MY Booklet On Literary Devices: Name: Keneil Hinds 7O Gallimore

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LITERARYName: Keneil
DEVICES 7O Gallimore📌


Literary devices are tools used by writers to
hint at larger themes ideas, and meanings in
a story or a piece of literature/writing.

Pg 1

The Importance of Literary Devices

in Literary Pieces WO
Literary devices are specific
techniques that allow a writer to
convey deeper meaning, that goes
beyond what’s on the page. They also
appeal to the senses, draw
comparisons and highlight patterns. Pg
1) Simile: It is a figure of speech involving the
comparison of one thing with another of a different
kind, used to make a description more emphatic or
vivid. Eg.
❏ As brave as a lion ( sourced from the internet)
❏ The boy trembles like a leaf in the wind.
❏ Life can be as dull as a whiteboard.

1) Metaphor: A figure of speech that directly refers to

one thing by mentioning another. Pg 3
Eg. 5

❏ It’s raining cats and dogs. (sourced from the internet)

❏ The sea is a roaring lion.
❏ My sister has a heart of gold.

3) Alliteration: The repetition of the same sound at the start of

a series of words in succession.
❏ Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. (internet)
❏ The photographer took a picture perfect photograph.
❏ Sheep should shower in a shed.

4) Onomatopoeia: The naming of a thing or action by a vocal

imitation of the sound associated with it. Pg 4

❏ There was a babble of voices in the classroom.
❏ The buzz of the bees in the morning awoke me.
❏ The tick-tack of the clock steals my consciousness.

5) Hyperbole: A figure of speech that is an exaggeration for

emphasis or comic effect.
❏ I am so hungry I could eat a horse. (internet)
❏ These high heels are killing me.
❏ He is so tall he could reach the sun

6) Personification: Gives human qualities to animals Pg

❏ The lightning danced across the sky. (internet)
❏ The birds sang a sweet melody.
❏ The swans danced atop the shore of the lake.

7) Imagery: is descriptive language used to appeal to

readers senses namely: touch, taste, smell, sound and
❏ The cool refreshing water quenched her thirst on a
hot day (internet)
❏ His ice blocked cold eyes scanned my work
meticulously Pg 6

The End

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