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Department of electrical and computer engineering

Title: C++ Simple Snake Game App (SSGA)

Group member ID-no
1.Fuad murad R/1776/09
2.hAilemichael abeje R/1705/09
3.betelehem kumela R/1339/09
4.melat girma R/4555/09
5.bruktawit gebremeskel R/1333/09
6.simeneh admasu R/0625/08
7.yonatan sisay R/1124/08
Advisor: Haftu.M
Sub date 18/05/2010
• Acknowledgement

Our sincerest appreciation must be extended

to the instructors who have used the text and
sent in comments, corrections, and
suggestions. We also want to give special
thank to our instructor Haftu .M. who
involved and help us to develop this by so
many ways .
• Abstract
The main purpose of this presentation is to
provide a clear and thorough presentation of the
c++ code and application. To achieve this
objective, this work has been shaped by the
comments and suggestions of instructors, as well
as many of the author's students. This
presentation also help to understand how can
easily made simple c++ snake- game. beyond
this it will also enhance and initiate to develop
different type of game and application using c++
Table of content
Introduction 1
Problem of statement 1
Objective 2
Beneficiary 2
Scope 2
Required tools 2
Working principle 3
Project outcome 3
Recommendation 4
Conclusion 4
Reference 4
Index 5
1 Introduction
As we know games play a vital role in our day
to day life in this presentation we are going to
show you how we can make simple snake game
using c++ code knowledge it is also easily
understandable. In this presentation it contain
the problem statement , benefit , objective ,
required tools as well as the whole code .
2 Problem of statement
we are required to develop a simple snake game in c++ code and also the
code must follow some rules
•The border should be 20 x 20
•The app must show the score starting from the first hit and the score
must increase as stated below
•10 to score value if score is less than or equal to 50
•25 to score value if score is between 50 and 100
•50 to score value if score is between 100 and 200
•100 to score if score is greater than 200
•The must obey the following keys
•To go upward the user can use ‘w’
•To go downward the user can use ‘s’
•To go left the user can use ‘A’
•To go right the user can use ‘D’
- When the player hits the focus the length of the snake must increase by
- When the snake hit itself or the border or the wall the player must die
3 Objective
The objective of this mini project is to
enable us develop a simple c++ apps using
our knowledge and to evaluate our
understanding of the c++ lab and lecture
classes as well as to increase our
4 Beneficiary
Its benefit is not limited on us its benefit is multi
dimensional we can see the beneficiary independently
For us:- it enhance and initiate every one of us that we
can make or develop our games using c++
For others:-just as you know games increase mind
relaxation , creativeness and systematic and technical
thing , we think everyone enjoy from this simple c++
snake game
5 Scope
It scope is not wide that much but we can
increase or grow up its scope by updating its
version or adding new creativities
As we mentioned its scope is not wide also it has
some raw backs such as it only works on
codeblock only
6 Required tools
There are some materials that we should
have to make this program for instance
•The codeblock software
7 Working principle
The can work using some input keys from the
key board this are
• The letter ‘w’ from key board used to go up
• The letter ‘S’ from key board used to go down
•The letter ‘A’ from key board used to go left
•The letter ‘D’ from key board used to go right
• Any other keys from keyboard used to stop
8 Project outcome
9 Recommendation
We need to recommend the instructors
and the department to enhance the
students by giving such mini
projects.and also by providing the
10 Conclusion
We are going to conclude our
presentation by appreciating ourselves
and other student as well as all people
who supported us to achieve the goals
of this mini project
11 References
We have used so many different references
for instance
< our note book
•Video lecture
< c++ tutorial 18

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