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LIFEPrepared By:
Grade 8P
Submitted To:
◦ defined, as a "diverse set of technological tools and resources used to
communicate, and to create, disseminate, store, and manage information."
◦ "ICT implies the technology which consists of electronic devices and
associated human interactive materials that enable the user to employ them
for a wide range of teaching - learning processes in addition to personal
What is the ICT stands for?
Concept of ICT
◦ Information technology (IT) that can help in coping with the
information explosion
◦ Information technology (IT) is the acquisition, processing,
storage and dissemination of vocal, pictorial, textual and
numerical information by a micro-electronics - based
combination of computing and telecommunication.
Concept of ICT
◦ Information technology (IT) that can help in coping with the information
explosion • Information technology (IT) is the acquisition, processing,
storage and dissemination of vocal, pictorial, textual and numerical
information by a micro-electronics - based combination of computing and
◦ Anything that renders data, information or perceived knowledge in any
visual format whatsoever, via any multimedia distribution mechanism, is
considered part of the domains space known as Information Technology.
◦ Communication technology is the activity of designing and constructing
and maintaining communication systems.
What is the effect of ICT on employment?
◦ Increase in part-time work due to companies working 24/7.
◦ Fewer people needed to complete the same amount of work.
◦ More people working from home e.g. teleworking
◦ Constant need for training as the system changes.
◦ More automation in factories due increased use of robots for
welding, spraying etc.
◦ Fewer real meeting more Virtual meeting
◦ Increased number of technical staff to manage network
◦ Need for flexible and well-trained staff.
 Areas of increased unemployment
◦ Workers in shop reduced as more is brought online.
◦ Online store are automated so less staff needed.
◦ Designing /producing CD/DVD’s, music, games and
software likely to be downloaded so no packing
◦ Call centre job gone abroad wages are lower
◦ Manual repetitive jobs welding, spraying etc. workers
replaced by robots
 Areas of increased unemployment
◦Network managers/ Administrators- keep
the network running and backup data.
◦Development staff- programmers /
Analysis design- new systems.
◦Website designers- design and create
websites/ keep them up-to-date.
What are the health effects of ICT?
In this section you must be able to:
◦ Describe the provisions of the current health
and safety legislation in relation to the use of
information systems.

◦ Recognise that health and safety guidelines

cover the design and introduction of new
What are the health effects of ICT?
ICT use can lead to the following health concerns:
◦ RSI – Repetitive Strain Injury
◦ The effect of radiation from VDUs
◦ The effect of computer use on eye-sight
◦ Stress
These can be improved by:
◦ Having an ergonomically designed workplace
◦ Following health and safety guidelines
◦ Using carefully designed software systems
Repetitive Strain Injury
◦ A variety of disorders affecting the neck, shoulders and upper limbs
◦ Caused by repeated small movements – e.g. typing or moving the mouse – data-
entry are clerks badly affected
◦ Results in numbness, tingling, aching or stiffness
◦ RSI was identified as early as the 18th century but diagnosis has proved contentious
in recent times
◦ There is no medical cure other than to:
 Stop the repeated motion, e.g. with a change of equipment
 Use proper supports – e.g. wrist rests
 Stretch regularly and include other exercises
Extra Low Frequency Radiation
◦ We are exposed to ELF radiation from:
 Mains electricity
 Computer monitors
 Natural sources, such as sunshine!
◦ Research has shown that there may be a link between ELF radiation and health
◦ A causal link between VDU use and miscarriage has not been established,
although there is a positive correlation – this could be caused by other factors such
as stress and poor ergonomics
◦ Radio equipment (such as mobile phones) has also been in the spotlight
◦ Computer users spend a long time focussing on screens that are relatively close
◦ Other aggravating factors include:
 Glare and other improper lighting
 Poor work practices – insufficient rest, etc.
 Poorly designed equipment
 Improperly corrected vision (i.e. not wearing your glasses)

◦ Screens are best viewed in dim lights, but this can make paper documents difficult
to see
◦ There is no evidence that there is permanent damage to the eyes
Sources of Stress
In work environments, stress can be caused by:
◦ Demands – such as workload, work patterns and the work environment.
◦ Control – such as how much say the person has in the way they do their
◦ Support – such as the encouragement, sponsorship and resources provided by
the organisation, line management and colleagues.
◦ Relationships – such as promoting positive working to avoid conflict and
dealing with unacceptable behaviour.
◦ Role – such as whether people understand their role within the organisation
and whether the organisation ensures that they do not have conflicting roles.
◦ Change – such as how organisational change (large or small) is managed and
communicated in the organisation.
ICT-related Sources of Stress
More specifically, ICT can in induce stress:
◦ Slow machinery – i.e. having to wait for things to log in/out, and data to be processed
◦ Inappropriate or faulty systems
◦ Lack of skills (or confidence – “will it break if I press the wrong key?”, or “I’m too
old to use computers”)
◦ Information overload
◦ Work rate – performance can be monitored by software that counts key clicks
◦ Monitoring – e.g. e-mails, web-pages, audit logs
◦ The ability to work at home – with laptops, mobile, pagers, etc. – so it feels like
you’re always at work
◦ Speed of development – the pace at which things can change in the ICT industry
Information Overload
◦ Managers are bombarded with more information than they can handle
◦ This can produce “information anxiety”
◦ For example, even searching for “information overload” in Google finds 1,850,000
hits in 0.3s!
◦ If people are away for a few days they can have 100s of e-mails waiting for them
when they get back
◦ In a survey of ICT department heads, more than 75% reported that pressure at work
caused problems in their personal lives from loss of appetite and sleep to alcohol
Information Overload
◦ Managers are bombarded with more information than they can handle
◦ This can produce “information anxiety”
◦ For example, even searching for “information overload” in Google finds 1,850,000
hits in 0.3s!
◦ If people are away for a few days they can have 100s of e-mails waiting for them
when they get back
◦ In a survey of ICT department heads, more than 75% reported that pressure at work
caused problems in their personal lives from loss of appetite and sleep to alcohol
The Impact of ICT on Society
Positive Impacts
A.) Faster Communication Speed
B.) Lower Communication Cost
C.) Paperless Environment
D.) Effective Sharing of Information

Negative Impacts
A.) Social problems
B.) Health Problems

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