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Activity Name - 2

Group No. 10
Section: B
16/03/2022 IIM Ranchi 2
Customer Jobs
• Less dependence on water supplies
• Sustainable technology
• To reverse the environmental impact which day-to-day business have
• Play in part towards sustainability and green technology
• To have good relations with the local community
• Reduction in utility costs
• To be carbon neutral
• To be in accordance with the environmental laws
• To have a good relation with the local municipal bodies and tribal people
• To have a good CSR strategy to elevate brand name
• To conform to the mandates by the state and central government
Customer Pain
• Changes in the existing layout to accommodate the Rain water harvesting system
• Investment with low IRR and long payback period
• Increase in maintenance activities
• High dependence on weather factors such as rainfall
• Requirement of filtration units if rain-water used for primary activities
• Sanctions on the company if not complying to the environmental laws
• Rapidly increasing cost of water tankers
• Pressure from the management team to reduce the operating and utility costs
• Mandated involvement in CSR activities by the Indian Law
• Hostility towards the company and factories by the local community towards use
of resources
Customer Gains
• Less requirement for purchasing water for internal activities
• Reduced operating and utility costs
• Good brand name due to CSR activities
• Greater focus on sustainability inside the company
• Savings and government concessions
• Greater synergy between the local community and the company
• Achieve environmental targets set by the central and state government
• Achieve environmental targets set by the management team
• Step towards reversing the environmental impact
Pain Relievers
• Less space required for the system to be set up
• Low capital investment
• Maintenance free
• Overall system efficiency of more than 95%
Gain Creators
• Ensures 95% catchment of rain water
• Minimal Running cost
• Best technology in the market for RWH
• Continuous improvement
• Customer Service
• Easy to afford system
Product and Services
• Constant technological development in rainwater harvesting systems
• Customizable according to the needs for industry and retail purpose
• Size flexibility
Latest technology in Rain water harvesting Less Water requirement

Reduced utility costs

Sustainable business
High efficiency Government certified concessions
system Trust of local Achieve cost targets
RWH with Minimum Running Cost Achieve cost targets Carbon Neutral
Meet CSR targets
Continuous Improvement

Less Payback Environmental laws

period Increasing utility and operating costs
Affordable Pressure from higher management on Good relation with
Low Cost costs
system external bodies
Maintenance free Hostility from local communities Meet water
Customized requirements
Low IRR Depleting water resources
Solution No changes in High Payback Mandated CSR activities
existing layout period
Sanctions from government
Weather Layout changes
No additional filtration unit required dependency
Flexible as per
Increased Maintenance activities
Additional filtration units required
Reduced water requirement from external sources

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