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Analyzing sound devices (onomatopoeia,

alliteration, assonance, personification,

irony and hyperbole) in a text heard
Prepared by:
Spelling time!
1. Metaphor
2. hyperbole
3. Opposite
4. simile
5. Irony
6. alliteration
7. Personification
8. likeness
9. Exaggerate
Answer the following questions about the poem.

 Where could be the setting of this poem ? Give your reasons.

 This poem tells of the stages in the life of a person . To what stage
of one’s life could the first stanza refer?
 During the early years of one’s life, when do the bells first ring
 On what other occasions in life do bells ring?
 Imitate and describe the ringing of the bells during the occasions?
 In one of the four stanzas of this poem or stages of life, a sad
ringing of the bells can happen. What could this ringing mean?
Figures of Speech
1.Personification - a figure of speech that
gives human characteristics to non-human
Example:” The sky is crying again.”
“I hear the leaves whistling every
time there’s a wind.”
2. Simile - comparison of two unlike
objects with the use of like or as….

Examples: skin as smooth as silk

Face as pretty as angel
She is like a flower in the
3. Methapor - comparisons without the
use of like or as.
Ex: ….the eyes are shining
……the ocean is a mirror
…….the clouds are wild beast
4.Irony - is a figure of speech that
signifies the opposite of what is being

Example: ”You will soon die a

thousand deaths.”
5. Hyperbole - is used to exaggerate a
statement to emphasize.
Example: “Please ,I’m so hungry that I
could eat a horse.”
The waves were mountain high
during the storm.
6. Alliteration - the repetition of initial
consonant sounds in consecutive words.

Examples: The ladies dear diary was

lost in the rain.
It is growing greedily too.
7.Onomatopoeia - a figure of speech
using words that imitate sounds such as
hum, yelp, bleat, grunt, snort and buzz.
Examples: It cracked ,growled ,roared
and howled like noises in a swoon.
 Group I
 Pick out the alliteration in each sentences and be able to give their meanings:
 1.A fickle finger of fate happens unexpectedly.
 2.She seashells by the seashore.
 3.The top ten famous artist met at the press conference last week.

 Group II
 Pick out the Onomatopoeia in each sentences and be able to give their meanings
by action:
 1.The wings flapped and flapped.
 2.The clock ticked and ticked.
 3.The race cars zoomed off.
 Tell what figure of speech is used in each of the
following sentences.
1. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a
woodchuck would chuck wood?
2. Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled pepper.
3. She heard bees buzzing and thought they would
bit her.
4. The light of a fire is a sight.
5. Sizzle! Sizzle! The water sizzles above the fire.
Answer Key:

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