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Seneca College


Winter 2021
Professor: Lori Matthews-Ferrara


LF - MKM805

LF - MKM805
Marketing is how you see yourself

Advertising is how you act in public

Branding is how others see you

LF - MKM805
Source: A Simple Analogy To Explain the Difference Between Marketing, Branding and Advertising, Peter Gasca, Medium, July 8, 2018)
LF - MKM805, accessed on December 29, 2019
What Is A Brand? Expanded View
“Far more than a name and a logo, it is an
organization’s promise to a customer to deliver what
the brand stands for not only in terms of functional
benefits but also emotional, self-expressive, and social

But a brand is more than delivering on a promise. It

is also a journey, an evolving relationship based on
perceptions and experiences that a customer has
every time he or she connects to the brand.”

David Aaker,2014
LF - MKM805
Source: David Aaker, “How Turkish Airlines Became Delightfully Different”,, June 2, 2014
Fundamental Qualities of Great Brands
1. They offer and communicate a clear, relevant
customer promise

2. They build trust by delivering on that promise

3. The drive the market by continually improving the


4. The seek further advantage by innovating beyond

the familiar

Source: Barwise and Meehan, The One Thing You Must Get Right When Building Your Brand, HBR, December 2010
LF - MKM805
Branding Terminology Used By Marketers Is
Confusing & Often Used Incorrectly
Brand Vision?
Brand Culture?
Brand Image?
Brand Equity?
Brand Value?
LF - MKM805
Brand Vision/Identity vs Brand Image

Brand Vision/Identity Brand Image/Meaning

Is Aspirational Is Reality
It is the perceptions a
It’s what you want brand has in the mind
your brand image to be of the consumer

LF - MKM805
Brand Image Is The Result Of The Impact of
Brand Culture on Brand Vision / Identity

LF - MKM805
Impact of Brand Culture on Brand Image

Impacts of Brand Culture on Brand Image

• Reputation Value
Brand cultures shape perceived product quality
• Relationship Value
Brand cultures shape relationship perceptions
• Experiential Value
Brand cultures frame customer experiences
• Symbolic Value
Brand cultures express values and identities
LF - MKM805
Source: Brands and Branding, Douglas Holt, HBR, March 11, 2003
Components of Brand Meaning / Image

• Brand Associations

• Brand Personality

• Brand Biography

• Brand Stories

• Brand Value(s)

LF - MKM805
What is Most Important –
Brand Equity

Brand Equity is the STRENGTH of

your Brand Image/Meaning

LF - MKM805
The Components of Brand Equity
• Brand Awareness

• Perceived Quality

• Brand Associations

• Brand Loyalty

• Other Brand Assets

• Such as patents and trademarks
LF - MKM805
Aaker – Measuring Brand Equity Across
Products & Markets

LF - MKM805
Source: David Aaker, Measuring Brand Equity Across Products and Markets, California Management Review, Spring 1996
Aaker – Measuring Brand Equity Across
Products & Markets

LF - MKM805
Source: David Aaker, Measuring Brand Equity Across Products and Markets, California Management Review, Spring 1996
The Journey from Brand Vision to Brand Value
Brand Image /
Brand Vision /

Brand Equity

Company Situation, Competencies & Comp. Advantages

Brand Value
LF - MKM805
Seneca College

Brand Architecture

Winter 2021
Professor: Lori Matthews-Ferrara

Brand Architecture

LF - MKM805
Brand Architecture
“Brand architecture
is an organizing structure
of the brand portfolio
that specifies brand roles
and the nature of the relationships
between brands.”
Aaker and Joachimsthaler

Source: The Brand Relationship Spectrum: The Key to the Brand Architecture Challenge, Aaker and Joachimsthaler, California
Management Review, Volume 42, Number 4, Summer 2000)
LF - MKM805
Top 10 Food & Beverage Companies in the
World (2016 Info)

LF - MKM805, accessed on November 3, 2019
Tool Brands in 2017

LF - MKM805, accessed on November 3, 2019
Mondelez Canada Brands in November 2019

Note that some of their brands will carry multiple brands. For
example, Oreo carries the “Christie” endorsement.
LF - MKM805, accessed on November 3, 2019
The Brand Relationship Spectrum

LF - MKM805
“Master” Brands

LF - MKM805
The Brand Relationship Spectrum

Source: The Brand Relationship Spectrum: The Key to the Brand Architecture Challenge, Aaker and Joachimsthaler, California
Management Review, Volume 42, Number 4, Summer 2000)
LF - MKM805
Branding Strategy As A “Continuum”

Branded House of
House Brands


LF - MKM805
Source: Strategic Marketing Management, Alexander Chernov, Ninth Edition, Cerebellum Press, January, 2018)
Hybrid Branding Strategy

Note that Marriott’s branding strategy changed

as a result of the acquisition of Sheraton &
Westin hotel brands

LF - MKM805
Hybrid Branding Strategy
Alphabet Inc. is a
conglomerate created
through the
restructuring of
Google and became
the parent company.

LF - MKM805
Branding Strategies - Brand Extension
Brand Extension

Trade-Up Trade-
Upscale Downscale
Extension Extension

Vertical brand extension stretch the product or service in a

different price tier
LF - MKM805
Source: Strategic Marketing Management, Alexander Chernov, Ninth Edition, Cerebellum Press, January, 2018)
Branding Strategies - Brand Extension

HORIZONTAL Brand Extension

Horizontal line extensions involve using a brand in a

product category with which it is not currently
LF - MKM805
Source: Strategic Marketing Management, Alexander Chernov, Ninth Edition, Cerebellum Press, January, 2018)
A Bad Horizontal Brand Extension

This was part of a line of frozen diners and entrees that

Colgate introduced in 1982
LF - MKM805
Branding Strategies - Brand Extension
HORIZONTAL Brand Extension

Horizontal line extensions

involve using a brand in a
product category with
which it is not currently

Customer Extension
Taking an existing brand name on a product or service and
sell it to a different customer group than the brand’s
historical core user group
LF - MKM805
Source: Strategic Marketing Management, Alexander Chernov, Ninth Edition, Cerebellum Press, January, 2018)
Other Branding Strategies

The use of two renowned brand names in a way that they can
collectively offer a distinct product/service that could not be possible
LF - MKM805
Other Branding Strategies
Ingredient Branding

Using a renowned brand as an element in the production of another

renowned brand with the ingredient brand being subordinate to the
primary brand.
LF - MKM805
Selecting the Right Position in the Brand
Relationship Spectrum
Toward a Branded House Toward a House of Brands
Does the master brand contribute to Is there a compelling need for a
the offering by adding: separate brand because it will:
• Associations enhancing the value • Create and own an association?
proposition? • Represent a new, different offering?
• Credibility with organizational • Avoid an association
associations? • Retain/capture customer/brand
• Visibility bond?
• Communication efficiencies? • Deal with channel conflict?
Will the master brand be Will the business support a new
strengthened by associating brand name?
with the new offering?

Source: The Brand Relationship Spectrum: The Key to the Brand Architecture Challenge, Aaker and Joachimsthaler, California
Management Review, Volume 42, Number 4, Summer 2000) LF - MKM805
Assessing The Risk Profile of a Branding Strategy
Moderate Risk Low Risk
New Consider Sub- Direct Branding
Offering’s Branding Strategy Strategy
Impact (Branded House)
on the
Meaning High Risk Moderate Risk
of the
Parent Independent Consider Endorsed
Branding Strategy Branding Strategy
(House of Brands)
Negative Positive
Parent Brand’s Impact on the Meaning of the Offering
LF - MKM805
Source: Brand Portfolio Strategy and Brand Architecture, Jjill Avery, Harvard Business School, July 31, 2017
Product Line Strategies
• Price lining offering a product for different segments
based on preferred price/quality points

• Trade-Up Strategy  usually a low-end company that

introduces products to the high end of the market

• Trade-Down Strategy  a company brings lower-priced

versions of its products to the market

• Line/category extensions  building on the strength of

an existing product to serve customer needs better by
providing them with more choices and options

LF - MKM805
Line Extensions & Branding
• Vertical

• Horizontal

• New Product-Market Brand Extensions

(also know as Category Extensions)

• Customer Extensions

• Channel Extensions

• Cobranding
LF - MKM805

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