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How to pick a church

How to know a cult

How to not get dead
Colossians 2:8

 See to it that no one takes

you captive by philosophy
and empty deceit, according
to human tradition,
according to the elemental
spirits  of the world, and not
according to Christ.

1 Timothy 6:20

O Timothy, guard the deposit

entrusted to you. Avoid the
irreverent babble and
contradictions of what is falsely
called “knowledge,”
1 Peter 5:8

Be sober-minded; be
watchful. Your adversary the
devil prowls around like a
roaring lion, seeking someone
to devour.

8 Characteristics of a Cult

1.They promote a “new truth.”

2.New interpretation of Scripture
3.Non-Biblical source of
4.Another Jesus – false teaching
about Jesus
2 Corinthians 11:4

For if someone comes and

proclaims another Jesus than the
one we proclaimed, or if you
receive a different spirit from the
one you received, or if you accept
a different gospel from the one
you accepted, you put up with it
readily enough.

8 Characteristics of a Cult (cont)

5. Rejection of Orthodox
6.Changing theology
7.Strong leadership
8.Salvation by works
How cultic groups lie to you. (They have bad math.)
Add Subtract
to the holy revealed Word of God from the deity of Christ.
1. The Bible is a good book, but not the 1. Jesus was not fully God. He is a great
Word of God. Other books are better. teacher, moral teacher, prophet.
2. The Bible is the Word of God but it has
errors. Need others to interpret it. 2. Jesus was not human. He like all material
3. The Bible is the Word of God; no other realm is an illusion.
books are needed, but you must use “our
translation” 3. God is not three in one. Deny the Trinity.

Multiply Divide
The requirements for salvation Loyalty from God to the church.
1. Mandatory sessions/seminars, often at a 1. Only one true church syndrome. High
cost. pressure to stay in the church.
2. Physical labor or missions work required. 2. Loyalty is to the church or the leader, not
3. Return to OT law (dietary restrictions) to God.
4. Requiring ordinances to be saved 3. Authoritarian leadership. Control your
(baptism or communion) life.
4. Dynamic leadership
5. Take Scriptures out of context.
The simple truth.
There is only ONE holy revealed Word of Jesus Christ is fully God.
Romans 9:32-33 John 10:25-30
2 Timothy 3:14-17

Revelation 22:18-19 Acts 5:3-4 John 3:16 & 14:6

Proverbs 30:5-6
Titus 3:5-6 Colossians 2:9

Salvation is by faith alone because of God’s We must choose God and His Word when
grace alone. man veers away from either.

Ephesians 2:8-9 Matthew 6:33

Romans 3:28 & 5:1 Acts 2:42

Galatians 2:16-21 Deuteronomy 6:5-6

What should our response be to those who have been deceived?
Show compassion
A.__________________________ Witness to them
B. ____________________________
  Don’t date them. Don’t be under the Strictly avoid their groups,
influence. You be the influencer.
C. __________________________ services, etc.
D. ____________________________
What about those who don’t believe exactly as we do?
  Teaching about clothing, movies,
Baptism Methods
Examples:__________________________ ___________________________
Spiritual Gifts Style of worship, music
__________________________ ___________________________

How do we apply this in our relationships?
UNITY in essentials LIBERTY in non-essentials LOVE in all things

Those who Hope

disagree on: Free Those who
the sufficiency of Church disagree on
the Word of God, things like role of
the Deity of women in
Christ, the church, use of
resurrection, or “sign gifts”, style
requirements for of baptism
salvation are
outside of the
family of God.
They teach
“another gospel.”
Sola Scriptura (only the Scriptures) Sola Gratia (only grace) Sola Fidel (only faith)

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