where the scenes will be on set. They have
to manage the light sound and other effects while filming to
make sure the film comes out the best quality for the audience. 
They have to review and go over the script to make sure the
script is correct; they have the right to approve the film
production budgeting. 
• Research

Pre production, post production and production.

Pre production is everything that happens before the

filming begins such as meeting with client, the story
board planning and location planning.
Post production is the part of the process such as the
film making and photography.
Finally the production part is final stages after such
as the filming, going to locations and more. 
• Costume designer-

Creative         This job role is an example of a creative job in the filming

industry. Their role is to read the script of the story line then
marking and making notes on areas that will be needed to get
an idea of what type of costume they should be wearing.
• They need to research the time period the film is based in the
understand the type of fashion they would wear in those times.
• Then after all of this they move onto designing the costume by
finding out the length and width of the person they are
designing for just to make sure it fits.
• Their job is very important as they have to make sure the
colours and texture of the costume's balances with the scenes.
• Cinematographer-

Technical         • This person is responsible for photographing or recording a film,

television, music video or other live pieces. Cinematographers are
very important in the film industry as they record each visual element
that appears on screen. Most of the money would be spent on using
the best quality equipment such as the camera to guarantee that the
film will look big on screen and clear. 

• They are responsible for controlling the lighting and colour for every
shot. They have the control to choose the lenses used, camera angels
and techniques to make sure the shots come out the best they could.
Before shooting usually they practice with the actors to see where is
best to film in the different angels, they also do this to check if
everything in the scene is clear to see and in the shot depending on the
shot it is going to be taken in.
• Film editor-

Editorial         A film editor removes the unwanted things in a film to fit

the pieces together to finish a movie or any live action
video. He works with the cinematographers and sound
editors to bring sight and sound together. For this role they
usually have to read through the script to understand the
story of the film then make visits to the locations during
filming to gain a sense of the progress of the filming. 
It is important they work with the sound effect editor and
musical directors so they can insert where the music,
dialogue and sound effects will be using editing
equipment. After everything is done, they have to review
the edited film to then make corrections.  
• Marketing executive- 

Marketing         The purpose of this job is to manage marketing department

and they approve various strategies and projects as needed.
They work with the managers to oversee the implementation
of marketing plans, including promotional materials,
advertising opportunities, and client acquisition. 
This job is a way to help promote the film in the marketing
field to wider audience leading to more money to gain more
• Management- 

Managing is very important to the filming industry as they are
mainly in charge of the planning, organizing and
directing. Social media management also allows you to combine
forces with your marketing efforts and your social networking so
that the film can be promoted to a wider audience. 

Key jobs in this role:

Catering crew

Transport manager

Location manager 

Sales agent 

Casting director 
• Catering crew-

Managerial        This job provides refreshments including food and beverages

to third part locations. They are in charge of making sure
allergies are sorted by everyone to make sure no incidence
The main importance of the managerial part is to make sure
they are in control of organizing, directing, staffing and
controlling an organization is done right to achieve the goals
that have been set. A day in management can include
attending meetings, organizing and ensuring the workers are
doing the jobs correctly.
• Production accounting-

This role looks after the finances of the production. They are in
control of the paychecks that come in. For film producing, they
make sure the budget of everything such as location budget,
food and hiring are all in the limit of the budget. There are a lot
of numbers involved which is why they have to have strong
numerical and organizational skills as well as being good with
communicating with other people in different companies. 
This job involved working in a team with others and having the
responsibility of managing the taxes, budget, insurance and
more. They have the make sure everything is paid for on time
and they are skilled on the health and safety on government
• Legal-

This topic is very important because you can't record
without these being taken care of: copyright, copyright
clearance and moral rights for the cast and crew. 
It is important to get everyone's permissions such as the
cast and crew members by signing a contract. The directors
and producers have to copyright the film so they can claim
all rights to their films, doing this will mean they will have
any rights to distribute it to others while other people have
to ask for permission.
• Media lawyer-

A media lawyer spends time negotiating contracts. The practice
of media law may involve all of the types of legal issues that
might arise during the production or consumption of various
types of media. 
This role is responsible for supporting the business affairs team
and ensuring that any objectives/deadlines are met. When doing
this job, the person will assist the legal and business affairs team
on different subjects. This job role is responsible for negotiating
commercial agreements, sponsorship and locations and helping
with researching relevant information and training.
The legal department is very important because it ensures that the
director's film is protected from others and allows the director and
producer to make their money from the film. 
• Distribution-

Financial        Distribution involves getting products out into stores and

supermarkets on time. However, a film distribution is the
process of making a movie available for viewing by an
audience. They help to market the film by promoting it into
an international audience. When finding a film distributor,
you will sign a contract with them, in this contract it will
include a term length which outlines how long the
distributor will have the rights to your film. 
A typical working day in finance can include providing
service to a current client they will advise in the best ways
to approach business ideas. There is also administrative
chores which is to deal with the clients records and files.     

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